Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 380 The New Hakurei Miko

"Since we have to take action against the mutation, it's only in the short term, but in the long term, this matter can no longer be delayed."

The monster sage looked at Roland with a serious expression.

"It's almost time to find a new miko."

"A new miko?"

Roland considered this sentence thoughtfully.

Having built a simulated universe based on Gensokyo, he naturally understands the nature of this place.

By secretly enclosing a small piece of land in the real world as the basis, Yakumo Murasaki's realm of illusion and reality is used to turn this reality into a mirror-like existence, forming an illusion that is opposite to the real world, in order to eliminate the outside world. interference and intrusion.

Although Yakumo Murasaki's ability contributed a lot, it was still not the key to the formation of Gensokyo.

The Hakurei Great Barrier that covers the entire Gensokyo, isolates common sense from non-common sense, and turns it into a relatively independent existence is the source of everything.

Because this is something that monsters cannot do no matter what.

Using the power of the realm to survive can deceive human beings for a while, but as humans in the outside world become more and more prosperous, human beings will see through this disguise sooner or later, and the fate of extinction will befall anomalies again.

Without the Great Hakurei Barrier that separates the present world, this paradise would be nothing more than a castle in the air.

But it’s okay to use a veil like a realm, but this kind of behavior of using the world itself will never be tolerated by human beings. Even if the monsters have the ability to build a barrier, they will only be punished by human beings the moment they start to act. precise strike.

Therefore, the barrier is destined to be built only by humans, and considering its strength and scope, this human must have a very powerful spiritual talent.

"Has the power of Hakurei begun to change? Where is the current miko?"

Yakumo Purple, who had expected Roland to ask this question, nodded.

"Although she is still supporting her now, it is becoming increasingly difficult. She has conveyed to me many times the idea of ​​​​retiring. Soon we should call her the ancestor miko."

"This kind of node... I really don't know who will come first between accidents and tomorrow."

Roland frowned.

He never expected that the aftermath of that battle would come back to him in this way.

Those who are qualified to inherit the title of Hakurei Miko are the kind of geniuses who have unique spiritual talents and are highly regarded by human beings even in the secular world.

Otherwise, the duty of exterminating monsters and mutations would not become one of the miko's fixed responsibilities. You must know that when the previous mikos held this position, the gentler spell card rules had not yet been established, and her gold content did not need to be much. Word.

Even if they don't break through the boundaries and become immortals like immortals, they can easily reach the limit of human lifespan.

But counting the ancestors who have not yet retired, Hakurei Miko has gone through twelve generations. On average, each generation has served for less time than many ordinary family patriarchs.

And what makes all of this is the power of Hakurei.

Yakumo Purple waved her sleeve robe, letting the black and white ball hidden in it slowly float into the air wrapped in the power of the realm.

"As for the status of Hakurei's power, you'd better confirm it yourself."

Roland looked intently at the Yin Yang Jade in the air.

It is the largest secret treasure of the Hakurei Shrine and the best proof of identity for the Hakurei shrine maiden.

This thing is just an acquired prop, but even Yakumo Murasaki, a monster sage, dare not touch it without authorization, precisely because of the power contained in it.

The power of Hakurei is the power that is integrated with the Great Barrier of Hakurei. Even ordinary people who don't understand anything can become strong by being recognized by it and feel the power of the world and the earth. realm.

Otherwise, even if future generations of mikos are extremely talented, it would still be too much to be recognized by monsters who have lived for thousands of years and even suppress them in battle by relying solely on the spiritual power they have cultivated for decades.

The source of this power comes from the creator of this world.

"The first generation of miko..."

Yakumo Purple sighed, "Until now, she is still protecting Gensokyo in another way."

In an era when human ethics prevailed, the first generation Hakurei Miko already had great power, and her talents had not yet been fully explored.

If it continues like this, the other party will become the extraordinary leader of mankind, and will be the last nail in the coffin of abnormal monsters like monsters.

But when faced with the utopia proposed by Yakumo Murasaki for humans and monsters to coexist peacefully, a plan that even the monsters initially scorned, she still devoted herself to it.

