Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 513 I am victory itself!

The whole place was in complete silence.

All the magicians present were excellent warriors, but even Gremlin, who had combined science and magic, could not understand the current situation.

There was no earth-shattering power, no sign of danger.

From their perspective, Thor, who excitedly activated the spell, was hanging on Roland's hand in the next second, and there was not even a piercing process.

What was even more bizarre was that Roland's hand had clearly pierced his chest, but the bleeding and the wound only started to split after Thor recovered his breath.

It was as if his body was also stunned.

This was like the scene of two objects overlapping after the game was modeled, which was a mistake that only beginners would make when they did not grasp the direction when moving in space.

When the distance is estimated incorrectly, the user's body parts will overlap with the material of the coordinates, resulting in such a shocking scene.

Aoki Yuzuki, who has the qualifications of a superpower, once made such a mistake, leaving a severe psychological shadow, so he has been trapped in level 4, so he can only be responsible for leading Aleister.

But at the level of being able to join Gremlin, even a trainee member would not make such a mistake, let alone Thor who is good at fighting.

Moreover, according to his own statement, it should not be that he moved on his own initiative, but that the world took the initiative to run towards him?

According to this logic, in order to achieve victory, the world took the initiative to hang Thor in Roland's hands?

The conclusion was too bizarre and made Gremlin speechless. Many people were extremely shocked and even began to doubt their own eyes.

What happened?

Such questions lingered in everyone's mind.

But Thor wanted to know the answer more than them.

His entire lungs, including most of his heart, were pierced by Roland's arm.

Or to be more precise, when they overlapped, they were crushed under the pressure of space.

The overlap in coordinates would generally directly mix the flesh and blood of the two, but due to the huge physical difference between him and Roland, it would only produce this phenomenon of eggs hitting stones.

There was no doubt that his technique was indeed successfully launched without any interference in the middle, but why did it get such a result?

Thor's eyes were full of confusion and puzzlement.

He looked at Roland and wanted to say something, but in the case of difficulty in breathing, this only made a floating blood mist surge out of his chest again.

Fortunately, after the strengthening of the magnetic field power, Thor's physical strength has made great progress compared to his original self, otherwise he would have fainted.

"Why? It's really a stupid question. Didn't I say that you and I have a very unfortunate fate?"

Roland calmly grasped Thor's neck, and pulled Thor's body off his arms like pulling off the sleeves of a shirt.

"As we all know, the power of concepts such as omnipotence or invincibility cannot be fully described by the human realm. In order not to be bound by this drawback, you gave your own spell a specific definition."

"That is, pursuing absolute victory in the world."

"This is a very smart approach. As you said, you are not a saint or the owner of the power of salvation. You are not born with the concept in your hands. Therefore, using the spell to let the world as a port to output the result can eliminate the gap between yourself and the enemy and transfer the essence of victory and defeat to the enemy and the world."

"But you can use this to entangle enemies stronger than you, and of course I can use this in turn."

Looking at Thor who was thrown to the ground in a mess and was pale with pain, Roland said slowly.

"Because the position you can move the world to is only the victory of this battle, so when you encounter a purer concept, you will become a living target controlled by the spell."


If Thor still doesn't understand what happened after hearing this, he is not a magician.

Karma, a purer concept, and the scene where the world moves Roland no matter how the spell is activated...

His expression froze instantly.

"Didn't you say you were the one who held victory? That's a pity," Roland said with a playful smile,

"After all... I am victory itself."

To be honest, Thor's potential as a magician is so great that he can be called invincible.

Even if Roland wants to crack the world on the basis of preserving the world, he has to be more serious.

Either use the absolute power of the ultimate magnetic field to create a place where the world can't calculate victory, or use the control of reality, all factors outside the battle, to make the opponent step into the trap.

Or use the right hand that symbolizes the power of the Son of God to let the opponent understand that the mechanism is false, and the value is the kingly truth.

But Thor's explanation of the concept of omnipotence is victory.

This is a dead end.

After digesting Veleslana, the essence of victory had been integrated into Roland's essence.

