Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 474: Imagination Realization VS Golden Great Evolution

Veins popped up on Oreos' forehead.

Although he learned alchemy because he had no talent for other magic, he was unparalleled in talent in this area, probably because he was also a descendant of Paracelsus.

Although the magic of converting lead into gold was not the ultimate goal of alchemy, it was also difficult and of great significance.

After all, most alchemists could not even do this and could only harvest the byproducts produced in the process.

Even if they could do it, it would require a considerable amount of effort, costing nearly 7 trillion yen, and taking more than three years to reproduce.

For Oreos, who had mastered instant alchemy, he could reconstruct the things he stabbed into gold in just a moment.

It is no exaggeration to say that the wisdom of this technique alone has surpassed the limits of modern alchemy and has real strategic value.

But Roland actually insulted his magic with such a frivolous remark as rubbing gold with his hands.

Alchemy is a discipline that seeks the world's benchmark by analyzing matter. Even his alchemy only uses magic and spells to replace this process.

If Roland used magic to create the corresponding enchantment or took out the corresponding magic props, it would be fine, but rubbing gold with his hands without doing anything?

How dare this guy, rubbing it from the air?

The already sinister expression on Oreos's face became more gloomy.

His brows also frowned hard.

"Don't be too arrogant! Do you dare to talk about the secrets of alchemy as an outsider? In this case, you can try this stupid idea yourself..."

He shouted angrily.

This sarcasm was a subconscious counterattack of Oreos's arrogant character. He did not really intend to get Roland's answer.

But the answer appeared.

"That's what I meant."

The gentle and magnetic voice, with a pleasant tone mixed with strong malice, came out of Roland's throat.

"After all, if we don't do this, wouldn't it be impossible to tell who is the real fool?"

He put his hands together and smiled.

Then, it was as if someone was knocking on the world from the outside.

There was only a low echo of "click" around.

Starting from Roland's slowly pulling his hands apart, cracks kept spreading.

It was like a shell with a crack, torn apart from the inside by something born inside.

The cracks grew bigger and bigger, like a sticky vortex.

Piercing through everything, running out, was the clear golden light.

Endless, never stopping.

Like a flash of lightning, it covered everything around, wave after wave, instantly swept the entire street, and stopped abruptly when it was about to sweep outside, and suddenly solidified.

It was like being intercepted by a wave of scenery and reflected into reality, and then made into a statue.

However, the deep golden color destined this to be a miracle that could not be replicated.

Because no country in the world would waste the gold reserves that sustain the country like this. No, there are only a few countries on this planet that have the capital to replicate this scene.

"It's too much..."

Kanzaki Kaori sighed, "Even if this precious metal is not easy to depreciate, this volume is enough to drop a nuclear bomb in the market."

"Yeah, I wanted to just pinch a million kilograms to help cheer, but when I saw this guy's stupid look, I got a little carried away."

Roland shrugged innocently, but from the faint smile on his mouth, it can be seen that he has no regrets at all.

"This is impossible!"

Oreos was shocked.

In the alchemy system, gold has always been a well-deserved precious metal. Since ancient times, the corresponding celestial body is the most majestic sun in this galaxy.

In an era when many magic and religions have declined due to technological development, this concept has not only not been exposed, but has been confirmed again.

Unlike diamonds that can be artificially made from readily available carbon, the preciousness of gold is a consensus reached by different civilizations from ancient times to the present.

Because to breed it, it requires the life of a star.

Being able to do this from nothing means that the other party has surpassed not only it, but the system of alchemy itself.

But the facts in front of us will not lie.

Oreos' eyes widened, and one hand trembled as he tried to touch his throat, as if his neck was pinched by an invisible hand.

This is proof that the oxygen around him is almost exhausted.

The golden light that bloomed from Roland's hand did not erode any existing substances on this street. Only the most basic atoms of matter were used to complete this miracle that was enough to change the world.

Such a natural golden wave formed a sharp contrast with the intact street and Oreos.

Looking at the bare floors in front of him after he transformed them, and the golden vortex surrounding him, which was not even as good as the splashes of this scene, the alchemist felt his face turn green and purple.

Obviously, it was obvious who was the fool.

