Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 442 Kamiya Kaori: What have I protected? !

When the beam of light with a sound of destruction came towards Roland, just like the full-strength attack of the St. George Dragon in the past, he also raised his finger.

——The shadow of the evil dragon, which had no place to hide in the St. George Sanctuary, not only changed from false darkness to real life, but also stretched out its sharp claws.

Although the material was a thin shadow, the texture of each scale on it was heavy and huge.

Roland just moved his mind, and the ferocious dragon claws, with the raging wind, completely wrapped Index and her domain.

The dazzling claws shone with more ferocity than any magic sword, and drew a bright and cold arc in the night sky.

For this battlefield that was completely blocked by the dragon shadow that came to life, it was the only star that could shine.

The claws of the dragon shadow stretched out with a flowing posture, like a beast pouncing on its prey, and chopped down!

Perhaps it felt the ultimate threat, the Sanctuary of St. George instinctively resisted, and the thick and twisted space covering Index expanded again.

The strange black and red cracks madly aggravated the alienation of the domain, and the expansion of the source also caused the Dragon King's Sigh to expand again.

It was like a soaring white dove, and even floating pure feathers appeared around it.

It was the embodiment of the symbol of the ultimate judgment.

When this domain took shape and the Crusade phase descended, Roland already understood its source.

The essence of this ritual is to reproduce the heavenly fire that burned everything when St. George burned the evil dragon king, so it borrowed the image of St. George's dragon as its composition.

Although this method seems to conflict with the legend that St. George would beat the enemy into an evil dragon, it is actually just a misunderstanding.

Comparing pagans to evil dragons is a specialty of the Crusades, but they also have the tradition of comparing angels to dragons and snakes.

The essence of the so-called St. George's Dragon is an annihilating blow manifested by the power of the "Godlike" Michael.

This has already touched the level of the Angel's Art, so it is no wonder that a saint like Kanzaki Kaori would feel dangerous.

However, the Angel's Art, which others are afraid of, did not have even the slightest obstruction under the claws of the Dragon's Shadow.

The Angel's Art, which will turn all obstacles into purifying feathers, melted silently like a popsicle in a furnace.

Then, the dragon's shadow easily slashed into this area.

In this way, the St. George Sanctuary, which tore the space apart, was completely split in half from the huge black and red arcs around it to the magic circle in front of Index.

Although the threads composed of magic power still wanted to regenerate instinctively, they kept twitching and twisting, trying to connect the broken areas together, but it was useless.

Because in front of the greater mystery, just being stained with its traces is a deadly toxin that will cause the spell to collapse.

"You are too ignorant to use the power of the Crusade against me."

Roland shook his head and smiled helplessly.

If Index only used other spells, he would only use the magnetic field power normally.

Although the result would not change, Roland would naturally be more serious in this process.

But unexpectedly, the first spell constructed by the automatic secretary system gave him a hang.

Originally, the spell using the Crusade phase would be fine, but Index also formed a domain for the ultimate kill, forcing the power of this phase to lock Roland's essence.

For Roland, who put his essence in the Crusade phase to create a reasonable identity and put down an anchor point, this operation is equivalent to passively letting him log in to the administrator account on the phase.

In this state, let alone constructing a spell in the name of St. George, even if the saint really resurrected, she would still be beaten to the ground.

Unless Index could shake out the real Michael, the passive force reflection alone would be enough to kill her.

However, Roland would never let his hard-earned spoils be destroyed by indulging his strength.

He casually retracted his fingers, causing the resurrected dragon's shadow to stop in mid-air, then slowly faded and disappeared into the air.

Although the dragon's shadow stopped before touching Index, the power that spread out halfway still squeezed the air into a sharp and fierce hammer, hitting the girl hard.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the roar of thousands of troops, Index's petite shadow brought a series of white ripples and shot out behind her.

Whether in terms of strength or size, the two were not proportional.

In just a moment, she penetrated several buildings and drew a fierce arc under the effect of air resistance.

After she flew to the last building and smashed through layer after layer, she barely stopped moving at the top of the building.

On the building, cement and glass shattered together, and dust and gravel fell like a torrential rain in the moonlight.

"Wow... so awesome..."

Mai Ye Shenli couldn't help but open her eyes wide.

Although she was known for her destructive power and often caused similar scenes, she couldn't do the scale of Roland, and the feeling of lifting a heavy weight with ease, as if flicking away a bug.

The one who was even more shocked was naturally Kamiya Kaori who was standing next to her.

