Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 409 Clown, what are you doing?

"Talent room?"

Roland was slightly startled.

"This is the research institution I belonged to before. Its original purpose was to study the birth of geniuses and great men."

Shokuhou Misaki stuck out her tongue playfully.

"However, it's not that great when it comes to research. In essence, they are just moving towards the goal of creating genius factories for mass production by just pressing a button through the process of copying and capability development."

"It's really an easy-to-understand naming method," Roland narrowed his eyes, "But since this was the original intention, then the subsequent change in direction was also the reason why you asked me to reject the talent house in the first place, right?"

"That's right, because they discovered my ability."

Shokuhou said softly and slowly, with a smile as bright as a flower.

"Compared with a creative genius whose progress is slow and whose prospects are unknown, is it much more convenient to directly brainwash? In terms of efficiency and difficulty, even I can't deny that this is an unreasonable choice."

Although the girl was trying her best to restrain her emotions, her slightly trembling hands and restless eyes had betrayed her true thoughts.

So, Roland touched the girl's head.

"Do you treat me like a child?"

While muttering like this, Shokuhou Misaki hugged Roland's arm tighter, and the sweet taste like honey continued to penetrate into his nasal cavity.

"However, this is all in the past. Whether it's Dolly's experience or the talent house's plan to burn bridges, they all gave me ample reasons to strike first."

Shokuhou Misaki smiled and looked at Roland with soft eyes.

"Now that place is under my control. Although it is somewhat abandoned due to its placement, the general buildings and assets have been preserved intact. How about it? It meets your requirements, right?"

"But this is also a valuable asset for Shokuhou-san, right? Is it okay to just give it to me?"

"Even if you say so," Shokuhou Misaki widened her eyes slightly, "To me, the value of Saitoubo is just an information station and warehouse. It's better to give it more value to you."

"Moreover," the girl showed a rather soft expression and raised her head slightly. "Compared to such a dead thing, accomplices who work together are undoubtedly closer."

"Then I would be disrespectful."

Roland smiled gently.

"Huhu, such frankness is worth extra points."

Seeing that he could also help Roland, Shokuhou Misaki's expression became brighter, and he took the initiative to pick up Roland and drag him forward.

"Without further ado, let me lead the way for you. You need to go this way next...Eh? This seems to be the only way to the talent's workshop, right?"

After discovering that the path Roland walked in the previous chat had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, the excitement on the girl's face immediately turned into suspicion.

"You want to tease me again?"

Shokuhou's eyes suddenly became brighter and brighter. Although she did not say these words, Roland could clearly see her thoughts on her face.

Well... considering his criminal record, this suspicion cannot be said to be unfounded.

However, this time he really wronged himself, Roland shrugged.

"It's just a coincidence. No, this statement may be a bit biased, but my purpose of following this path is just to deal with the aftermath."


Shokuhou Caoqi paused, with a little surprise on his face, and his tone became serious.

"Did you find it so quickly?"

The prototype of the driving armor, the Spear of Usurpation, is not accessible to a worthless research material like Dead Knot. Coupled with the restraint that is specifically aimed at her abilities, it is obvious that there is a mastermind behind the matter.

Roland nodded, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Although the mastermind behind the scenes hid his appearance when reading the memories of those dead knots, the program helmet used to resist your psychological control has been sending signals to this place. Even if I want to ignore it, it is difficult. I can't see it. It doesn’t look like it’s very far, so we plan to solve it together along the way.”

"So...the receiving location of the signal source is in the talent room?"

Shokuhou Misaki's face turned a little pale.

Isn't this kind of storyline where you finally narrowly escape death and return to your warm home only to find that the source of danger has been waiting for you at home only appears at the end of horror movies?

Especially this afternoon, she was still safely staying in the talent laboratory. Shokuhou Misaki shuddered subconsciously when she thought that someone was always spying on her in the research institution that she ostensibly controlled.

"Don't panic. Since he chose to attack you at this time, it can be seen that he was no match for you before."

Roland smiled slightly and said comfortingly.

"For safety reasons, it is impossible for him to stay in a place prone to abnormalities like the Talented Mansion for a long time."

