Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 507 The Beginning of World War III

Britain's active surrender made the fleets lingering on the periphery disperse unwillingly.

Although there were some stubborn diehards, the weakness of the combined fleet was here. After losing their common enemy, everyone turned from happy comrades into wary opponents in the blink of an eye.

And because of the formation, once anyone made a move, an unfavorable encirclement would be formed immediately.

So, this massive action ended quietly.

Because of the incredible result, the upper echelons who knew the truth did not dare to regard it as a battle, nor did they dare to expose the fact that their country had participated in it. They could only refer to it implicitly with the subtle attributive of the fall of the Strait of Dover.

He defeated the entire coalition army with one person's strength, and even controlled the proportion of casualties.

This dramatic development is enough to make any normal-minded person feel terrified.

This is no longer the level of adults beating children or stepping on ants.

Although there is a huge gap in power between the two, when the number reaches a certain level, it is difficult to control one's own power if one does not want to be hurt.

But Roland used his unparalleled skills to draw a gap of despair just right when he could have wiped out all of them.

Such a record is more confusing than awe-inspiring.

Because it is difficult to understand the purpose and thoughts of the rumored big red dragon, as if looking down at each chess piece from outside the chessboard, and even the distance that cannot be reached by longing.

You know, even if it is known that those who can participate in this incident are elites with impeccable loyalty and strength, after seeing the final result for the first time, the upper-level organization still couldn't help but sigh.

"It's just like a show."

Flicking the report in her hand, Kailisa said softly in a voice that is crisper and colder than paper.

Although the battle has been over for several days, she has not changed her dressing style. She is still wearing a bright red dress, but has changed into a less gorgeous one.

The soft and elastic material of the clothes perfectly outlines her body curves, showing the perfect streamlined beauty that requires reasonable exercise and outstanding talent.

Although she is not that hot and plump, because of her well-proportioned proportions, she has both a tall and slender figure and a plump and gorgeous feeling.

"I don't think he did it deliberately, but it is impossible that there is no calculation at all."

"From now on, it is likely that the main goal has been set, and it is all done by chance."

The person who took over the conversation from Kaelissa was a woman with a gloomy face and a monocle on her left eye, giving people a strong sense of intellect and indifference.

She is the eldest of the three princesses of the British royal family, the first princess, Limeya.

She is known for her brains and is also known for being overly scheming in the royal family. She does not trust anyone and security measures except herself, so that although she is actually the best in terms of ability, the forces under her command are suppressed by Kaelissa.

However, it was precisely because of this vigilance that she became the only princess in the royal family who was not affected and waited for an opportunity on the periphery.

Therefore, after understanding Britain's situation, she immediately returned to Kaelissa and assisted her sister in handling government affairs and trivial matters.

"It's just that the timing of her appearance was so coincidental that people couldn't help but doubt it. He obviously had such strength, but he still let you escape from Windsor Castle. It is estimated that he had already noticed that the Queen Mother had issued a covenant at that time."

"Anyway, compared to controlling Britain with the Sword of the King's Choice and the Xuancheng of the Marriage Contract, and then uniting the whole world, this development is not bad."

"As long as the world can realize that his ability to defeat the Roman Orthodox Church is not a fluke or accident, nor is it a miracle that cannot be replicated, but a reality that can be done no matter how many times it comes, all the footholds of resistance will become castles in the air."

Limeya narrowed her eyes slightly and looked deeply at the battlefield surrounded by many iron birds and blockades outside the window.

After three days of repair and barrier blockade, the violent radiation of power still made her tremble outside the barrier, which shows how desperate Roland was when he was on the battlefield.

"With so many elite survivors being preserved, no matter what plans each country has in the future, they must admit it."

"Admit that the monsters in fairy tales have become an integral part of the future blueprint."

"... In this regard, my sister, you are still as sharp as ever to the point of disgusting."

After a long silence, Kaelissa snorted coldly.

