Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 492 Come on, big brother who turned into a spinning top!

The position of the demon god in the Crusaders' phase is vacant.

Roland was surprised by this at first.

Although the demon gods have all entered the realm of God and reached the pinnacle of transcendent existence, this does not mean that there is no difference in the phase or magic power of their corresponding fields.

It's just that because the demon god's requirement is to transcend the universe and phase by himself and make himself the source of the road, this slight difference has almost no effect.

After all, it is meaningless to compare infinity with infinity.

Unless they are madly weakened or even divided, it is possible to see a little insignificant clue.

Therefore, the fact that the Crusaders have no demon gods seems strange no matter how you look at it.

You know, in the world of Magical Index, the connection between magic and religious mythology is very close.

In theory, the original magicians used the fantasy condensed by faith to manipulate the earth veins or phase energy, and then created or transformed the religious phase.

The idol theory of later magicians is based on this premise.

Therefore, the degree of spread of faith and fantasy cannot determine the strength of the phase, but at least it can be used as a relatively reliable reference.

With such a huge phase of the Cross, whether magicians are willing or not, they will inevitably have in-depth contact with its concepts and techniques.

In this process, there will always be magicians with the qualifications of demon gods or lucky ones who find or obtain the qualifications to embark on this path.

The Fire of the Right is an obvious example. Although it was born by chance, with his essence and power level, he has been able to distort and change the phase to a certain extent to pursue the realm of God.

Not to mention Aleister, who uses beset666 as his magic name. His plans and even many concepts have a strong biblical style. He even thinks that the demon gods are just 8=3 after crossing the abyss in the level of the Tree of Life, and he has always had an inexplicable contempt for their nature.

After all, although the demon gods are called gods, they are not necessarily perfect.

After practicing magic to the extreme and crossing the abyss, he arrogantly or rashly uses the word God to show himself. It is natural that Aleister will feel disgusted.

Referring to these two ready-made examples, as well as the confrontation with Othinus, Roland finally got the answer that was incredible but could only be explained in this way.

"——Crusadership is one of the phases that originally existed in this world."

Roland smiled slightly and whispered softly, "The reason why it did not produce a demon god is not because no one coveted its power, but because they could not do it."

Just like Aiwass, a life that was naturally produced by the physical phase, the Crusaders phase is also one of the most basic elements of the Magical Index universe.

It is because it existed first that the myth with a certain degree of authenticity was derived.

It is precisely because of this innate nature that the path it represents has always pointed to the beginning of creation at the highest point.

To walk on this path, one must have the nature of the Trinity at the stage of crossing the abyss, and to do this, one must have power comparable to that of a demon god before crossing the abyss, and also do things that they cannot do.

The idea of ​​having more than one type of omnipotence before becoming a demon god is too bizarre and arrogant.

In the past, most of those who wanted to climb the road of the Cross Demon God were forced to do so or were confident, and ignored this warning and continued to move forward.

Humans will make up stories, and real records will gradually deviate in the process of dissemination.

Nowadays, the various interpretations of the original text, many contradictory stories and different perceptions of the identity of the Lord are the reaction of those who have the power to change the phase and try to climb this thorny road, using the reverse inference of the idol theory to the religious phase.

So what will be their final result?

The still vacant position of the Demon God in the heaven and the large and small sects within the Cross are the self-evident answers.

The goal set is too ambitious and lofty, but the Cross phase does not surpass the universe, and the guide is just a mass of light without self-will. It is their limit to let the Right Fire with the power of the Son of God be born.

This is the reason why the Cross phase is so powerful, but there is no demon god.

"On the other hand, if someone can break this paradox, then the so-called orthodoxy, cause and effect, or fate, will have no restrictions on him."

Roland's pupils became bright red.

The phase of the heavens had been distorted by the virus named Gabriel, causing Michael to fail. When the Beast of Revelation held up the crown, the will of the Holy Spirit was completely restored.

Almost at the same moment, the right hand of God, which was originally nailed but still flickering, suddenly became dim.

The flesh and blood of the substance seemed to be weathered, and it turned into ashes and scattered in the cracks with golden light marks, revealing its magnificent essence.

"By seizing my power, you will further usurp the throne of God?" The Right Fire stared at Roland and said with gritted teeth: "Blasphemer, you are worthy of being the world-devouring beast that blasphemes everything."

