Zong Manzhi is just to survive

The Story Is Just To Live Chapter 8

Then when can we go back?Qiqi asked again.

I don't know this anymore. I'm sorry my wives. It was all caused by playing around with the Ark. Don't worry, your husband will take you back. Let's take a look at what kind of world this world is like.Long Tianxiang comforted.

Long Tianxiang teleported to a city with his arms around the two women, watching the red and white balls held by the pedestrians, holding in his arms, and walking on the ground all kinds of strange animals, and they are all very familiar. That is a Pokémon.

I already know what kind of world this is.Have you seen those strange animals on the street? They are called Pokémon, also called Pokemon, this world is the world of Pokémon.People's work is mostly related to them.People can conquer them with Pokémon balls, which are those people holding in their hands.But there must be a Pokémon battle to conquer. If you defeat the elf you want to conquer, you can use the pokeball to conquer.After being accepted, they can grow and evolve through the cultivation of the master.Don't underestimate these elves, they are very powerful, they are very high-minded.Can understand the meaning of people, some can speak, and there are some special elves, powerful, known as beasts.Different elves have different attributes, such as water elves and fire elves.Also fighting elves, ghost elves, etc.Some elves can even travel through space planes.Anyway, this is a very interesting world.You will gradually understand the rest.Let's go to the elf center to apply for identification, and then receive some elf balls, and then go to conquer our favorite elf.

Wizard Center

Hello, can you apply for identification for us?Long Tianxiang asked a Miss Joey.

What about your previous identification?Miss Joey asked.

No, the three of us grew up on an isolated island.I don't know what identity certificate, but only after living in a mainland city in an accident did I know the identity certificate exists.

Oh, yes, there are indeed many islands that people don't know. These islands are far away from the mainland and isolated from the world. It is normal to have no identity certificate.Please tell me your name, age, and where you want to register your identity?

After the three of Long Tianxiang registered their identity certificates, they each received 30 pokeballs.Adults can carry 10 elves.

The preferred destination for the three people-the sea.Target stupid fish (beautiful) --> Meenas, tyrannosaurus.

The three of them wandered around the sea on the ark, and it took more than five hours to collect a shining stupid fish.And a tyrannosaurus that Long Tianxiang also collected.

Next is the Mini Dragon-->Hakkron-->Quick Dragon, Casey-->Yongjila-->Hu Di, Da Duck-->Gotha Duck, Six Tails (Fire Stone)-->Nine Tail, ghost-->Ghost Stone-->Geng ghost, fire juvenile chicken-->Strong chicken-->Flame chicken, baby dragon-->Crustacean-->violent newt, by Kira-- >Shaquila-->Banquila.

It took Long Tianxiang half a month to successfully conquer one Kuailong, one Hudi, one duck, one six-tail, one Geng ghost, one strong chicken, one crustacean, Shajila One.These are all the most potential little elves that Long Tianxiang teleported back and forth to find.Now Long Tianxiang’s 10 little elves are enough.Not looking for it for now.The next step is to train the elf.With his elixir of ascension, one month later, the elves all evolved into their final form.Three of them have evolved.

Chapter 2 Travel begins

Long Tianxiang knows the classification of the world’s elves through understanding: normal, quasi-elite, elite, quasi-tianwang, tianwang, quasi-sacred beast, sacred beast, (the beast is divided into: three-level beast, second-level beast, one Grade sacred beast.) Quasi-sacred beast, holy beast.After comparison, Long Tianxiang drew: ordinary level, quasi-elite level, elite level = ordinary warrior in Dragon Ball (corresponding to the front, middle, and late stages); quasi-tianwang level, heavenly king level = acquired warrior (corresponding to the early and late stages); = The peak of the acquired martial artist; the beast, (the beast is divided into: the third-level beast, the second-level beast, and the first-level beast), the quasi-sacred beast = the innate martial artist (corresponding to the early, middle, late, peak); the holy beast = the yellow martial artist (super Saiyan Tier 1).

