Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 405 The arrival of a hero unique to girls


Shokuhou Misaki looked in shock at the young man who picked her up at some point with a faint smile.

"Why did you come here... I obviously didn't even send out a distress signal. Even if I wanted to locate it, I couldn't do it."

"There is such a strong will that keeps calling my name at night. Wouldn't it be weird if I didn't notice it? As for the location issue, since I have sensed it, wouldn't it be clear by looking at the celestial phenomena?"


Shokuhou Misaki's eyes widened. She clearly understood every word Roland said, but when combined, she was completely confused.

Can saying something silently in the heart also be called a calling?

But even if he is full of doubts, now is obviously not the time to dwell on such things.

She pointed at the group of attackers in the alley who had regrouped in a commotion due to the recent defeat.

"Be careful, these guys are all desperadoes, they really come to attack with the will to kill!"

The weapons of the Usurper Gun are specialized for the psychological system, but they are not cheap enough to be easily dealt with by characters with superpowers.

Roland's abilities recorded in the library were of unknown nature, but the fact that he only gained the abilities not long ago is true.

Since it is not a natural stone, and it has not been systematically developed, it is already good to be able to protect yourself in the hands of this group of enemies who are determined to kill you, but if you still carry such a burden as yourself, I am afraid that the second People will only have bad luck and bad luck.

If you have to sacrifice someone, it's better to do it yourself.

"If it doesn't work, you should let me go and leave. These guys are here specifically to hunt me down. If you don't continue to participate, they probably won't care. Anyway, I have no regrets about death."

That's what he said, but he was still a little dissatisfied.

Obviously, in the beginning, he just wanted to have a hero who would risk everything to save himself in times of crisis.

But after a hero like this comes, he will want more.

I want to live, I want to face the future.

Why this idea came about, even as a psychological master, I couldn't understand.

But one thing is for sure.

This is not an emotion driven solely by greed, but consists of a more girlish part.


The young man in the red knight uniform didn't know Roland's origins, but this did not prevent him from following what the other person said.

"You must be quite capable to move here and save the fifth one without us noticing."

He did not look down upon Roland who suddenly broke in.

"However, this does not change the fact that you are already surrounded by us. The Usurper Gun can move at a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour regardless of the terrain, from the roof to the walls."

"What's more, we were originally outlaws who planned to drag her into the water. Even if you can escape with her for a while, you will definitely not be able to survive our subsequent pursuit."

"But if you stop now, it's not impossible for you to escape unscathed. After all, except for people with super powers, we are all the same kind as [Death Knot]."

This name made Shokuhou Misaki's breathing stop for a moment.

No wonder, although this group of attackers have no sense of companionship like the cultists, they surprisingly have a unified sense of honor.

Shokuhou Misaki glanced at Roland secretly.

After hearing the dead knot's name and the change in the surrounding atmosphere, Roland's casual expression finally became more serious and he spoke.

"I have a question."

"What do you want to ask?"

"What is a knot...?"

Just when the boy in the knight uniform thought that this strange intruder finally realized the seriousness of the situation, the doubtful question strangled his unyielding laughter in his throat.

"I don't know why you make such a serious expression!"

Shokuhou Misaki said with some collapse.

But Roland responded to her naturally, or rather with a surprised voice.

"I see that the atmosphere is so serious, so I will cooperate with you. Besides, the Academy Garden is just a famous landmark. I just came to Academy City today and I even know this strange name by heart. This requirement is too harsh.”



For a moment, not to mention the leader of the other party, even the members of the Dead Knot didn't know how to answer. After all, it was a bit weird to brag about one's own fame.

In the end, Shokuhou Misaki sighed helplessly and explained to Roland before the enemy went berserk.

Dead knot.

As the name suggests, this group is named after an English word that means cornered and helpless.

The same is true for the members who make up it. They have no consistency from school to school, and their identities range from young ladies to delinquents.

