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"I will tell you the way to break through, and you help me save the Elf World, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Wisdom!"

After blocking all connections with the outside world, the Goddess of Nature told her her deal.

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes and immediately realized that this matter was not simple. The way to break through from level 90 was top secret to everyone, but the Goddess of Nature actually took it out for a deal, which already showed how difficult it was for the other party to get what she wanted.

Moreover, he knew something about the Tree of Life and the Tree of Wisdom. According to legend, the roots of these two trees penetrated countless planes, bringing life and wisdom to countless planes. They were also one of the main means for the Lord Goddess of Life and her pantheon to expand their faith. If they were to touch the Tree of Life and the Tree of Wisdom now, it would be equivalent to having a relationship with the Lord Goddess of Life!

Once the Lord God was involved, then this deal would be a big deal!

"Explain in detail, I need more detailed information."

So after a short silence, Mu Feng continued to ask, he now wants to assess the risk level to see if this deal is worthwhile.

If the benefits are not equal, then it is better to use force.

The goddess of nature nodded, and immediately began to talk carefully about the information about the tree of life and the tree of wisdom.

"I was originally the patron saint of the elves in the elf world, a subordinate of the goddess of life, the goddess of elves - Christine Lucullus"

"The Elven world I protect has undergone a strange change. The Tree of Life has lost its vitality and no longer grants new elves wisdom and souls. The elves can no longer give birth to new life, and the dark elves, who have been eroded by darkness, have also become restless and started to attack the territory of the forest elves. More and more people have died. If this continues, the elves will inevitably decline."

"And at this moment, I heard the cry and call for help from the Tree of Wisdom. Originally, I wanted to go to the Asgard to check the source of the Tree of Life and what happened to the Tree of Wisdom, but I suddenly found that I had lost my sense of the Tree of Wisdom!"

"Apparently the Asgard was blocked, so I couldn't sense the existence of the Tree of Wisdom. That's why the Tree of Life lost its vitality."

"The Asa Realm did not respond, and the situation of the Tree of Life became worse and worse. I had no choice but to break through to become a main god, expand the scope of believers, and counter the Tree of Life. I wanted it to hold on until I found the Tree of Wisdom, so I appeared here. I didn't expect that you came just after I broke through and had no time to expand the number of believers. You know everything else."

After listening to the description of the Goddess of Nature, Mu Feng frowned immediately.

"So you want me to go to the Elf Realm to deal with the Dark Elves, save the Tree of Life, and then go to the Aesir Realm to save the Tree of Wisdom?"

After sorting out all the conditions and ideas, Mu Feng realized the problem and the most difficult point.

The Dark Elves and the Tree of Life in the Elf Realm are easy to deal with. The Anti-Goddess must have the plane coordinates. Just rush over and suppress those Dark Elves by force. Saving the Tree of Life is also simple. Just expand the number of believers. Anyway, this is what she originally planned. The real problem lies in the Aesir Realm and the Tree of Wisdom.

The rise and fall of the Tree of Life is directly related to the Tree of Wisdom, and the Tree of Wisdom is in the Aesir Realm, but now it can't be found in the Aesir Realm. , what about saving the Tree of Life!

The biggest possibility that the Asir Realm was blocked is that there is an invasion of hostile forces in this plane! So the entire plane was forcibly blocked!

What kind of place is the Asir Realm! The base camp of the Lord God Odin! How can an ordinary person block Odin’s base camp!

This means that if you want to save the Tree of Wisdom, in addition to the Lord God Goddess of Life, you must also contact the Lord God Odin and the unknown strong man of the same level as Odin, or even go to war.

After the Goddess of Nature nodded affirmatively, Mu Feng smiled and shook his head.

"The transaction conditions are not equal. Things in the Elf Realm are easy to handle, but the Asgard Realm is no joke. Your chips are only enough for me to complete things in the Elf Realm. After all, I don’t particularly need your way to break through, because I have already found a way to break through."

It’s not that Mu Feng is raising the price, but it’s really not equal. The former Demon Dragon King has actually found a way to break through level 90, which is to sign a contract with someone with high potential, so that he can improve his potential and then break through.

If the Demon Dragon King’s talent is inherently weak, then I believe the Demon Dragon King may have signed all the contracts and suddenly reached level 90.

But the Demon Dragon Clan’s talent is against the sky. He has traveled through countless planes and has only found six people with higher potential than him. He doesn’t know how long he will have to wait to find more. Fortunately, the Demon Dragon Clan has a long lifespan, so the Demon Dragon King is not in a hurry.

It’s just that he is dreaming He didn't expect that he would die halfway. The foundation he had worked so hard to build became his legacy and was successfully received by Mu Feng.

Unlike the Demon Dragon King, Mu Feng's talent is really weak!

So even if he just found a few legends and epics to sign contracts, he could greatly improve his potential. As long as the soul's compatibility could keep up, he would definitely have the confidence to successfully break through level 90!

At this time, Mu Feng was suddenly glad that his talent was rubbish...

Therefore, the transaction conditions of the Goddess of Nature were not so attractive to Mu Feng. At least it was impossible to go to war with three main god-level beings for this condition.

"What do you want?"

The goddess of nature was silent for a moment. After seeing Mu Feng's playful eyes, she knew that he was not really refusing, but wanted to increase the price, so she took a deep breath, prepared for the worst, and asked Mu Feng

"I want you!"

The goddess of nature spoke, and Mu Feng walked towards her with a strange smile, then pulled her into his arms and told her his conditions.

If he added a level 91 goddess of nature, the main god level, then it would be enough!

"The devil is indeed insatiable."

The goddess of nature did not struggle, she just stared at Mu Feng and shook her head.

"Since we can't reach an agreement, then there's no need to talk anymore. Anyway, I have the upper hand now."

Mu Feng smiled indifferently, raised the chin of the goddess of nature, and was ready to face the counterattack of the goddess of nature.

However, what Mu Feng didn't expect was that the goddess of nature actually agreed!

"I agree to your request."

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection and recommendation

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