The elves of Long Tianxiang are now from the third to the second level of mythical beasts: tyrannosaurus, Meenas, Genggui, Hudi, Gotha duck, and flame chicken; first-class mythical beasts include: Banjila, violent newt, Nine tails; the quasi-sacred beast is only the fast dragon.But Bouma and Kiki’s elves are still only Menus.They are all second-level monsters.

After Long Tianxiang trained the elf, he would take his two wives to travel around and challenge the gym.They started with the challenge from the quartz area.

Along the way, in order to make the two wives have fun, Long Tianxiang accompanied his wife to study all the elves he saw in the forests.

During the period, I passed the Rainbow Gymnasium, Light Red Gymnasium, Red Lotus Gymnasium, Changpan Gymnasium, Dead Leaf Gymnasium, Golden Gymnasium, participated in the challenge and successfully won six badges.Some of the masters of the gymnasium inside are still the masters in the animation, and some have changed.

Today, the three of Long Tianxiang came to the Flower Basket City to challenge Hualan Stadium.I look forward to the owner of Hualan Daoguan (Xiaoxia’s three sisters, Sakura, Changpu, and Peony in the original animation), and see if these three sisters are as beautiful in the anime or more beautiful than in the anime.Because the owners of the six gymnasiums that I challenged earlier are all males, I didn't see the women in the original anime.So I look forward to the three sisters of Hualan Daoguan, after all, they will be the first acquaintance in the anime that Long Tianxiang has seen in this world.

Hualan Road Museum

There was no one when the three of them entered.The three of Long Tianxiang were waiting in the gym.After waiting for half an hour before seeing anyone come out, Long Tianxiang took Bouma and Qiqi into the residential area behind the gymnasium to find someone.

Is there anyone?Is the master here? Long Tianxiang shouted.

Please wait a moment, a very beautiful woman walked out of the house, about 22,3 years old.His face was pale and his face was full of sadness, indicating that the owner's body and mood were not very good.

Are you here to challenge?I am Sakura, the owner of this gym.If you came to challenge, you would have come to the wrong place. No challenge is accepted here.Sakura's face became paler after speaking.

Long Tianxiang saw that this superb beauty was Xiaoxia's eldest sister, Sakura, and looked at Sakura's sad face and weak body, and he couldn't be happy when he was happy.

Oh, so, can you tell us what happened here?Long Tianxiang asked carefully.

Alas, since you want to know, come in.Let me tell you something.Cherry blossoms led Long Tianxiang three people into the house.

In the living room of the room, after the three of Long Tianxiang entered the house and sat down, Sakura gave them a glass of water and sat down at the same time. After a while, he pondered and explained the reason to the three of them.

It turns out that the parents of the Sakura sisters died young. The three Sakura sisters earn living expenses by relying on the gymnasium and water ballet handed down by their parents to raise Xiaoxia (the three sisters are 7,8 years older than Xiaoxia).Life is not bad.But everything changed after Xiaoxia set off on an adventure trip after she was 10 years old.Xiaoxia met Xiaozhi and others after traveling.After separating, travel alone.One day three years later, during a trip when Xiaoxia was 13 years old, she traveled in a mountain and rested under a mountain. She didn’t pay attention. She was hit by a huge boulder shot by two elves fighting on the mountain. Although Xiaoxia The little elves were in time to help, but they were still hit in the legs.In the end, despite rescue treatment, it was still not cured.So that Xiaoxia's legs were paralyzed.And while treating Xiaoxia, he spent many years of savings, which is not counted. The Pokémon League also issued a notice at this time, because their gymnasium has had poor performance over the years.Was closed.This is nothing less than worse.Because they have to take care of Xiaoxia, the water ballet of the three sisters cannot be carried out properly. Without income, the three sisters decide that the eldest sister Sakura will take care of Xiaoxia at home, and the second sister Changpu and third sister Mudan go out to work.Two years have passed, and Changpu and Peony's work money has just been able to make ends meet.So the three sisters who should have been youthful became extremely haggard.The three sisters also wanted to find someone to marry to reduce the burden on the family.But after getting married, you must take care of Xiaoxia together, so no one wants to accept them.