And being at the Level shows that unlike the armed incompetent group, which usually only accepts incompetent people, the Dead Knot can absorb anyone with less than a superpower to join.

As long as you meet the requirements that your ability development has reached a bottleneck and cannot go any further, the knot will accept you.

And there is only one goal to maintain this paranoid group.

Revenge against superpowers.

His thoughts, which are so simple that they are dumbfounding, and his actions, which are so crazy that they are jaw-dropping, have formed a knot that makes people fearful.

Although their current attack plan has not really caused effective harassment to people with super powers, the deterrence brought by suicide attacks is enough to make normal people stay away from them.

"I see,"

Roland suddenly realized.

"To put it simply, they are a group of clowns who blame others for their own failures."

"What do you know!"

Although many of the members of the Dead Knot who surrounded the two of them had already cast angry glances at Roland.

But the leading knight still raised a hand to stop other impulsive companions.

"You said you just entered this Academy City. With your bright future and curiosity, you may not be able to understand us, but first of all, I want to make it clear to you that the starting point of our actions is not groundless."

The voice of the boy in knight uniform was trembling with anger.

"Since you are also an esper, do you still have a basic understanding of the term AIM diffusion field?"

Just like living things emit weak energy from thermal radiation, when a person with abilities interferes with the material world with his personal reality, he will naturally create a corresponding force field.

If the ability to generate fire will increase the surrounding temperature, the ability to telekinesis will cause pressure, and the ability to generate electricity will cause abnormal charge movement.

The specific performance of the AIM force field varies from person to person. If it is not detected by precise measuring instruments, even observing its existence is a reluctant task.

However, no matter how weak it is, power is still power.

They will indeed be released, and their power will increase step by step as their ability levels increase.

"After reaching the level of a superpower, this degree is enough to produce a qualitative change. When the third person uses his power, the power released unconsciously is enough to drive multiple wind turbines to spontaneously rotate. Over time, this change has already It’s enough to distort the world.”

"Even some of the misfortunes and tragedies we face may come from such people, but they don't even realize it."

No one will be self-conscious about something they have never done, nor will they give up using their abilities because of such baseless words. Therefore, only by eliminating superpowers can this inequality be restored.

"Because the AIM force field will interfere with reality, my tragedy is caused by them. From a certain point of view, I admire you logical geniuses for being able to comfort yourself with such self-deceptive words. Even losing dogs are like this. Not really."

The corners of Roland's mouth twitched and he sneered unceremoniously.

"What about you?"

The enemies in knight uniforms did not quibble on this issue. There is no dispute that their starting point was baseless speculation.

But as they themselves say, this is not groundless.

"The third force field only leaks some electric charge. It may take multiple coincidences to cause misfortune. But if it is psychological control, what kind of ability will it be subconsciously released to the outside world?"

This was the motive of the group called the Dead Knot, who wanted to kill Shokuhou Misaki even if they were to die together.


Shokuhou Caoqi, who was held in Roland's arms, couldn't help but make such a sound.

From doubt comes uneasiness, from uneasiness comes fear.

Therefore, Shokuhou Misaki seemed to have been abandoned by his past self. He stared blankly at his enemy and stated it in words that were not exciting, and could even be said to be calm.

"Perhaps the reason is indeed not hers, but since I have this ability, all my conscience, guilt and other emotions are false things produced by her subconscious control, and I cannot deny that such a thing does exist. Possibility?"

In general, this sophistry is just delusion.

But as for the question of whether the ability to release subconsciously has any impact, which cannot be studied, even I cannot give a guarantee.

"So, the only thing we can believe is the murderous intention directed at her, because this is the only behavior that cannot be manipulated by her."

The knight suit carefully picked up the pile driver on his shoulder and looked at Roland.

"And can you be sure that your coming forward today was not due to her influence?"

The loop is closed.

Shokuhou Misaki's eyebrows lowered.

When she herself had doubts about the facts, her words could not impress anyone.

As a person with super powers who can see through people's hearts, being wary of others has long been a part of the girl's life.

