Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 392 The Ultimate Creature

'My soul shines with brilliant light. ’

Aleister once said this about himself.

The authenticity of this conclusion would not be questioned even by his enemies who wanted to cut him into pieces.

He tied thousands of possibilities to himself, and even the curse that was destined to fail could not affect him getting closer to the goal.

No, even that seemingly terrifying curse is a symbol of the light of his soul.

Because 100% failure or 100% success is a manifestation of the devil's way.

But now, on this indestructible and brilliant light, the dim and gray color is smudged like ink droplets dropped into clear water.

This is not because Aleister's soul essence is flawed or transformed, but because he is bathed in light.

Blinding light.

Divine light.

When that body was formed, the sign of light was like a sharp blade piercing the body, cutting off all the light around it.

The electronic light of the instrument, the light of Aivas as an angel, and even the light of Aleister's soul were dimmed.

Although they are not subject to any restrictions, the light of the stars cannot be seen by the naked eye in front of the sun.

The inviolable holy light fills this space, like the swaying sun.

Only then did Aleister realize that the light emanating from Roland's body was the same seven-color color as his soul, but it was just too intense, making it look like a solid color.

Moreover, Aleister cares more about the range of the light of the soul than the difference in weight.

It filled the entire building in an instant. If it weren't for the constraints of the temple, I'm afraid there would have been one more Christian festival.

After all, even Aleister now could only see the infinite extension of the sacred palace from the depth of this light.


A voice filled with admiration sounded.

Aleister looked around and saw that the angel who must bear the name of Saint was staring at Roland intently, with complex emotions in his tone that seemed to regret the wasted time in the past.

However, it is not that he cannot understand Aiwass's feelings.

"Original Adam."

Aleister whispered the name.

It can only be described by this term, a divine appearance with boundless majesty.

Unlike the more generalized Bible, in the Kabbalah's interpretation of the path of God, the infinite, God, was born from nothing.

God then radiates infinite light outward.

Then the ten sefirot of different natures of God were gradually differentiated from the infinite light, and then the final kingdom formed the material world.

The existence that corresponds to the source of the kingdom, is at the top of the tree of life, and corresponds to the crown. It is the original human being created by the infinite light flowing out before the four realms of spirit, wisdom, and matter were formed.

Original man Adam.

In this world where Aleister single-handedly promoted the advancement of the times, the more mature and systematic ranking classification among magicians came from the original Golden Dawn.

Expressed by the distance from the member's current rank to the Kingdom and to Knowledge by reference to the Tree of Life.

For example, the distance from the kingdom that symbolizes matter at the bottom is 4, and the distance from the crown that symbolizes the highest is 7, and the rank is recorded as "4=7".

It is generally believed that a magician who is blocked before the last three sefirot and fails to cross the abyss and completes 7=4 will be regarded as the pinnacle that humans can reach.

Although due to the difference in system and strength, they are still at the same level of 7=4, but their expressiveness is completely different.

For example, monsters like Aleister can use the power of the devil to a limited extent when they are in the human realm. When compared with others, it is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

It is precisely because of this understanding that the members of the Golden Dawn generally believe that there is no one who can cross the abyss and reach the 8=3 level.

To this day, Aleister, who knows the existence of the Demon God, does not hold a completely negative attitude towards this point of view.

The characters of the demon gods have indeed crossed the abyss and comprehended divine will as humans, even far exceeding the description in the original scriptures of being mere adaptors and obedients to the rules of the universe.

They can destroy and create phases freely, but they can only add to them and cannot delete them.

Every time the real operation is modified, for the devil, it is to create a new phase that suits his own ideas and superimpose it.

That's why more and more phase sparks are produced, so the world becomes more and more distorted, just like a computer with all background programs installed at the same time.

Under such a premise, even if they can destroy all the old phases at will, leaving only nothingness, even if they can make the universe fall into a cycle of explosion and rebirth in a single thought, they are really beyond the rules of the world. ?

Aleister didn't think so.

If this is true, his plan to bring down the Demon God has no foundation at all.

What's more, if they can really transcend the rules of the world, how can the demon gods be trapped in the world and willingly sit in this position like prisoners?

At best, they are defective people who have gone astray.

In Aleister's view, whether it is the demon god or the special existence with immortality that he has collected, they are only symbols of the true existence of this realm.

Roland also encountered Beo in the form of a golden wolf in Xingyue. It was born as the result of the materialization of the soul of the third method.

Although after being taught a lesson by Roland, she is now just an arrogant female brat, but this does not affect her possibility of killing the magic user.

But even if Beo kills the third magic user in a certain world line, she will not be regarded as the orthodox path of the third law.

The same goes for the demon gods. The difference in power cannot erase this difference in realm.

But now, the true form of the Demonic God's way is finally revealed in front of Aleister.

In the absolute sanctuary, the soul burns like the sun.

An indescribable sense of oppression came over me. Whether it was an angel who was on the same level as the devil or a magician touching the abyss, they could all feel the gap as big as a mountain and as small as a drop in the ocean.

Different from the suffocating terror of the Demon God, the Roland in front of him felt more like looking at the scorching sun from the earth, a distance and powerlessness that could not be reached no matter how hard he chased.

Without any control, vast miracles began to further involve Aleister's temple in the vortex of the phase.

The swaying light like a long tail makes waves, sanctifying everything around it.

If this building is not scrapped in future plans but is preserved, it will surely become a holy place worshiped by countless people.

Aleister smiled self-deprecatingly.

