The entire chimeric ant family operates efficiently.

Meruem [Hungry Ghost Road] guards the queen ant.

Human Dao, Peto, and Yupi went all out to catch their prey alive.

Pufu works day and night to activate the mind in the prey, and then contributes to the queen ant to eat, providing the queen with the maximum amount of advanced nutrition.

Meluem sensed that his initial body was maturing day by day.

The 1,500 Nian Demon Beasts that the queen eats every day make her body continue to strengthen deeply, and its origin continues to become stronger.

The most obvious external manifestation is the amount of thoughts contained in the body, which is increasing terribly at a rate of 5 million per day.

Generally speaking, it is more difficult to improve the amount of thought.

But this is because ordinary people have limited qualifications, and the closer they get to their limits, the more difficult it is to improve.

And Meluem himself, as the king of the chimeric ant gene in the original work, has the highest qualifications in the entire human world.

The upper limit in the original work may reach tens of millions of thoughts

What’s more, Meluem who came through the fusion of the reincarnation eye soul talent, the upper limit of this system is higher.

As an external force, it has the effect of 1+6 greater than 20 with the original qualification.

Tens of millions of thoughts are far from the upper limit of Meruem.

The NGL country where the chimeric ant family is now located

It is a country of primitive life deliberately maintained by the rulers

Outwardly preaching nature and rejecting all unnatural creation

(including but not limited to guns, networks, cars, etc.).

Let the people be in an agrarian society with primitive farming.

In fact, the rulers treat this place as a highly addictive drug in the world:

G2’s raw material planting area allows ordinary people to grow it, and builds a modern drug-making factory to make poison and sell it to the outside flower world.

As a big drug lord warlord, he naturally has an army equipped with ordinary firearms.

In the case of chimeric ants expanding their hunting range,

NGL’s drug lord leader Zairo, the patrol guarding the drug factory will occasionally spot flying soldier ants transporting prey.

“Jared, what do you say these monsters are going to grab their prey?”

The drug lord soldier who was on a bored patrol inadvertently saw the flying soldier ants in the distance, and asked his companions at random.

“Xiao Jin, don’t be too curious, as long as they don’t mess with our plantation, don’t bother.”

The head of his companion, whose face was full of wind and mulberry, did not lift back.

“But what if they attack us?

I think we need to investigate.”

The young man, known as Xiaojin, was worried.

“According to my years of experience escaping death, those guys in the sky are definitely not easy to mess with.

If we provoke them, I am afraid that we will lose our manpower in vain.

You don’t want to be punished by the boss either. ”

Before Jared joined the patrol, he was an old hunter.

He has a strong intuition about how dangerous the beasts are, and his intuition tells him that these monsters are definitely difficult to deal with and most likely gregarious.

Hear the captain mention the leader

The youth was silent.

It’s a terrifying but worthy monster to follow.

To say that he is a monster does not mean how powerful his physical body is, but that his desire to constantly send evil to the outside world is deeply rooted.

And in just over a dozen years, NGL autonomy was achieved

Turn into your own drug-growing kingdom, and continuously send your own malice to the outside world – drug G2.

Even the patrol soldiers from the outside world have tentative ideas

As the uncrowned king of the drug kingdom, Zairoh has arranged for his men to carry firearms to the test.

The purpose is precisely the opposite of judging whether it poses a danger to oneself

Zairo wants to test whether this group of monsters can surpass drugs and become a true evil to humanity.

If their potential is beyond imagination, Zairo doesn’t mind exchanging all of his (including life) for their malice toward humanity.

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