After listening to Sakura's narration, the three of Long Tianxiang looked at each other and made a decision in their hearts.

Chapter 3 Taking over the Dojo

The three of Long Tianxiang decided to help the four sisters of Sakura.So Long Tianxiang said: Miss Sakura, if you don't mind, please let us help you.We are not sympathetic to you to help you, we really want to help you.

After listening to Long Tianxiang's words, Sakura said moved: Thank you, but we have nothing to repay you.

We don't need to repay, if you really want to repay, please work hard to fall in love with our husband.By the way, we haven't introduced it yet.My name is Bouma and this is my sister Kiki.He is our husband Long Tianxiang.Qiqi and I are both his wives.My husband is very kind, just a little fraternity, and he is also super strong in that aspect, neither I nor Qiqi can satisfy him.So if you really want to repay us, please repay us with love.Of course, this requires feelings, and we don’t accept the promise of being without feelings.Bouma was dumbfounded by Long Tianxiang's crying, Qiqi was shy, and Sakura's stunned mouth made such a sentence.

Ah...this...you guys...are you kidding me?Sakura asked.

Do you look me like a joke?I'm serious.If you can fall in love with my husband and get my husband's love, Qiqi and I will accept you as our boudoir sisters.Boomer said with a serious face.

Oh...that...thank you, I want to discuss with my sisters.If what you say is true, we will work hard to fall in love with your husband and get his love.Whether this is for repaying or our sister's future happiness.We will consider it carefully.Whether one or all of our sisters are in love with your husband, can you promise not to exclude us?And your husband did he agree.Sakura said and glanced at Long Tianxiang.

My husband will definitely agree, won't he, husband?Qiqi also spoke.

Oh, this...you...oh, I do have some fraternity, but I will only accept people who love each other with me.I will not accept people who have no emotional foundation.Because I am so sorry for my wife.So unless I really love someone, otherwise I won't accept it, because I am fraternity, but not abusive.Long Tianxiang expressed his opinion.

So I can rest assured that I will discuss with them when the sisters come back.Sakura said.


Oh, can you tell me how to reopen the gym?Long Tianxiang was silent for a while and asked.

Oh.One person from our gymnasium is required to participate in the alliance conference and get a good ranking, or challenge one of the four heavenly kings of the alliance, and it can reopen after being approved by the four heavenly kings.Sakura explained.

oh, I see.The Alliance Assembly has not arrived yet, so I can only challenge the Four Heavenly Kings.Then do you know the whereabouts of the Four Heavenly Kings?Long Tianxiang asked.

Kona, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, heard that he is now in Hualan City, as if assisting Miss Junsha in the Pokémon Center in Hualan City to investigate the case of the lost elves in the Pokémon Center.Sakura said.

Oh, I'm going to find her and come here to play against me now.Bouma and Kiki will stay here and wait for me.After talking about Long Tianxiang, he went out.

Pokémon Center

Hello, Miss Joey, is King Kona here?Long Tianxiang asked Miss Joey in the Pokémon Center.

Oh, yes, do you have anything to do with King Kona?Joey asked.

Oh, you tell her that I am the new person in charge of Hualan Gymnasium, and I will challenge her.

Ah.... You are from Hualan Taoist Hall. Alas, I know about the Four Sakura Sisters at Hualan Taoist Hall, but I can't help you much.Since you are from Hualan Daoguan, you must be helping them.You are such a good person.I will tell the King of Kona to come out.Miss Joey hurried to call someone after she finished speaking.

After a while, Miss Joey walked out with a beautiful woman who was 25 or 6 years old wearing glasses.

Are you the representative of Hualan Gymnasium?Let's go.Let me see how good the newcomers at Hualan Gymnasium are.Kona said.

Oh, you will not be disappointed.I will surprise you.Ha ha.....

After speaking, Long Tianxiang took the lead and left.

Chapter 4 Fighting Kona

Kona followed Long Tianxiang to the Hualan Gymnasium, no nonsense, and directly asked to enter the battlefield to fight.

Battle field

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