She has neither awe nor pity for monsters. Yakumo Purple can't even tell whether they are doing it to protect their homeland.

But what is certain is that she was full of enthusiasm for this beautiful utopia and really gave everything for it.

"The Great Barrier of Hakurei is her legacy. This world is independent from the outside world. It has even been recognized by Lord Dragon God. It has its own weather, environment, and humanities. It exists on the inside of this planet. Another small world."

"Because her power and her destiny have been truly engraved in this world."

Roland nodded slightly.

Although Yakumo Purple's special characteristics can allow the Dragon God to descend, the chips that the monsters can give are not enough for it, as the will of the world, to grant recognition and even protection to this world.

But the first generation of witches can, because she is very similar to the previous Roland.

One who is lodged by possibility.

It was never Yakumo Purple who found her, but she found Yakumo Purple.

The vast possibilities possessed by the first-generation miko made it impossible for even the rationale to interfere with her decision, and could only add variables.

For individuals, it is not easy to restrain such huge possibilities. They must find a suitable means to maintain themselves, and the obsession of the first generation of shrine maidens is obviously Gensokyo.

She used her own possibilities to build this small world with a promising future, adding variables to the world, so the Dragon God would come only at the moment when the Great Barrier of Hakurei was established.

This is a tribute from the world.

"So, I have to maintain a balance."

Yakumo Purple whispered.

As a monster sage, she didn't pay much attention to her own people. She even took the initiative to find other sages and acquiesced to the entry of many forces.

Because this is not a paradise for weirdos.

Even though the ancestors of the Hakurei Miko possess great power, apart from mutating, they will not use their own power to defeat monsters that may pose a threat, and will even acquiesce in the presence of small monsters or kind-hearted anomalies in the human world. In and out.

Because this is not fertile ground for humanity.

"Gensokyo is Gensokyo. No matter how many years pass by, it will never change."

"And this is also the requirement for Hakurei to choose a miko, right?"

Roland interrupted Yakumo Murasaki and said softly.

Strong spiritual talent is only the most basic condition, and this simple and consistent thought is the real difficulty in choosing the next miko.

"Yes, although the candidate for the next miko is usually jointly chosen by the sages, as long as it is recognized by all the sages, she will be directly regarded as the next Hakurei miko."

For Hakurei Miko, talent is secondary, attitude is the key.

Because as long as she is recognized by the power of Hakurei and can control this Yin Yang Jade, although she may not be as good as many monsters and anomalies in terms of hard power.

But as long as she is determined to win, she will be the strongest, and even Yakumo Purple or gods stronger than her cannot change this.

In that state, the enemy's attacks on Hakurei Miko often make mistakes, but her attacks on others can always hit the weak point by mistake or produce a huge increase.

As long as there is a possibility of something happening, she will be corrected.

The Hakurei Miko at that time was not so much an individual with a will as she was a natural phenomenon moving between heaven and earth.

Unless one possesses the power to transcend the possibilities of this world, this will only be a natural outcome.

"Strong power always comes with risks," Yakumo Murasaki's pretty face looked a little helpless. "Although the price is very small, the effort required to ensure a candidate with this purity is comparable to many curses. Everything is difficult.”

Looking at Yakumo Murasaki's wry smile, Roland could also imagine the hardship involved.

It is not difficult to find people with spiritual talents, but it is more difficult to select the best among the best and find children with good nature.

Not only must you be kind, but you must also have the simplicity of a pure heart, which will undoubtedly be more difficult.

Even if Yakumo Purple has a gap and can work together, this is not an easy task.

Among humans, cruel wars often break out due to interests and disagreements, and this is especially true for monsters who are very different from humans.

The conflicts between them, large and small, are enough to make people doubt their lives.

In these conflicts, sometimes humans are the victim, and sometimes monsters are the victim. Even the origin of the conflict may be just a small desire to survive.

It is a difficult thing to remain uncontaminated in this worldly fireworks, to always treat humans and monsters equally, and to maintain an attitude that is not very interested in either, and can even be said to be indifferent.