Because of this, she did not hesitate to weaken her abilities, but also wanted to increase her controllability, and bound herself with extremely high moral standards.

But personal standards, in this academy city, are even lower than the promises of others.

In fact, when he discovered that the research institution planned to execute him, Shokuhou Misaki, who had no one to rely on, did escape from danger alone by closing himself off and indulging his abilities.

This kind of behavior is not worthy of harsh criticism for a girl who was only fourteen years old at the time and already had to be careful and walk on thin ice.

But from a consequentialist perspective, others don't need to care about her situation. They only need to pay attention to the result that the researcher has become her slave.

Shokuhou Misaki pursed her lips tightly, trying to use this behavior to get the other person to keep the distance between them.

This is the result anyway. Rather than being saved, she hopes to leave Roland with the impression that Shokuhou Misaki is not a scumbag who plays with people's hearts at will.


"of course."

Roland looked at the serious-looking enemy and sneered disdainfully.

"Not to mention that the AIM force field in Academy City has been restrained by your chairman, if the escaped force field can still affect the fate of others, let alone Aleister , I even laughed out loud with joy.”

The phase spark is such a tricky and stubborn thing. From Roland, Aleister, to the Demon God, everyone has suffered losses in its hands.

If there was no need for aggregation, the ordinary AIM force field could eliminate the influence of the phase spark's fixed fate, and Academy City would not be established at all.

Roland no longer needs to integrate the influence of magnetic field rotation into the appropriate AIM force field method to transform the world. He can completely achieve it in one step and start to explode the entire world.

"Furthermore, even if there is indeed a coincidence in this process, this is the only thing that is certain."

Roland said firmly.

"As long as Shokuhou Misaki is a beautiful girl that suits my taste, then saving her will be valuable to me, just like holding her is very comfortable, so I don't plan to let go."


Such straightforward words made Shokuhou Misaki's pretty face turn red while she was being held, and she subconsciously wanted to twist her body.

Although I am very touched, being saved by such a reason will inevitably make people worry about their chastity.

But due to the situation, she still didn't dare to struggle too hard. She just supported Roland's chest with her small hands out of a girl's reserve.

It's a pity... This kind of performance only made Roland more excited.

He hugged her tighter without caring, and at the same time, he did not forget to show an undisguised contemptuous smile towards the young man in knight uniform opposite who was speechless and could only look at him with hateful eyes.

"On the other hand, do you take yourselves too seriously? Weak people who can't get up again after a failure are worthy of having the AIM force field interfere with your lives?"

"kill him!"

After being exposed, shouts came one after another from the surroundings, and the roar of the engine became more and more intense like the barking of a gathering dog.

The leader of the knight suit could no longer maintain the pretentious calmness. He waved his hand without hesitation and looked at Roland with a malicious look, standing generously in the light and enveloped in brilliance.

In an instant, three roaring figures slammed into Roland with harsh roars.

There was no room for ordinary people to react to this fleeting attack. Shokuhou Misaki, who was held in his arms, couldn't even take out the remote control again and could only nervously pull on Roland's clothes.

The knight in uniform also showed a proud expression when he saw this scene.

"Don't look down on people. Although there are members who have to rely on props, we also have many powerful people here. Do you think just one person can defeat us?"

But in the face of this unkind question, Roland answered very simply.

"If we were just enemies of your level, honestly

——It’s more difficult to think about the reasons why it can’t be done. "

His left foot paused slightly, and invisible force flew out. Then, the three attackers were like the soda cans that had been shaken hard when they were opened, expanding dozens of times at an unstoppable speed and exploding. Come.

But unlike ordinary explosions, their explosions contained neither flames nor air waves, nor blood nor internal organs.

To put it metaphorically, it's like a building made of building blocks collapsing.

Yes, under the horrified gazes of the surrounding people, the three indomitable attackers suddenly turned into countless tiny blocks like building blocks, which collapsed suddenly.

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