But compared to the lack of oxygen and the anger, what really broke Oreos's defense was Index hiding behind Roland with an admiring face.

The heavy fate carried by the young nun formed a huge contrast with her pure heart without any selfish desires.

For any magician struggling in the darkness, it is the perfect salvation.

Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori are like this, and Oreos is no exception.

Three years ago, he also used alchemy to change the shape of gold to win the girl's smile.

And now, watching the pure and flawless princess in his heart clinging to Roland, he still used his own creativity.

Even though he knew that the other party was simply moved by this spectacular scene, the alchemist felt shocked and angry, and his heart was twisted.

"Why, Index... why?"

Even if you lose your memory, don't you have any feelings from the past left in your heart?

It was obviously me first!

Oreos stared at Roland with more and more resentment, and the green on his head, which was originally dyed to strengthen the symbol of the earth element, became a little brighter.

"So soon collapsed?"

Roland thought with some regret.

He was going to describe his intimate relationship with Index in words, but before he could do it, the other party broke down on her own.

Although he knew that he was not a practical man, his will was too weak, wasn't it?

However, this did not prevent him from continuing to stimulate the other party's mind.

Roland stretched out his hand and deliberately put it on Index's chin, gently stroking the girl's face.

Although he could only look but not eat, he had already held Index's petite and soft body in his arms countless times.

So much so that the little girl who would shyly run away from his arms at the beginning is now completely accustomed to this kind of thing.

After all, the girl grew up in a very closed environment. Although she was conscious of chastity, she was still quite simple in other aspects.

Although out of female instinct, she felt that this was not good.

But the closeness brought by Roland's life-saving grace and the fact that he was not aggressive, but stuck to the bottom line, from touching her hair to rubbing her belly, made Index gradually accustomed to this kind of thing, and she didn't even care about the eyes of the people around her.

After all, compared with grabbing her calves and jade feet wrapped in white socks in her hands, or burying her head between her hair and neck, touching her face is really nothing.

So, Index not only did not resist, but also took the initiative to rub Roland's back of his hand with her fair and smooth cheek, like a little animal seeking the master's love.

Seeing this scene, Oreos felt like he was hit hard with a stick, his eyes were full of stars, and his whole body was shaking.

Because when he was stroking Index's cheek, Roland didn't forget to show a provocative smile.

In those clear ruby ​​eyes, greedy ambitions were written.

Even without speaking, Oleos's male intuition can make him clearly feel that it is not arrogant contempt, but the humiliation and disdain of the winner for the loser in the relationship between men and women.

In the face of undisguised evil, the bright excuses of salvation or revenge are like bubbles that burst at the slightest poke.

After being stripped of his bright and beautiful appearance, the bloody fact that he is a pathetic loser is once again placed in front of Oleos.

As long as he is a normal man, he cannot tolerate this kind of humiliation of being bullied in front of him.

In an instant, the alchemist's pupils burst into a terrifying murderous light.

This is not an exaggerated rhetoric, but a simple statement.

The magic power that originally lingered around Oleos suddenly expanded and burst, like a cumulonimbus cloud hit by thunder.

In an instant, an imperceptible glimmer covered the golden world while running. At the same time, Oreos pulled out a long needle as thin as a hair from his back, and then stabbed it into his neck without hesitation.

"Order, explode!"

The resentful words came out of his mouth and became reality in an instant.

The invisible air wave exploded on Roland, as if he had become a ignited bomb.

The rolling air wave formed by the explosion was like a long dragon formed by smoke, which directly engulfed his body.

Because of the mobile church, this aftermath had no effect on Index. When she was pulled aside by Kamijou Kaori, she instinctively began to analyze the essence of this word spirit.

"The great magic at the pinnacle of alchemy, the Golden Great Evolution, turns everything in the world into a spell. After chanting, it can drive everything in the world at will and change reality according to the user's ideas."

"Although it is a completed spell in theory, there are so many spell elements that it takes at least four hundred years of chanting to activate it."

"Based on the composition of the elements, the caster used the Gregorian Choir to assist instead of chanting, and accelerated the construction of the spell with the amplification effect."

In between her eyes, Index analyzed the origin and principle of Oreos's spell in a calm and innocent voice.