After calming down, Shokuhou Misaki also realized that Roland's statement was correct.

All the researchers in the talent laboratory have been brainwashed by her, and new orders may be added at any time. Since the other party has tolerated it for so long, it is impossible to make a mistake on such details.

"That's true, but such comfort doesn't make people happy," Shokuhou Misaki puffed her lips, "Because he specially arranged an attack and invasion of the talent workshop after I left, which means that he The ultimate goal has been achieved, so that’s why he is so unscrupulous.”

"It's almost the same, but it's really unlucky for him. From the moment you transferred the talent workshop to me, everything in it became my property."

Roland paused, looked at the inconspicuous tall building in front of him, and showed a cruel smile.

"Let the rat inside know for yourself what will happen if you attack my things without permission."

Watching the researcher who had been brainwashed by him open the door naturally as usual, Shokuhou Misaki was in a very confused state of mind, but Roland had already held her hand and led her into the shadow of the door.

But contrary to the girl's expectation, the journey was unusually peaceful.

Different researchers performed their duties as usual, and the traps she set performed their functions safely, with no signs of being triggered or being exploited by the enemy.

But Shokuhou Caoqi, who had seen Roland's ability, knew that the opponent's judgment could not be wrong.

Then, the phenomenon before her eyes could only mean one fact.

The man behind the scenes has mastered weapons more powerful than these mechanisms and traps.

In this talented man-made house, there is only one thing that meets this requirement.

Shokuhou Misaki ran quickly towards the central research room, and as she expected, a middle-aged man was waiting there quietly as if he had been waiting for a long time.

He wore a shirt made of carbon nanotube black body and a tie made of precious white snakeskin, showing off his domineering and aloof temperament without any concealment.

"Fuck Junzo!"

Shokuhou Misaki gritted his teeth and shouted out the other person's name.

"Why are you here!"

"That's a strange statement, Shokuhou Misaki, compared to you, I am the real owner of the talent studio."

Dong Dongjun San said disdainfully.

"If it weren't for the rubbish in the First and Second Research Rooms, how would you have the qualifications to stand here and talk to me? I would say that neurotic and difficult-to-deal with things like superpowers should not be created at will. "

It was clear that Toshizo Toshizo was the mastermind behind this series, but the displeasure in his words was deeper than that of Shokuhou Misaki who struggled out of the crisis.

Because he does have such a reason.

At an age that could be considered in the prime of life, Junzo became the leader of the third laboratory of the large-scale research institution, Talent Factory, and published a number of remarkable technical achievements.

If he continues to maintain this experience, his future will definitely be bright. In this practical Academy City, even becoming a member of the Overarching Council is not impossible.

However, Shokuhou Misaki, who was supposed to be destroyed after the project was completed, gave him a big surprise.

This girl, who had just reached junior high school age, used her own abilities to control the entire talent workshop. If it weren't for the precautionary preparations, he would have almost succeeded.

But he didn't expect that after Shokuhou Misaki realized that there was no chance to control him, he made a decisive deal with the council, directly cut off his source of funds, disbanded his laboratory, and let everything he accumulated in the past go to waste. .

"Originally, in my plan, the dead knot should be enough to deal with you, but I didn't expect that it could save your life in such a desperate situation."

Jundong Junsan glanced at Roland, who was slowly walking in behind Shokuhou Caoqi.

"But do you think that with help, you can change your destiny? No matter what you want to do, it is nothing more than that in front of me who has mastered the external brain."

"Exterior brain substitute?"

Looking at the frowning Shokuhou Misaki, Roland cast a curious look behind Junzo.

In the center of this room, in two large glass containers filled with liquid, two brains, one on the left and one on the right, are floating quietly.

What emerges from them is AIM's stance that is consistent with Shokuhou Misaki's, but expanded many times in scale.

"I see."

After seeing the whole picture clearly, Roland understood everything.

"That's the research project after the Talent Factory changed its focus."

By cutting off part of her cerebral cortex and cultivating it separately, the biological brain beyond the limits of human beings is used as a tool to assist the operation of mental control abilities.