"Thank you for the compliment." Roland tilted his head, with a smile without any tension on his face, "So, do you want to continue to witness this great scene, or run away like a stray dog? Anyway, you can't stop me, and I'm not interested in you who have lost your usefulness."

The Right Fire was stunned for a moment, looking at Roland's calm expression, and realized that this might not be a joke.

After humiliating him and taking away his essence, whether to kill him was originally a matter of course. After all, even in his heyday, his power was nothing to Roland, let alone now.

This is why the Fire of the Right did not call Roland a thief but a usurper.

He had many flaws in his magical attainments, but the intuition generated by his body born from the Christian religion had told him that this plan was almost certain to succeed.

But because of this, the fire of hatred in the heart of the Fire of the Right burned even more fiercely.

Roland, who had already grasped the power of the Trinity, was now surrounded by countless fireflies flying in the wind.

He had not changed, and his whole body was full of that kind of indifferent cruelty, but now he exuded a sense of kindness.

Such pure and chaotic evil, but full of holiness.

The extreme contradictions were perfectly blended together, forming a cycle like a circle.

To the Right Fire, Roland's existence was like the incarnation of a god walking in the world. Just by looking at him and recognizing him, he would feel a tremor and reverence from the bottom of his heart.

Even, there was a faint sweet pleasure as if he had gotten what he wanted.

The Right Fire clenched the only remaining fist and pulled the corners of his mouth with difficulty.

"——This kind of thing, I can do it!"

The reason he pursued power was to save the world, and this desire was the reason that supported his actions.

The eyes of the Right Fire were full of blood.

"I will never admit that I was defeated by a guy like you!"

"I am the real savior, and none of you are!"

He roared and stretched out his hand, and the unextinguished residue on his right shoulder gushed out, causing the invisible but heavy outline to stir the atmosphere again.

After losing his right hand as a stabilizer, his power had become difficult to control, and violent aftermaths escaped during the locking process.

But this action was just what he wanted.

At this point of desperation, the Fire of the Right no longer cared about so much.

At this moment, he was not attacking Roland, but the world itself.

Since the Holy Right had just locked Roland and made him freeze, he would completely destroy the world where he existed and end the battle in this way. Even if this guy won, he would not be able to escape unscathed!

Everything in this old world must be buried by itself at the end of the new era!

"If it is the original world, it is not impossible."

Roland shrugged without comment.

"However, since you have taken the initiative to deliver it to my door, I have no choice but to clean it up."

Facing the oppressive force covering this world, Roland did not activate the Crown of Ten to erase it, but just showed a playful smile.

If the ITEM team saw it, they would probably have cast a pitying look at the Fire of the Right.

No one knows better than them how bad Roland's expression is.

"So, you will disappear with resentment, after all..."

Roland raised his right hand calmly.

"——I am the savior."

Such words are like adding fuel to the fire for the already desperate Right Fire.

But at this moment, the fire in Right Fire's heart is not burning.

Because he no longer has the energy to produce this emotion.

All he can see is the hand of light that slowly extends from Roland's right shoulder and then overlaps with it.

The essence of this light is exactly the same as the outline on his right shoulder at this moment.

That is the power that can reproduce all the miracles of the Cross.

That is the right hand that contains the power of salvation.

That is the symbol of the reincarnated Son of God——

"Holy Right?"

Right Fire muttered to himself, his eyes were a little unfocused.

This is very similar to the scene when he usually releases power.

But the specifications are not at the same level at all.

Right Fire can clearly feel that, unlike the twisted mass of light on his right shoulder before, the Holy Right at this moment has a dreamy atmosphere that does not match reality.

It looked like a human hand, but it had an unrecognizable perfection, like a gem that shone after being polished.

No, it was not polished at all, this should be the true appearance of the Holy Right.

Its previous distorted appearance was just because it was in his hand, so it showed the posture of a pearl covered in dust.

The moment he realized this, the expression of the Right Fire was completely distorted by pain and anger.

"Kill you! I must kill you!"

In the intense emotion, the outline of his right shoulder also swelled like a balloon that was blown up.

But in front of the light of the Holy Right, it was like a group of stars that automatically shrank when they met the sun, without a trace.

