Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 385 One-eyed Princess and the Demon God

As the change in vision began to approach reality and the inertia brought by the material began to take shape, Roland, who had had an experience, landed steadily on the ground.

He opened his eyes and looked at this completely unfamiliar world.

Medieval European-style buildings and stone roads with traces of simplicity. At first glance, this place seems to be an ancient or fantasy world, but the inconspicuous modern facilities hidden around the buildings are enough to deny this absurd answer.

"This should be an inconspicuous small city in Europe."

Roland made a rough judgment.

Although there are some modern facilities here, they are not conspicuous. Although this may not be for the beautiful reasons of protecting the city's appearance, but simply because there is no money for construction, the fresh air around without pollution is still easy to make people feel good.


"Huh... Wow"

Roland took a deep breath, stuck out his tongue, and spat subconsciously as if he accidentally inhaled dust.

"Although I expected it when I was in the outside world, I still can't accept it after I really came in."

After entering this new world, the material world used to carry reality is completely a peaceful and calm picture.

Both order and elements exist in a stable manner, and there is no disaster that affects the world on the surface.

Compared with the red sky full of corpses and pollution in the original No Game No Life, the planet died, and almost all races fought each other for the simple goal of survival. This start is much better.

But Roland's face was full of disgust, which was completely different from that time.

A lot better?

From the perspective of ordinary people, it is indeed so.

Just like the mortals in the Cthulhu mythology, for them, seeing less is a real happiness.

But for the strong who can contact the real, it is a burden.

The environment of No Game No Life, which caused a lot of pollution due to the death of the planet, is just a change on the same level. As far as Roland himself feels, it is probably just moving from land to a deck floating on the sea.

But this world is a layered change on the same plane, causing it to be completely unrecognizable and unable to see its original appearance at all.

These overlapping filters are like an irresistible information pollution, bombarding Roland's perception every moment.

The elements do exist, but their direction and position are completely distorted.

The most obvious is the timeline.

Today is winter, today is summer.

Today is Monday morning, today is Thursday night.

They are all realities that once existed and were covered up. Although they have been distorted beyond recognition, because they share the same world base, from the broad sense of the timeline, these are all correct times, but the traces overlap.

Countless correct times overlapped, making Roland, who once boasted that he was the only king of time, a little confused.

However, this level of chaos may cause ordinary people who accidentally peeked into the corner to die or fall into madness, but Roland quickly adapted to this abstract world and accurately found the timeline belonging to the present world.

Compared with the timeline that can still find the veins, the other chaos really made Roland hesitate.

After adapting to the timeline, the reality behind the world also rushed into Roland's pupils like a shadow.

Magic, history, myth.

They are superimposed on the physical universe of this world and appear in the form of religious myths.

Every religion and myth has a different energy system, which does not follow the physical laws of the ordinary world. These existences that cover the basic world in the form of a curtain are called phases in this world.

"Although it is not as convenient as the Star Cup to directly modify the data at the source, this superposition of layers to modify the reality is also a new way."

Roland carefully observed everything around him and pondered.

If the physical universe is regarded as the initial layer, the phase is the new layer superimposed on it.

It is another form of existence of the world, with an independent existence.

This special way of existence allows the residents in the world to easily borrow these superimposed powers.

And by achieving the rituals and requirements that meet that phase, after using the relevant rituals, you can leverage great results at a very small cost.

In the most ideal case, ordinary people without magic power can also start the great ceremony of changing the world.

Just like having a generous boss at home, it will always reimburse most of your efforts.

No... the power system of this entire world may be built on this basis.

Phases are very beautiful powers.

Apart from the reliability of having someone above them, in this world, different power systems will not become abnormally weak like Type-Moon due to the progress of the times.

Theoretically, even if there is a strange scene like voodoo fighting alchemy that is impossible to see in Type-Moon, it is normal.

And this scene is simply a fantasy for Type-Moon.

A large part of the strength of magicians comes from the magic base they are good at. This large server woven by faith and history is like a magic network. While it facilitates the use of magic by magicians without talent, it also imposes restrictions on them.

The foundation formed by concepts that have been eliminated in the development of the times may directly collapse, causing the family's hundreds of years of accumulation to be destroyed.

A relatively niche foundation in terms of communication will be crushed by a large foundation in terms of efficiency and ability. For example, a magician who uses primitive spells will 80% be defeated by a modern magician at the same level.

The Holy Church relies on the Bible, the world's largest magic foundation, to become one of the two poles of the other world on its own.

Even a great magician like Matou Zouken, who can enter the Hall of Valor, will inevitably use and develop second-level magic after leaving the foundation of his hometown.

But phase does not have this drawback.

Because they are essentially another world that overlaps the current world, although the structure may be completely different from the current world. Even the round sky and the earth are the truth in them. Heaven and hell are no longer conceptual existences, but The truth that is made clear.

These real-life aspects may create distance between civilization and the demise of tradition.

But for those who borrow their power, this is negligible.

From this perspective, all spells in this world may be called magic.

"I see."

Roland looked at the world in front of him, feeling a little confused.

"Such a misguided approach that cannot be traced to its origin is the source of trouble for the world's barriers."

The source of trouble.

Although this comment is a bit bitter and condescending, it is Roland's truest thought at the moment.

The power of aspects is beautiful, but too much.

