Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 431 Roland: Do big things, do big things!

"I must be the winner!"

In the special training ground, Misaka Mikoto smiled.

The blue-white electric light swayed and bloomed on the girl's body like ice flowers.

When the petals bloomed, the halo that spread like water flow danced lightly, causing a sick blush to spread on the girl's body.

But Roland just smiled at her and waved gently, without responding to this provocation.

This silent contempt made Misaka Mikoto's pretty face turn red again with anger.

But soon, she put these unnecessary emotions behind her and focused all her attention on Roland in front of her.

Even if there was no weapon on the other party.

Even his standing posture was very casual, and his slightly clasped hands seemed to be his only preparation for this battle.

But she could clearly sense that an indescribable terror had spread from Roland's body.

This is it again...

Misaka Mikoto frowned.

It was the same last time. She had not figured out Roland's killer move until she failed.

Because the nature of their abilities was too conflicting, the railgun was renamed from the electric shock that generates and manipulates electromagnetic phenomena to LEVEL5.

When using abilities, it is inevitable that it will be affected by the electric field of nature, as well as all magnetic fields and electromagnetic information.

The superpower called magnetic field rotation, which is completely different from AIM's position, is the best in this regard.

Whether it is her usual iron sand sword or lightning gun, there is no difference in front of Roland, and each time it will be directly collapsed in a perfect way.

Her ability seems to be completely ineffective against Roland, which makes Misaka Mikoto herself feel absurd.

However, facts are facts.

After the ability she was proud of was broken, she was easily crushed in terms of physical strength and skills, and thus received an indisputable defeat in the face.

So, this time she must avenge her previous shame.

Misaka Mikoto narrowed her eyes, and the sharpness in her pupils became more and more obvious, like a long sword slowly revealing its edge.

...It feels like she has completely misunderstood.

Looking at Misaka Mikoto who was full of fighting spirit, Roland sighed silently.

Even for Roland who had only watched the animation, it was easy for him to be deeply impressed by Misaka Mikoto's competitive personality.

So, when they first met, out of consideration for the Dream Maker Plan, he deliberately used absolute power to completely crush the girl's hostility.

He wanted the other party to understand the difference in power, so as to invite her into the trap and take the initiative to deliver herself to the door.

But it was obvious that in Misaka Mikoto's eyes, the meaning of this matter was completely different from what Roland thought.

Her competitive spirit was not so much from the will to fight, but more from unwillingness.

Just like a naive child who would even cheat to deny the fact that he lost, Misaka Mikoto would not do so to such an extent, but the nature was not much different.

The fact that she was suppressed by an ability of the same nature made Misaka Mikoto, who had just been upgraded to level 5, naturally regard Roland's behavior as a provocation.

Her ability development is definitely not low, but from the perspective of performance, it is only mediocre at best.

It would be fine if she was a low-level electric shock user, but when she reached the level of superpowers, she had clearly begun to involve the field of the four basic forces.

She still has more potential that has not been tapped. With this clear, it is not surprising that the arrogant girl would feel unwilling.

The most important thing is that Shokuhou Misaki's involvement in magnetic field rotation in addition to psychological control has further strengthened Misaka Mikoto's cognition.

Since even Shokuhou Misaki, who has always been at odds with her, can do this, it is even more impossible for her to give in.

Although Roland was not found, Misaka Mikoto greatly increased her combat training in this year's research project and consciously strengthened her control over her abilities.

Therefore, although she admitted that she had no chance of winning against Roland a year ago.

But now——

"Too many flaws!"

Just halfway through the charge, the electric sparks of Bilibili spread like sprouting roots.

But unlike the electric shock gun that usually climbed toward the outside world, the arcs were firmly bound to the surface of Misaka Mikoto's body.

In just a moment, Misaka Mikoto's figure accelerated again, like a thunderous lightning, with a swift speed and a blowing wind, shooting towards Roland in a dazzling arc!

The next moment, a white and slender fist shadow was directly enlarged in Roland's field of vision!


Misaka Mikoto's fist collided with Roland's palm, causing the vibrating atmosphere to raise layers of huge sound waves.