It was just as Roland had said before.

Compared to the power displayed by Index and Roland at this moment, her full-strength Weishan can only be called a joke.

But now is not the time to care about this.


As a saint, Kamisaki Kaori has excellent vision that allows everything within 600 meters to be seen.

Index was lying in the gap of the ruins on the roof, looking dizzy, trying to support her body but failed several times.

Although she knew that the other party had no consciousness at the moment, looking at this appearance, Kamisaki Kaori still instinctively wanted to rush over.

But Roland's words stopped her.

"Don't worry, I stopped at the last moment. With the defense of the Mobile Church, it is not impossible to resist even this kind of aftermath."

"Of course, there will be a few broken ribs, but it will definitely not kill her."

"After all, the automatic secretary system has been activated. In order to protect the 103,000 magic books in her mind, even if it is really fatal, it will find a way to save it."

Automatic secretary system.

This word is enough to explain everything just now.

But it is precisely because of this that Kamisaki Kaori finds it unbelievable.

According to the Puritan, Index's physique cannot produce magic power, so she is the best candidate for the Forbidden Book Index.

This is not difficult to verify, so Kamisaki Kaori will wholeheartedly undertake the responsibility of the guardian.

But Index's performance just now undoubtedly completely overturned this point. Just to maintain the spell of hunting the witch king is enough to drain Stiyl's physical strength and turn him into a waste.

Not to mention the more terrifying Saint George Sanctuary, which makes her, a saint, feel difficult and dangerous.

Roland affirmed Kamisaki Kaori's idea.

"Any magic book that can be called an original is a spell that will run spontaneously. Even if no one starts it, it can show strange phenomena by absorbing the magic power of the great source."

"Even if it is forcibly destroyed, it will leave its traces on the magician who handles it, contaminating it and turning it into a human-shaped magic book. For this reason, sealing is the most correct way to deal with it."

"And an original can turn ordinary people into carriers and monsters that can call for disasters. People who have recorded 103,000 originals don't even have the means to refine vitality into magic. Isn't this a strange thing in itself?"

The confused Kamiya quickly grasped the key point and said subconsciously.

"So, the reason why Index can't generate magic power is because she was treated as a dangerous weapon a long time ago, and the magic power generated by her body was used to supply the defense system called the automatic secretary?"

"Faced with a collection of 103,000 magic books, the ultimate weapon that can defeat all magic, it would be the most wasteful move if she was simply used as a library, right?"

Roland raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly.

"You were fooled by such a clumsy trick. Your clear stupidity is not much better than that of students in the ivory tower."

"You new-age magicians have been spoiled by the Golden Dawn system. Magic is a system that first studies wisdom and then brings power to make up for the lack of talent."

"As a result, after being simplified, people who study magic prioritize power and forget its original meaning."

In order to make magic less complicated, the magic society Golden Dawn developed a simpler and more universal theoretical framework.

After being improved and popularized by Aleister, it has become the source of modern Western magic and can be used by almost everyone.

But the person who first proposed this idea probably didn't expect that such a quick way would cause the quality of the new generation of magicians to plummet.

In the past, magicians first studied wisdom and then combined their own spells from lines of records.

But now, because of the quick commands, you only need to extract keywords to easily construct spells, and there is no rigid requirement to be proficient in mystical knowledge.

As a result, even geniuses of the new era such as Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori were deceived by this simple theory of darkness under the lamp.

Indescribable anger rolled in Kanzaki Kaori's chest.

Not only did the church use her most cherished companion as a tool through deception, but it also made her an accomplice in this matter without knowing anything.

Wait, accomplice...

Since the statement that Index cannot produce magic power is false, will the fact that her memory must be cleared be true?

Kanzaki Kaori thought so, and the slender hand holding the hilt of the knife subconsciously exerted a little force.

She was not sure. Although she was a modern person, because of her identity and growing up in a sect, her knowledge of the mystical side was fine.

In this kind of explanation involving science, she is not much better than a certain Saint Girl of Orleans, no, even worse than her.

Although she is a village girl, she at least has the basic common sense given by the Holy Grail, but Kamisaki Kaori really knows nothing.

The female saint gritted her teeth and looked up at Roland. Her body, which could swing the blade without error even when dying, was trembling with fear.

"So... if a person with complete memory ability records 103,000 magic books, it can only carry one year's memory. Is it also a lie?"

"What else?"