So many existences that will not fade are superimposed on such a small plane, which only means one thing.

They intersect and rub against each other every moment.

The collision between worlds may cause ripples due to different systems and possibilities, but sparks will only burst out between these completely different phases.

And these sparks will splash into the reality as the cover, turning into invisible destiny.

From good or bad luck, the order of food served in the store, the miracles of birth, encounters and separations, and even people's death.

The operation of all things in the world, the cause and effect from the past to the future, are all controlled by these invisible hands.

It is not as eye-catching as a disaster from heaven, but invisibly, the variables of a person's fate, by chance, are likely to become an unchangeable destiny under the influence of sparks.

"Moreover, the magicians in this world seem to be wrong even if they are wrong."

Roland shook his head and sighed.

Although the worldviews are different, in Roland's understanding, there are roughly three aspects when using spells.

Refining the magic power from the vitality, that is, the small source of oneself, using the magic power of a part of the large source in the environment, and then weaving the spell through the base plate or oneself, and finally achieving the result.

Therefore, when the Great Source declined and the Age of Gods perished, and this inevitable natural disaster occurred, Xingyue's magicians experienced a significant decline in the magnitude and effect of their spells because they were unable to pay the price of the Age of Gods' magic.

Weber's modern magic department was able to be established because of this factor. According to the usual timeline, in the end even modern magic will be completely replaced by a new generation of magic called spirit magic.

This is development that cannot resist the mighty power of the times and is in line with the influence of nature.

The existence of phases negates this to a certain extent. This superposition method allows magicians three thousand years ago and magicians three thousand years later to use the same system to produce the same effect.

Obviously, this method will greatly increase the friction between phases and allow more sparks to be generated.

But Roland is not unable to understand the thoughts of the native magicians in this world.

While it is possible to build from scratch, it is frankly too inefficient and it is much more convenient to refer to existing lore and legends.

For a magician who has enjoyed the convenience of phase from the beginning, there is no possibility that he will notice that this path has deviated.

What's more, what if you find out?

In the presence of aspects, magic is a reward of 'ten' at the cost of 'one'.

The remaining cost comes in the form of phase friction sparks that randomly inflict misfortune on others.

Although it is not impossible for this to happen to him, with a probability of one in seven billion, no one would give up this approach.

Rather than spending time and effort fighting against the trends of the entire world, it is better to find ways to avoid sparks and stay on your own.

Because the simple truth that taking a long way is the best shortcut, for a strong man who is born to walk on the high road, it is really like a fool's lie.

After all, until the end of the road to the summit, the native people are almost completely unaware of an equally simple fact.

Once this spark that has been rooted deep in the world is ignited, unless you have the power to stop it at the time, even if you later gain the power to control the world and reshape everything, you will not be able to reproduce it perfectly. .

Even Roland, who has always had the status of an outsider since he gained his power, almost got lost in shortcuts several times, let alone these local characters trapped in the world?

After realizing this, when looking at the distorted multiple phases, Roland only felt a kind of powerlessness and despair lurking deep down compared to the chaos and power.

But soon, Roland drove away this feeling of pity from his heart and smiled to himself.

Even if the road has an end, on the way to the top, the beings in these cages will be stronger and freer than I am now.

Roland, who could only rely on dreams to maintain his existence, had no right to laugh at the other party. The potential of this path itself also made him quite tempted.

"Next, we just need to confirm the danger and value of this world through the strength of that One-eyed Princess."

Roland murmured.

In the new world, Roland's usual practice is to collect information through the environment and characters, and double-checking.

But the water in this world is quite deep. Out of caution, Roland did not want to expose too much of his information.

When entering here, his position and subsequent fate were all located above the surface phase, and the greatest gravitational force attracted him there.

No matter where Roland goes next and how many changes he creates, he will definitely meet the blond one-eyed girl.

Except for the special existence of the Star Cup with omniscience and omnipotence, this destiny is unstoppable.

The Key of All Spirits transcends this world, and its hidden functions are enough to deal with the alarm systems of almost all worlds.

As long as Roland doesn't make any big splash about it, such as taking on the identity of the Devouring Beast, or eating the divine marrow, no one will notice anything unusual about him even from a high-dimensional perspective.

In this case, actions such as exposing one's power at will or running away are very likely to leave traces.

Therefore, following this established destiny is the best way to make yourself ignored.

"Ta, ta, ta."

Intermittent footsteps came from the other end of the alley.

Roland stood there peacefully, raised his head expectantly, and used his own vision to observe the girl with blond hair and one eye.

Then, his body froze.

Even the brain couldn't help but shut down for a moment.

But before this state lasted, he was forcibly awakened by the cold voice.

"Are you that man's accomplice?"

The blond girl with one eye also stopped, looked at Roland who was standing in front of her, and asked calmly.

At this moment, Roland raised his head belatedly and continued to stare at the girl with one eye.

Under that petite body, there is an essence that makes people feel suffocated.

The end of the road.

The end of life.

An existence that exhausts the limits of magic.

If I had to give her a name, I'm afraid it would be this name.



The girl wearing an eye patch seemed to take Roland's whisper as the default meaning.

"Since you know the existence of the devil, it seems there is no need to say more."

The girl's eyes narrowed slightly.

She stretched out her hand and made a gesture of grasping it, as if grabbing an invisible gun.

Then, she waved the invisible spear.

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