After she broke the scepter that symbolized the royal faction, Britain was completely tied to the chariot of the Blue Dream Company.

Yafei, magnetic field guns, and various equipment and dream creators entered the country almost non-stop and quickly integrated into all aspects of society.

Although many people are still a little uneasy about this change, with the endorsement of Puritanism and the royal family, people on the street have begun to get used to asking Yafei for help rather than calling the police.

The unification of consciousness is a complex and simple problem.

Putting aside the upper class who have access to the truth, in an era that has already entered a period of modernization and the international situation is becoming increasingly tense, people who desire peace always make up the majority.

The fact that a princess like Villian, who is known for her virtue, took the initiative to go to Academy City to break the deadlock is the best proof of this.

Although this expectation seems so ridiculous when it comes to the point where war is needed to solve the problem, people are people because they have hope.

The royal family is still the royal family. The legendary Campus City has not plundered the population as experimental materials. In this case, it is a bit strange to be so angry just because the old technology is replaced by more advanced technology.

Although Kaylissa stood up and called for action, there will still be countless patriotic people who would rather die than follow.

But the royal family also acquiesced that life has not changed except for being more convenient. Regardless of gender, age or young, they quickly accepted the existence of Blue Dream Company.

"It is also a real monster in this regard."

Kaylissa sighed.

Limeya's evaluation is very accurate.

Roland is an integral part of Britain's future. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as a pillar and a master.

Cultural union is the foundation of Britain. As a member of the royal family, Kaylissa naturally has many such methods in her education.

Rule by economic dumping, rule by violence and terror, rule by cultivating puppets to make them consume each other...

But what Roland showed her was beyond imagination.

——Rule by prosperity.

From production to war, from people's livelihood to politics.

As long as you choose to obey, you can get happiness and peace of mind.

In the face of the almost inexhaustible convenience provided by the cross-era technology, the whole of Britain is sinking to the bottom like a worm greedy for honey.

In the past few days with Roland, she has seen more than her whole life before.

He is the only one who gave Britain despair.

He is also the only one who gave Britain hope.

He is like a player playing a coloring game outside the screen.

It seems that the so-called wealth and honor are just meaningless data to Roland. If he wants, he can open a modifier at any time to multiply it several times.

From beginning to end, he seems to care only about the ending called victory.

Such a selfish to selfless existence always makes people want to understand and witness everything about him.

Although it seems that what he wants to do is a miracle that is so grand that it is beyond people's reach, but——

"Roland," Kailisha murmured the name, her beautiful eyes flickering. "If it's you, it should be okay, right?"

Perhaps she was infected by the spirit of that day. Although she was wary and afraid of Roland at the beginning, in just a few days, when facing him, Kailisha couldn't even be on guard.

Even at the beginning, it was just a task-like relationship, but now it has become that as long as she thinks of the other party, her skin will be hot, as if she is eager to be touched and excited.

With such a contradictory mood, Kailisha sorted out the report in front of her and walked towards the familiar place with a cold face.


The beautiful woman looked at Roland in front of her with a complicated face.

Although she has seen countless difficult characters, Roland is also the most difficult one among them.

"Such a strong claim, are you serious?"

"Any problem?"

Roland leaned comfortably on the soft sofa and responded in a lazy voice.

"I think this is quite generous."

"I'm not talking about that... there are more gentle ways."

The two were talking about the announcement made by Blue Dream Company on the Dover Straits Fall. As the unilateral winner, Blue Dream Company gave a harsh and tolerant plan.

It does not intend to interfere with the existing structure and politics, but will take over the operation of society with its own equipment and technology, and require all countries to transfer sovereignty to Blue Dream Company.

Most countries have been mentally prepared for Blue Dream Company to become the new uncrowned king, but such an unreasonable request still surprised them.

You know, although the Roman Orthodox Church also controls most of Europe, it controls it in the way that 80% of the people believe in it.