In the dull sound like thunder, Roland waved his hand calmly.

- The next moment, a dazzling palm with the same proportion as his right hand, but even larger, like a god, fell from the sky and slapped the Right Fire into a spinning top.

It was as casual as slapping a mosquito to death.

However, this time, the fire on the right side did not resist as stubbornly as last time. After a few short turns, his body turned into dots of light and completely disappeared into the void.

But the changes were more than that.

It was a scene like time going backwards.

The sea and Academy City, which were originally in a mess due to the previous battle, suddenly returned to their original state without even a process.

It was as if an invisible hand had turned the gears of the world and modified the parameters directly in the background.

Under the night sky, the light of the moon and stars cast down again, illuminating the sea with sparkling waves.

Roland stood quietly on the shore, not in a hurry to leave, staring at the scene of He Qing and Hai Yan.

"Is it over?"

A sudden voice interrupted Roland's thinking.

He turned his head and looked at the golden retriever walking towards him.

"Kihara brainstem."

Before the other party started to introduce himself, Roland read out the other party's name.

"Aleister's envoy, what do you do?"

The expression on Kihara's face suddenly dropped as he was carrying mechanical equipment and trying to pretend he was just an ordinary golden retriever with a loudspeaker.

He squatted on the ground, took out a cigar from his bag with the mechanical hand on his back, lit it, put it in his mouth and started smoking.

"It's so rude to read people's minds when we meet. Fortunately, Aleister installed a Dream Maker on me..."

"Taking me as a target is biased. The model of Dream Maker in your mind is very advanced. It has surpassed the version sold in the world. It even cannot give in to the internal version of Blue Dream Organization. There is no end. Realm, even 990,000 horses can’t read your heart.”

Roland glanced at the strange scene of the golden retriever holding a cigar, but didn't pay attention.

As one of the most successful figures of Kihara who symbolizes the scientific clan, and is recognized as an assistant and even a safety valve by Aleister, it is not surprising that he can do such a thing.

"In other words, the ultimate state measured in megabytes actually exists. It seems that I should also learn about magnetic field rotation."

A golden retriever said that he wanted to learn how to rotate magnetic fields. Such a scene would have shocked many people, let alone Academy City, even in the Sea Tiger World.

But neither the person nor the dog thought there was anything incredible about it.

"Adding magnetic field rotation to the magic-driven armor is a natural fit," Roland nodded. "Since you, as a messenger, have this attitude, it seems that Aleister is determined to follow me to the dark side?"

"After all, you resisted the temptation of the devil and chose to stand at the last moment. As a fellow of the same kind, Aleister will naturally choose you who is more promising."

"I chose to stop at the threshold of the Demon God just because I could step out at any time, but there was a deeper reason that stopped me."

Roland said calmly.

If he didn't leave this world in time after becoming a demon, this universe with many overlapping phases might be exploded by him. In addition, it was not the time to face the demons hiding behind the scenes, so Roland stopped temporarily.

However, even if there was no threat from the demon gods, he would not step out.

Although the Demon God is only one stage of life, it is enough to make up for Roland's possibilities and injuries, and go one step further.

In this case, the apostle of the Sixth Supreme Heaven may wake up directly. He does not want to have another situation where you chase me and I escape again.

"Thoughts are not important, action is the best attitude. You did stop and plan to continue facing the demon gods according to the original plan. For Aleister, this is enough."

When Roland said this, Kihara sighed softly.

"His bad habit is that he seems very rational at first glance, but in fact he always wants to use emotions to solve problems."

"I see," Roland understood everything. "The reason Aleister didn't show up was because he took advantage of the moment when the demon gods' attention was attracted by the fluctuations I caused to collect data?"

"That's right, so from now on, you are the Acting Chairman of Academy City."

Kihara's tail flicked, "Although the daily operation is responsible for the procedures of the building without doors and windows, you still need to decide on matters related to that plan, so I came here."

Roland was slightly startled.

Although they were allies, he and Aleister's plans had always been parallel in both directions. Unexpectedly, Aleister would reveal all of his plans to show his sincerity.

"So, what am I going to do?"

"Aleister has already taken care of the main stage. The rest just needs to be finished. It's very simple."

Kihara Naogang looked at Roland seriously.

"In short - let's conquer the whole world first." (End of this chapter)

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