The Old Gods in No Game No Life had fully demonstrated to him how difficult the connection between concepts was.

He knew very well that no matter what goal Thor set, he would definitely deliver his spell to himself who had all the victories.

After seeing that Thor did not listen to his advice and cancel the all-powerful mode, Roland knew that there was no suspense in this battle.

This is no longer a question of whether he should hold back for fun. If the enemy insists on trying to provoke him, he has no other choice.

That’s why Roland took the initiative to extend an arm, just to prevent Thor from overlapping with him directly.

Although the other party can be called a beautiful boy in appearance, he always refuses men.

“What a dramatic status exchange…”

Roland said with some emotion.

Thinking of the helpless scene in the gravity of Othinus, he looked at Thor with a little more pity.

“Although you call yourself the pinnacle of magicians, this statement is just like your omnipotence. This alternative strength is also the reason for your failure.”

“The reason why demons are demons is because they have reached a realm beyond magic,”

“Just like you regard the magnetic field force as a tool to assist the spell, this idea is too petty. What you need now is not experience points, but a further understanding of yourself.”

After knocking the unwilling but happy Thor unconscious with one foot, Roland kicked the unlucky guy aside.

Although this battle maniac still needs to be used to improve the magic data of the Dream Maker, Thor also has 750,000 horsepower, so there is no need to worry that the other party will die from such injuries.

Now, let's deal with the remaining guys first.

"Although there is still some time, it seems that there is no one as fun as Thor."

Roland looked at the panicked Gremlin with a cold look like a blade.

"Next, it's your turn."

Such cold words caused Gremlin to burst into a big commotion again.

Thor, who was enough to compete with the entire Gremlin, lay at Roland's feet like a dead dog. If a battle really took place, it is conceivable what the fate of these old-time magicians would be.

But even so, no one chose to escape.

In order to help Othinus forge the Spear of the Lord, everyone present had done their best. Seeing that they were only one step away from realizing their wish, no one was willing to just pay the sunk cost.

Marian tried to stabilize her breathing.

She had never thought that as a technician, she would have to face such a level of enemy, nor did she expect that there would be a scene where one person surrounded a group of people.

But now she could not afford to get away with it.

She glared at Roland and shouted: "No matter what means, even if we all die here, we must buy time for the completion of the gun!"

"Buy time?"

Roland chuckled.

As if hearing the news from an old friend who had been reunited after a long absence, his cold expression slightly restrained and became much softer.

"If I were you, I would not say such ridiculous words. If you really understand why I can defeat Thor..."

In an instant, several flashing light blades had pierced Roland at a speed faster than lightning.

That was Kihara Kagun's technique.

Taking advantage of Roland's sentimental moment, he attacked before all the Gremlin without warning.

The blue-white light blades on all sides quickly surrounded Roland, splashing violent thunder. With a fiery "sizzling" sound, with Roland as the center, deafening impacts and intense light burst out at the same time.

Kihara Kagun knew that his spell was similar to Thor's Thunder God Mode, so he did not plan to make a contribution, but chose to trap Roland first to buy opportunities for his companions.

By the way, he could also try and error out what kind of negative state would make Roland uncomfortable and delay time.

Although his magical attainments were much worse than the average standard of Gremlin, he was born in the Kihara clan, which represented the dark side of science, and he had no ordinary magician's fighting style of analyzing spells to crack weaknesses.

However, this scientist's rationality and decisiveness ultimately fell into vain.

At the moment the light began to burst out, Roland's figure disappeared.

Not even a breeze was raised, just like the buffering progress bar suddenly loaded, and in the pupils of the surrounding magicians, there was still a picture of Roland standing there.

But the next moment, his figure suddenly appeared beside Kihara Kagun, and pierced his chest before the other party's forehead was sweating.

"- I have more time than you think."

At this time, the interrupted half sentence was heard belatedly.


Seeing this scene, Marian's expression changed drastically, and she called Kihara Kagun's code name absentmindedly.

Kihara Kagun was introduced to the magic side by her, and the two were also the core forgers of the magic side and the science side in the Lord God's Spear Project.