This complementary model makes the two sides dependent on each other. When one side is strong, it will suppress the other side, but both retain a certain sovereignty.

It's fine for Blue Dream Company to take over the operation of society with technology, which is nothing more than replacing spiritual beliefs with material control, but the transfer of sovereignty has really exceeded the bottom line of many people.

This kind of giant company founding a country, which usually only appears in the worldview of the end of the world or cyberpunk, is by no means a trivial matter that can be laughed off.

Once agreed, it means that the Blue Dream Company is the main body of political power.

Anything, once there is a precedent, must have the possibility of repeating.

Just like European countries all claim to be the successors of Rome, but it does not mean that they really hope that Rome will appear again, even if Roland retains many vested interests.

With the stability of rule and the deprivation of claims, in the face of the frenzy of the times, the existing classes may be reshuffled.

In a world ruled by prosperity, there is no need for a ruler other than Roland.

"Even the royal family, who rises and falls with Britain, has a darkness that is not loyal to the country and the people. Such a radical approach will inevitably cause a lot of counterattacks from the upper class."

The beauty of the country analyzed the pros and cons of Roland's behavior.

As a saint who saved France more than once, she had a deep impression of the experience of Joan of Arc, a war-loving saint in French history, who did not lose on the battlefield but was betrayed by the peace-loving nobles.

That's why she took charge of the rights of France herself, in order to avoid such a pig teammate.

Because of this experience, she is familiar with the difficulties that will be encountered in doing so.

The reason why the World Alliance was formed is because they are afraid that Roland will use his power to change the system that has existed for thousands of years.

Roland's victory this time only told the middle and lower-level people not to worry about being affected. For the high-level magicians and the church, this touched the root of their interests.

"Even if they can't launch a war to match you, it's more than enough to cause riots for those guys. If they are not careful, they will start a meaningless war."

"Then let them fight."

Roland nodded casually and sneered disdainfully.

"Rather, I expect this result. When the Third World War is a foregone conclusion, they will lose their value."


Seeing Roland's fearless attitude, the beautiful woman was slightly startled. Just as she was about to continue asking, a sudden voice came over.

"What are you talking about?"

Kaelissa walked in and frowned at the two of them.

"Miss Kailisa, don't you think it's rude for a noble woman to come in without saying hello?"

The beautiful woman glared at Kailisa unhappily when she was interrupted just when she was talking about the key point, which made the other party look puzzled.

But even though she was preempted, it didn't stop Kailisa from retaliating without hesitation. She sneered.

"The guy who can still ride on someone else without changing his expression after seeing me come in is the one who needs to apologize, right?"


The beautiful woman blushed when her sore spot was touched, "You started to unbutton your skirt after you came in, didn't you?"

"At least I am this guy's legitimate fiancée. Compared with a certain saint lady who is still cheating on him even though she knows it is an unclean relationship, I don't know how much better I am."

...I was careless.

Because they were both losers, the beautiful woman almost forgot about it.

She didn't expect that Kailisa, who was the last one to surrender, would accept this relationship faster than herself.

Obviously, both of them were inexperienced.

Even so, because she still retained a little bit of female reserve, the beautiful woman couldn't respond to such words with confidence.

But this didn't mean that she would let Kailisa be so proud.

She wanted to see this guy unhappy - such thoughts surged in her heart and were difficult to calm down.

Fortunately, after spending these days and nights together, she already knew how to provoke this lioness.

The beautiful woman ignored Kaelissa who was waiting for her to fight back, but opened her red lips and moved slowly.

The target was Roland who was watching the quarrel with a smile.


As expected, soon, she heard the harsh sound made by the princess's teeth because of too much force.

With the revenge of the great revenge and the reserved sense of guilt in her heart, the girl's pretty face showed a pleasant smile like a provocation, completely forgetting Kaelissa and becoming more and more focused. (End of this chapter)

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