As if complaining that this question was too boring, Roland's mouth curled up a smile full of joy.

He looked at Kanzaki Kaori with great interest and explained seriously to the girl who had not received compulsory education.

"You underestimate the human brain too much, right? The Grimoire lies in the pollution that is difficult to resist, and if you can ignore this pollution, it is just a piece of heavy wisdom."

"Although complete memory ability is rare, such people are not alone in history. Although they died in different ways, none of them was because their brains could no longer carry memories."

"The so-called memory erasure should be just a safety device. Human beings will undergo earth-shaking changes due to different personalities and experiences. This method must be just to ensure that the Index of Forbidden Books will not fall into the hands of others, and to remain loyal to Puritanism forever. Bar."

Roland's voice was not loud, but it made a loud thunderous sound in Kanzaki Kaori's heart, like the roar of a copper bell, with lingering reverberations.

A strong murderous intention emerged in the girl's body almost uncontrollably, and the handle of the knife she held in her hand continued to tremble.

Kanzaki Kaori's face was extremely pale, and his pupils were full of deathly silence.

She had realized that everything Roland said was the truth.

Index didn't have to endure the pain at all, and she and Steele didn't have to play the villains who were chasing her.

They could have used their status as close friends to guard the girl's side openly.

But even if he knew the truth, it was already too late.

The suffering she caused Index during this year as a pursuer was real.

She had personally participated in it, and it was a foregone conclusion that the memory of Index, who regarded her as a friend, would be erased.

He obviously swore to protect the child, but he personally became the executioner who sent her into the abyss.

She turned her head with empty eyes and looked at the magic circle that was spread out again on the top of the building, emitting a glow.

Index seemed to have stabilized her injuries under the control of the automatic secretary and was floating in the air again.

I don’t know if it’s because the impact I received was too great, and the emotions in my chest have become numb.

For a moment, Kanzaki Kaori's thinking became intermittent.

What have I protected? !

Let alone the past, even now, I can't do anything.

As the top combat force of the Puritan Church, Kanzaki Kaori is very aware of his own strengths and weaknesses.

With the help of the saint's physique, ordinary magicians will be easily defeated by her completely overwhelming physical fitness due to their fragile body, regardless of whether they successfully use the spell.

Even if the spell is difficult, almost 99% of the magic can be solved with the help of the secret power of the Amakusa Cross Sect's Wei Shan.

But facing the opponent of the Forbidden Book Directory, which contains one hundred and three thousand magic books, Kanzaki Kaori is very self-aware.

Judging from her attainments in the devil's path, there is absolutely no possibility of victory.

What's more, on the premise of ensuring Index's life, she was even less confident.

The female saint and Index looked at each other for a while, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down.

She turned around and looked at Roland, who had his hands on his chest.

Roland seemed to be more interested in her than Index in the distance.

"Can I ask you to rescue that child from his current situation?"

"You can do this kind of thing yourself. I just restored your body."

"I don't have the strength to accomplish this..."

Kanzaki Kaori couldn't help biting his lower lip.

She didn't know what Roland was thinking, and she was full of uneasiness.

Although this expression was not obvious, Roland could still read it clearly.

He did not take advantage of the situation, but looked at the hesitating female saint seriously.

"In this case, do you want me to help you? After all, the gap between you and the automatic secretary is not very big in terms of strength, but there is a big difference in means and experience. I happen to have a method that can make you Gain the power and experience to defeat the Index."


Because the contrast between this performance and Roland's previous appearance was so great, Kanzaki Kaori thought for a moment that he had heard wrong.

Seeing Roland's serious eyes, she realized that he didn't seem to be joking.

The beast of the Apocalypse, who casually teased himself and Stiyl, actually said that he would give her strength and experience, and also specifically emphasized that there would be no side effects?

This is too incredible, almost like a devil's trap.

"So, do you want it?"

"……I want."

Kanzaki Kaori still nodded.

The worries in her heart have not disappeared, but judging from her complete defeat, Roland has no need to put any obstacles on her.

Moreover, in order to protect Index, she had no room to waste this opportunity.

"So, what do I do?"

Kanzaki Kaori raised his head nervously and looked at Roland.

What means will the other party use to give her the wisdom and experience to defeat that forbidden book directory?

Install some scientific equipment, or get out of a contract?

The female saint's eyes became solemn, as if she was facing a trial, with a solemn look on her face.

"Although I don't know where you want to go, this method is actually not troublesome," Roland said with a smile.

"In short, kiss me."


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