With the identity of a guide and the status of an ally, after seeing Kihara Kagun being pierced in the chest, this loyal black dwarf did not hesitate to draw the long sword bound by the golden scabbard at his waist.

It was a Western-style golden sword.

As a craftsman who could be chosen by Othinus, although she could not create a spiritual outfit that touched the realm of the demon god by herself, she had undoubtedly touched the peak of the power of the human realm.

This magic sword, which draws its power from the Ragnarok of Norse mythology, has the same properties as the King's Sword, Katiel.

That is, it can cut phases.

However, unlike Katiel, which simply cuts off all phases equally, since it is a spiritual weapon second only to the realm of God, the use of this function by the Sword of War is naturally not so simple.

Before cutting off the phase, it will first pick out the religious phases that cover the concept of doomsday disasters one by one and put them together in different categories.

Then, the Sword of War will cut off the step that indicates the blessing of the gods through precise cutting, just like a chef who only takes the most delicious parts of the ingredients, so that the energy in it can appear as the disaster in the myth.

The energy in the phase is far beyond the imagination of mortals. Just a part of it can create an archangel like Gabriel who can blow away the entire earth at will.

Not to mention the doomsday in those myths.

Only the horror of darkness can set off the preciousness of light, so most myths describe the doomsday to the best of their ability.

The giant holding a fire sword burned all the nine realms in Norse mythology.

The Titans who once ruled the world and were bred by Uranus, the god of the sky, and Gaia, the goddess of the earth.

Even Vishnu, the great god who is responsible for maintaining the world in Indian mythology.

Driving the doomsday disasters in mythology at will, this is the specification of the Sword of War.

For many magicians who use religious phases as the source of their spells, just looking at this spiritual outfit can make their hearts stop beating.

No one would like to turn their death into a conclusion brought by the end of the world. In order to obtain salvation, this fear will make them unconsciously have the cognition that "it is better to stop their heartbeats than to be attacked by that sword."

Even Othinus has confirmed that this spiritual outfit has the qualifications to fight against the devil, but it is only a qualification.

But in terms of shattering the whole world, there is still a lot of room.

No matter which myth disaster is released, it can cause strange phenomena like the fall of angels in the world. If more than a few are summoned at once, the material world will reach its limit and shatter like glass.

After all, with the capacity of a world, it is too difficult for it to bear the end of many myths at the same time.

"Since I can't beat you, I will shatter it together with this space!"

Marian's voice sounded calm, but it was obvious that she was suppressing strong emotions.

Although the unknown life and death of Kihara Kagun had greatly shaken her rationality, she had not completely fallen into madness knowing that the spear of Othinus was about to be forged.

It seemed reckless to pull out the Sword of War and take the world to its death, but the Ship Cemetery, the temple she carefully built, had already cut out an independent barrier around the space.

These disasters would at most annihilate this space into nothingness, and would be interrupted because of the loss of the user.

Nothingness may not kill Roland, but it is probably possible to trap him temporarily.

It is worthwhile to exchange the lives of the entire Gremlin, since they can't escape anyway.

As long as time can be gained, everything is worth it.

Marian raised the ominous blade high.

Thanks to Thor's exposure before, she had already charged the Sword of War in advance, saving a lot of time.

When Kihara Kagun launched the attack, the remaining members of Gremlin rushed forward, so it should be no problem to leave about two seconds for herself.

As long as he swings the sword in his hand, Gremlin will win.

That's right.

As long as he swings it down -

"What? Isn't your sword quite interesting? Really, I should have dealt with those guys first. The order of eating is very important."


Mariam's face was no longer calm as before. Fear had already invaded her mind.

She slowly raised her head and moved her eyes from the hand that was holding the violent magic sword.

From Gremlin, who was lying in a pool of blood and piled up like trophies, to the existence that was more conspicuous than them.

That was the boy who appeared in front of her at some point.

From the magic sword that she raised in her hand, to the red that was deeper than the red-gold sword in front of her.

It was as rich as a flame, but as clear as a gorgeous gem, and flashing with a smile... pupils. (End of this chapter)

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