As the biggest heretic in the world, I actually played the role of guiding Him like the Virgin.

This is the greatest irony for him and for Christianity.

In an instant, the light suddenly shrank, and when the sacred existence was downgraded from Adam, the original man, to Li Lin, the end, the rich vitality began to slowly emerge.

He's going to wake up.

This great scene even made Aleister hold his breath.

So, under his expectant gaze, the boy with black hair and red eyes slowly opened his eyes and scanned everything around him with the eyes of a newborn.

His eyes first stayed on Aiwass floating in the air for a while, then quickly passed over the closed world around him, and finally locked on Aleister hanging upside down in the life support device.

Then, he spoke like an oracle to his collaborators who had made the most of the contribution.

"You bastard!"

Calling him a jerk when they first met?

Aiwass's expression gradually became lively.

As a high-dimensional being, it's not that she can't understand Roland's thoughts.

This kind of summoning ritual across the abyss was already a bumpy journey for them, not to mention that Aleister's side went wrong time and time again.

A plan is a plan, and an overturn is an overturn. These are two different things.

The feeling of almost throwing his existence off the road several times was probably similar to the clothes tumbling in the washing machine.

"When you finally came, the way you condensed your body was no longer a sign of Christianity. How did you feel?"

Aleister didn't care about Roland's words.

As an excellent scumbag, this level of scolding was as gentle as the spring breeze blowing on his face.

Therefore, he quickly entered the state and began to confirm Roland's situation.

This is not because he wants to confirm the opponent's strength. From the original Adam's fall to Lilin's existence, there is no need to prove whether he is strong or not.

When you need to ask this, it means that you are questioning the conclusion.

Real strength cannot be compared, just like water and air are inseparable from life.

The same is true for the strong.

"How do you feel? Even if you ask me this, there is only one answer, right? - Too weak, so weak that I feel sorry for myself."

Roland raised his eyebrows and moved his body a little.


This unexpected answer did not make Aleister's expression change at all. He just waited quietly for Roland's next words.

And Roland had no intention of showing off this kind of information.

"After fixing my dream, because it is the original body, this body does not have any powers or characteristics other than its talent."

Condensing the ethereal dream into something that can interfere with reality is impossible at no cost at all. When he fell from the path of the flaming sword outside the sky, his personality had been anchored in the phase and became the support for his body. The basis of body formation.

After the damaged personality was used as a symbol of anchoring, Roland's body also regained its weakness.

But Roland also knew that this was a necessary payment.

Invading and manifesting in the form of a dream can maintain the power of the moment you fall into the dream without limit, but even if you are eliminated, the price you have to pay is not worth mentioning.

However, a dream is a dream.

Because of maintaining this tricky nature, Roland was able to divert the attention of the apostle of the Supreme Heaven and survive.

While receiving the benefits, he also had to face the shackles.

Demon God is the path from man to god.

Wrapping the dream with a person can indeed absorb the power of the phase and reach the top to become an existence equal to the devil.

On the other hand, dreams that are entirely composed of spirituality will also be bound by the power of phases when they are used.

This method is essentially just that Roland uses himself to replace the position that belongs to the Holy Son in the phase myth. He solves the current hidden danger, but also puts a pair of chains on himself that cannot be taken off.

Just as the hierarchy between angels and humans is insurmountable, the same is true for the Son.

If Roland wants to move forward in the future, he must give up the strategy of focusing on himself.

Instead, he chooses to focus on phase and expand its influence, so that he can further enhance his power and slowly seek for that unknown promotion opportunity.

The worst thing is that because the infinity at the top is empty, he has to bear the hidden dangers of the phase spontaneously generating will to sit on the throne in the process, or being picked off by beings from other worlds.

Of course, Roland would not be able to commit such an act of amputating his hands and feet. He would rather give up the benefits of his personality temporarily in order to reveal this body that could call for possibility again.

After all, only in this way can he, in the process of reaching the top phase, realize the path of the devil that represents the myth with himself instead of letting himself be represented by the myth.

"As you can see, my power is closely related to my phase. Although in the long run, my status as an output interface is quite noble, and I don't need to worry about the upper limit, the carrying capacity of this body is limited. "

Roland shrugged, feeling a little helpless.

“Although this original body has excellent growth and potential, it also needs a process to realize it.

Without the use of phase power, what this body now brings to me is immortal vitality, nearly infinite magic power, and invulnerability to magic power... nothing more.

Beyond that, there was even a theoretical possibility that I could be killed, which was so unreasonable. "

Listening to Roland casually listing a dozen advantages, Aleister's eyes twitched slightly.

A good one and nothing more.

Moreover, if people are killed, they will die. This is a reasonable rule.

"It sounds like an ultimate creature."


Roland blinked, "But if I didn't rely on the miracle brought by personality, I might not even be able to kill you now."

"By my standards, it is beyond the norm."


Roland smiled at the right time and did not deny Aleister's words.

"But no matter how ultimate a creature is, it is still in the category of living things. It is one level away from being a life, let alone a god in the new world? I don't want to be sent to a phase and become a person who stops thinking. Meteorite.”

"The God of the New World?"

"That's right, I have fallen into the human realm for the time being. After that, it is a process of regrouping possibilities. It is a smooth road without even bottlenecks. It would be a waste if I don't try it."

Roland smiled slightly and looked at Aleister.

"So, do you want to join this change as my first apostle?"

Aleister's eyes narrowed, and he realized that Roland's previous words were not intended to exchange information frankly with him.

It's a warning to him.

——If you refuse, I will kill you.

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