At the same time, no time was left to devote resources to improve the ability level of Shokuhou Misaki. While building abilities, they used their AIM stance to grow simultaneously. When Shokuhou Misaki became a superpower, this moment The tool called the external brain substitute has become a server called psychological control.

Regardless of ability development or not, as long as you have permission, you can use the power of psychological control to brainwash and manipulate.

No wonder Saitoubo planned to execute Shokuhou Misaki, who had finally been cultivated.

Although people with superpowers are also very rare, in front of this already formed external brain, Shokuhou Misaki as the main body will become an unstable factor.

"Yes, although the external brain replacement project is not a project of the Third Research Laboratory, I have also handled it."

Even though he knew that Roland was very strong, Jundong Junsan still looked very leisurely and even explained to him triumphantly.

"Therefore, during its construction period, I brainwashed some of the researchers in advance, and then left a secret door in it. This is a login password independent of Shokuhou Misaki. Although it is one-time, as long as you log in Once we get there, our situation will be completely reversed.”

"And the data on your ability to use the usurping gun is the last condition I am missing. It would have required more experiments before it can be put into practical use, but because you are forcing me too hard, I can only take a gamble. ”

"In other words, Shokuhou Misaki, it was you who unveiled your own death talisman with your own hands."

Having said this, Dong Dongjun San showed a sarcastic smile.

Even if it doesn't get an exaggerated increase like Shokuhou Misaki, the strength of the external brain is enough to surpass its own body.


Seeing Shunzo's confident appearance, Shokuhou Misaki showed a rather disgusted expression, but she squeezed the remote control in her hand and did not act impulsively as usual.

He didn't even wear the ridiculous helmet that he used to use to counteract his own abilities, which was enough to show how confident Junzo was.

If you randomly launch an attack on a mentally prepared person, one mistake will backfire on you.

But without the use of psychological control, she is nothing more than a weak and beautiful girl.

Although she was very reluctant, if she was alone, no matter how regretful this defeat was, there was nothing she could do.

Yes, if you are alone.

Looking at Roland, who was smiling but not smiling, even though his appearance looked ungrateful, inexplicable courage still surged out of her limbs, making the fear in her heart melt away as quickly as the fine snow in the sun.

"Aren't you going to give in yet?"

Jundong Junzo, who had been observing silently, frowned. When he was at a disadvantage, his choice was to use the knot to kill Shokuhou Souqi to vent his anger.

But since he has the advantage, he doesn't mind making the opponent's value greater, such as keeping his brain as a backup machine for psychological control.

Although the strength of the external brain substitute is higher than that of Shokuhou Misaki, because of the same ability, its effect will be greatly reduced before breaking through the opponent's psychological defense.

That's why Junzo deliberately used eloquent words to describe the current situation, hoping to destroy Shokuhou Misaki's mental defense.

"It seems that the man next to you gave you support? Indeed, he can easily solve the knot equipped with the usurpation gun. This guy's ability must not be underestimated. Maybe, let him use his end to make you understand the psychology Take control of the real power."

Roland, who seemed to know nothing about the current situation and was just staring thoughtfully at the external substitute brain, suddenly sneered and pressed the remote control in his hand without hesitation.

He didn't want to control Roland. After all, people with mental abilities often left secret doors on the puppets, just like he did with the external brain. He didn't want to overturn here.

Therefore, he is simply outputting the full power of his abilities through mind reading.

When there is no need to carry out the delicate operation of deriving information and just roughly read all the memories, the external brain can even directly burn through the opponent's brain.

The moment he pressed the button, there was indeed a boiling sound.


The source of this sound was not the boy in front of Jundong Junsan, but the two huge culture tanks behind him.

The external brain seemed to be overwhelmed. The temperature rose rapidly, causing bubbles to continuously rise in the nutrient solution surrounding it, and steaming white smoke to rise, covering the transparent glass outer wall in a hazy state.

Why doesn't the ability of psychological mastery take effect?

Because he was not an esper himself, when this completely unrecorded situation occurred, Jundong Junsan was also a little at a loss.

"Using the mind-reading ability of 300,000 horses to read my mind of 500,000 horses?"

And the young man who seemed to be aloof from the incident suddenly turned his attention to him.

"Joker, what are you doing?"

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