While understanding this, she must not lose her natural goodness and must always fulfill her duties as a witch.

Monsters who violate the rules will be exterminated regardless of the reason.

Provide the minimum help to human beings who have exceeded the limit, and do not try to eradicate evil.

"If you take one wrong step, you will turn black. In a sense, this level can no longer be called a pure heart, but a enlightened Taoist heart... It's really hard on you."

Roland couldn't help laughing.

"The hard part is not here yet," Yakumo Purple smiled bitterly and continued: "Even if they find such a suitable candidate, in the process of becoming familiar with the power of Hakurei, their own talents will be developed to the greatest extent. And when this change exceeds the tolerance range of Hakurei's power, it is the moment when the previous miko begins to retire. "

Hearing this, Roland took a deep breath and understood the reason why the previous witch was unable to shoulder her responsibilities.

The power of Hakurei is not a supplementary will or a backup method for reincarnation, but the power of this world that will grow on its own.

While helping the Hakurei miko of all generations, it is also improving itself with the help of the miko.

This process of direct interaction with heaven and earth will allow the already talented Hakurei Miko to realize her potential at the fastest and optimal speed.

And when the speed of power improvement reaches their own limit, sublimation beyond humans will appear on its own, and they will gradually lose their human posture and become more advanced life forms.

And unlike normal cultivation, this process cannot be stopped.

This is an ever-present gift from heaven and earth, unless they abandon this duty.

And when their human parts become weaker and weaker, and they are judged to be likely to change by the power of Hakurei, it is time to find the next miko.

"Originally, there should still be some time before the ancestors retire, but because of your arrival, the potential of Gensokyo seems to have changed a lot, causing her to grow at an alarming rate and is about to reach its limit."

Yakumo Zi twisted her delicate body slightly, letting her infinitely beautiful body appear in a more natural posture, and looked at Roland faintly.


Roland squinted his eyes and turned his head.

Can you blame him?

With only this dreamland left, he is already too weak to be weak. Isn't it normal for the environment to adapt to him without affecting the current ecology of Gensokyo?

This kind of good intention to do bad things was beyond his expectation.

"Although this is not your responsibility in the first place, I am currently at my wits' end in terms of finding the miko." Murasaki Yakumo's face looked a little solemn.

"They are simple-minded, consistent in appearance and inside, and possess extremely high talents. Even within the scope of the world, the number of these people is pitifully small, especially now."

"Although we are paying attention every moment, we still haven't found a suitable candidate until now. Before, we thought it was because of our bad luck. Now it seems that this is the impact of the stagnation of the world's possibilities as you said?"


Roland groaned and did not deny it.

Each new generation is a hope that mixes old possibilities with new ones. This is true for most of the people in history who were able to accomplish great things.

In a situation where the world has stagnated, although the existence allowed by Roland can still give birth to new life, it is only deployed from the old possibilities.

There will be geniuses among the people born in this way, but it is almost impossible to give birth to such people who can create miracles.

But the power of Hakurei Miko is what gives Yakumo Murasaki the confidence to let the changes happen and even contribute to them behind the scenes.

Any matter that really involves Gensokyo, the miko as the spokesperson will turn the tide with her deep intuition, so that the mutation will always end with a happy ending.

Without the support of the miko, there will be no conditions for carrying out the Gensokyo Paradise plan.

The most direct one is the unconscious hypnotic ability that can make everyone forget the impact of the mutation and ignore it.

If her candidate cannot be determined, I will not be able to feel at ease even if my future plans are carried out.

Roland pondered for a while and suddenly caught a glimpse of the Yin Yang Jade in front of him. Looking at the strange rhythm of black and white, his eyes suddenly lit up and he patted himself confidently.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it the new Hakurei Miko? Let me and this guy make one for you!"

Hearing such words, the interesting expression on Yakumo Purple's face, who was originally looking forward to what kind of methods Roland would use, completely disappeared.

She glanced at the hovering ball in the air, then at the human-shaped Roland, and glanced at his lower abdomen, completely stunned.


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