"Electric current... No, you generated a set of formulas inside your body to stimulate your body and obtain physical fitness far beyond the ordinary?"


Although Misaka Mikoto was a little unhappy that Roland saw through the principle at a glance, she still flashed a trace of pride and pleasure in her eyes when she saw that her past efforts were not in vain.

Although she had no idea how to deal with Roland at first, the fact that Shokuhou Misaki had transformed from a physically weak person to a nimble person who could even dodge electric shocks gave the girl plenty of inspiration.

Since the influence of her AIM stance on the external environment will be invalidated by the other party's ability to manipulate magnetic fields, it only negates the interference of the outside world.

As long as the electromagnetic barrier caused by her own life activities is used as a boundary, the ability can still be used to improve physical fitness.

This is her fighting method.

The ability of the railgun is highly malleable, as it has been able to become the third place in research value that has never been shaken.

It can do such subtle operations as hacking by reading electrical signals, and it is of course no problem to use bioelectricity to manipulate the body.

"Even if there is no so-called dream creator, among the same type of abilities," Misaka Mikoto looked directly at Roland and said word by word.

"——I will never lose to anyone!"

The corners of the girl's mouth still rose unconsciously, and she looked at Roland expectantly, wanting to appreciate what kind of expression he would show when he saw her now different from the past.

However, as expected by Misaka Mikoto, the other party neither showed a shocked and embarrassed expression nor lost his composure.

On the contrary, only admiration could be seen on his face.

But because they were so close, Misaka Mikoto could clearly perceive that this admiration was not the admiration that was aroused by the desire to fight because of encountering a strong enemy.

It was more like the joy of parents seeing their children work hard without supervision and get good grades, and fruit farmers seeing the harvest of carefully cultivated fruits.

Strange... I should have only met this guy twice in total, right?

"It's great that you think so." Roland replied calmly, "I am very relieved, Misaka classmate, you can make such a breakthrough without accepting the dream creator, so I will also play with you for a while."

"Well..." Misaka Mikoto was choked by this indifferent attitude and frowned.

"I am already standing on the same starting line with you, don't you understand yet? My ability can allow me to obtain physical fitness beyond the limit. If you are so careless, you will definitely lose..."

"Physical fitness beyond the limit, that is to say, this strength will still have limits because of the flesh, right?"

Roland interrupted Misaka Mikoto's words with a smile.

"--So, where do you get the confidence to compete with me?"

Roland, who was a polite older brother the second before, was completely different the next second.

After the disguise was torn off, the fierce momentum rushed towards him like a beast that was ready to eat its prey.

Misaka Mikoto, who was forced to face this madness, turned pale and almost retreated.

But someone stopped her action.

"How...how is it possible..."

Her fist, which could even overturn a car in the usual experiments, was firmly held in Roland's palm, unable to move.

No matter how much strength he put in, it remained indifferent.

Drops of sweat appeared on the girl's smooth forehead and slid down bit by bit.

"The so-called magnetic field rotation is a power beyond common sense. What it can do depends only on the imagination and determination of the user."

Roland said with a chuckle.

"Therefore, Misaka-san, when you think you can still surpass me through hard work, defeat is your inevitable outcome."

"If you are still trapped by the fact that the flesh has limits and is bound by the laws of physics, how can you call it a superpower? Stupid prejudice is more disappointing than weakness."

"Besides, didn't I tell you before? There are also differences in the same type of abilities."

Roland wrapped Misaka Mikoto's fist, separated it with a strong force, and then interlocked her fingers without hesitation.

Using this action to suppress the girl's shoulders, forcing her to look up and look straight into his eyes.

Even if he didn't need to see it, Roland knew that at this moment, there must be only chilling malice in his pupils.

"Or is it because I said it too implicitly at that time that you didn't understand it."

-Since it failed the first time, then based on the last time, it will be completely redeemed.

He will use the power of despair to make the girl remember this day forever.

"Well, I'll be more straightforward."

-When Misaka Mikoto wants to seek power and become stronger in the future, she will blindly ignore everything and only have this power in her eyes.