But compared to the power of this spell, the information about its use made Kanzaki Kaori narrow her eyes, but before she could say anything, Roland's voice came out from the smoke and dust.

"Although I have blown up others countless times, this is the first time I have experienced the feeling of being blown up."

"But the pinnacle of alchemy is actually an alternative inherent barrier... No, this is just the principle. From the result, this should be a spell born to imitate the phase manipulation of the demon god."

"Have you turned the Philosopher's Stone from a tangible substance into a path to pursue the truth? Humans are really interesting. Even cultures that are almost the same can produce completely different paths."

Roland walked out leisurely, sighing with some sincerity.

Unlike the ultimate achievement of alchemy in Fullmetal Alchemist and Type-Moon, the Philosopher's Stone that touches the authority of truth, the path of alchemy in Magical Index is more metaphysical.

Compared to simply manipulating matter, their ultimate goal is to obtain the Golden Spirit.

But unlike the Golden Spirit that does not succumb to fate in JOJO, this is more tangible.

It is about to sublimate the soul as dirty as lead into a soul like gold, that is, an angel or even a demon that transcends the material world.

But obviously, because it is closer to the material world rather than the phase, the start of this path is much more difficult than other types of magic, and it is completely neither high nor low.

Although the predecessors have completed the analysis of the elements of the world and created magic such as the Golden Great Evolution, they cannot even use it.

Not to mention further exploring how to sublimate oneself through this power, but if you start digesting the knowledge of the Forbidden Book Index from this point, maybe it is also a way.

"Unfortunately, although you can barely use it, your aptitude is too poor."

Roland shook his head and looked at the frightened Aureos.

"Why is this happening? My words should have taken effect..."

He stared at Roland, his eyes were almost bulging and bloodshot, and his face still had that vicious expression.

But his legs, which had already begun to retreat unconsciously, still exposed his cowardly nature.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, let alone the scars on his body, even Roland's clothes were not damaged.

Judging from his performance just now, his words should have taken effect, but if so, why was Roland unscathed?

Rub the gold with your hands, and even the ineffectiveness of the Golden Great Derivation Technique. This unknown that you can't find any clues about is far more terrifying to the alchemist who requires to pursue the rules in a practical way than the known strong.

"Of course your words are effective, but didn't I say that you don't have the qualifications to use the Golden Great Derivation Technique?"

Roland waved his hand casually, and a fierce wind rose, sweeping away all the smoke and dust around.

"Imagination is beyond ordinary people, which is the basis for supporting this technique."

"Because to build a reality, you need to have enough faith in yourself, just like the attention required to make ordinary people explode and to make saints explode is completely different."

"And for you who are just a human, you can't understand what kind of existence I am, so naturally you can't hurt me."

"I don't believe this kind of thing!"

Although Roland's words were calm, every word struck Oreos' heart.

Lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharp knife.

It was because he realized that his concentration was not strong that he used words as hints and used the word spirit to distort reality, and this process also required props to assist.

Otherwise, the speed of thinking would be much faster than words.

Realizing that he was beginning to waver, he did not care about thinking. He hurriedly picked up a few silver needles and inserted them into his neck in one breath, using the pain brought by self-mutilation to abandon distracting thoughts and concentrate on his imagination.

"Order, die in pieces!"

Oreos screamed madly, opening his pale palms full of blood vessels due to muscle tension.

The next moment, a cold and gloomy wind rose from the ground.

As if the gate of hell was opened, countless visible and invisible phantoms, like vengeful spirits and evil spirits, flew out from behind Oreos, and rushed towards Roland in a shrill wailing.

In terms of visual impact, the degree of shock was even better than the slaughterhouse where cavalrymen rushed and fought each other in close combat.

However, Roland's expression did not fluctuate at all.

Facing the torrent of vengeful spirits rushing out of hell, in front of this doomsday-like scene, he also raised a hand like Oreos.

"If it's just this level, you are still far from it."

Then, Roland closed his eyes directly, his expression slightly condensed.

As if he was... imagining something.

Just when the phantom frenzy was about to rush in front of him, it suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Then, like glass hit by a baseball bat, or like the blackboard being erased, they suddenly shattered into a dark void.

At this time, Roland's indifferent voice just sounded.

"--Disappear." (End of this chapter)

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