Roland leaned slightly closer to the girl's earlobe and whispered.

"What superpower do you have? What superpower do I have?"

Misaka Mikoto opened her mouth, then gritted her teeth, and her whole body was completely covered by the arc.

Such a huge gap made the proud self before, just like those bad boys who once surrounded her on the street and didn't know the height of the world.

Has she been playing such a role in front of Roland?

Thinking of this, the girl's anger burned more violently in her chest.

She hooked her finger, and the blue and blazing white electric light seemed to spread along the other arm, adding a bit of burning smell in the air.

Then the next second, Roland held her other hand, as if stretching a cat, and lifted her up.

The moment he touched Misaka Mikoto's arm, the dazzling electric light suddenly went out with a "puff".

So, with both wrists grabbed and lifted up, Misaka Mikoto had to stand on tiptoes to keep her balance because of the height difference.

But such an unstable fulcrum could not support her legs at all, and they continued to tremble under the influence of instinct.

But even so, Misaka Mikoto refused to admit defeat and stared at Roland.

And being glared at by a pretty girl with a fierce expression, with Roland's face, was naturally harmless.

He even managed to control both of Misaka Mikoto's wrists with one hand, while using his free hand to skillfully reach out to the girl's legs that were still struggling and kicking her.

Then, he held it neatly in his hand.

"Ah ah--!"

Misaka Mikoto screamed.

It was nothing more than her arms. With her legs also under control, she couldn't care less about her shame as her face turned red.

Even though she was wearing safety pants, the intimacy of this kind of action was already a bit too much for a young girl.

But before she could admit defeat, another voice of gnashing of teeth, or envy, jealousy, and hatred came over.

"Let go of onee-sama! Even Kuroko has never touched onee-sama's legs!"

Shirai Kuroko's figure suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield, and then, without hesitation, he hugged Misaka Mikoto's legs.

"Sister-sama, Heizi will save you from this pervert..."

But even though Roland had already taken the initiative to let go of the hug, Shirai Kuroko still had no intention of letting go, and was even locked tighter than Roland before.

For a moment, Misaka Mikoto couldn't even tell who was the one who trapped her.

"I have unlocked the magnetic field around me."

Roland added abruptly.

Needless to say, the moment she heard these words, Misaka Mikoto turned her attention to Kuroko Shirai, who had cold sweat on her forehead and looked innocent.

"Um...sama, I can explain..."

"You're the one who's perverted, right?"

The next moment, the blazing white current had drowned out her explanation and screams.

"Thank you very much!"

Misaka Mikoto glanced at Roland gratefully.

"It doesn't matter. After all, Misaka-san, you are also the core figure that the Dream Maker Project has been inviting... Did this battle make you slightly change your opinion of this device?"

Roland smiled slightly and stared at Misaka Mikoto.

"Ability in another field is fundamentally different from the alternative use of a single ability, right? With your quality, Misaka-kun, you will make rapid progress after installing Dream Creator."

"Install...Dream Maker?"

Because her original intention was just to accompany her, Misaka Mikoto never thought that she would suddenly receive an invitation.

But compared to the triumphant rejection in the first half of the year when she had just been assessed as a superpower, now that she has experienced this battle, her rejection of the device has indeed become much less severe.

There was already an example of Shokuhou Misaki in front of her. For Misaka Mikoto, who was obsessed with being strong, this natural power was a temptation.


A trace of confusion flashed in the girl's eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with power itself. When the day comes when you really need power, it'll be too late to regret it."

Roland's slightly malicious voice sounded in Misaka Mikoto's ears, like merciless persecution or the devil's temptation.

"Don't you have the determination not to lose to anyone? Misaka-san, when you want to do something big, you can't show mercy."

For a moment, as if she was infected by Roland's words, Misaka Mikoto opened her mouth, with obvious hesitation on her face.

"Before that..."

Finally, she raised her head.

The girl's clear eyes were full of complex emotions, and because of the overly intense emotions, there were even traces of tears welling up, glistening with water.

Her voice trembled slightly.

"——You should put me down first!"

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