Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 524 Othinus, let's go home

Iesko Castle.

This water castle, built on a foundation of 10,000 towers on a vast lake, was destined to become a symbol of an era from the moment it was born.

Therefore, although the labor used at the time was incalculable, it still became a cultural symbol of Denmark and nourished the finances of neighboring cities five hundred years later.

For the two who came across the wind and snow, the original lake covered by it and the surrounding pure white world was their real goal, rather than this ancient monument.

"This is Lake Mimir..."

Looking at the legendary starting point where Odin sacrificed his eyes to gain wisdom, Roland sighed softly.

But despite this, his face did not show any achievement after reaching the goal, or the expression of relief when completing the task.

Even the most magnificent scenery, in a world where time stops, is like a frozen oil painting, less vivid, and it is difficult to cause waves after getting used to it.

Moreover, when there was a girl who was far more beautiful than this scene, Roland would not lose sight of the main point.

He turned his head and stared at the side face of the girl who was very close to him.

Her long hair was like golden sand, and her fair and delicate skin was like smooth pearls, with a silky touch that made people intoxicated.

Although her figure looked a little petite, she was not immature at all. Instead, she looked like an exquisite doll, and every inch of her body was like a masterpiece carefully carved by skilled craftsmen.

Moreover, the curvature of her outline was also beautiful.

From the slender waist to the elastic hips, the graceful figure hidden under the cloak was fully displayed.

Especially when he held her up.

Driven by the suspended state and excessive pleasure.

When the excited Othinus raised his swan-like neck and exposed a large area of ​​beautiful scenery, he would always subconsciously hook up his slender legs.

Roland could truly feel the amazing charm hidden under the looming arc.

Although she was a demon god and an eternal girl, Roland could guarantee it with countless personal experiences.

That figure was absolutely perfect for safe childbirth.

And with this impeccable appearance and powerful strength, the girl's soft heart after gradually peeling off the cold shell made people feel pity unconsciously.

The scene in front of him was the best proof.

In a world where time stopped, the snowflakes fixed in the air were like curtains, covering most of the distant scenery.

But even if he felt that the other side's vision was blocked and a little disappointed, he also had the power to wipe it out with one blow, but because Roland hadn't spoken yet, Othinus just raised the spiritual outfit that could adjust the world like a baseball bat, and smashed the wind and snow around him bit by bit in this wasteful way.

After noticing that she was being stared at, Othinus's pretty face turned red like a drunken blush.

Such a performance made Roland touch the girl's head involuntarily, and she also showed a comfortable expression like a cute kitten.

After a long while, Othinus calmed down, cleared his throat, and returned to his original calm and generous appearance, and took the initiative to take over the topic.

"In the distant past, this lake was the spring water where I sacrificed my eyes and gained wisdom, and it was also the end point of my ritual to become a demon god."

"If I take the initiative to take my eyes out of this lake and re-install them, I will deny my ritual to become a demon god and turn back into a human body."

The ritual to become the god of magic transcends time and space. Even if this original lake is completely destroyed, it will not affect the results that have been achieved, but it is not exaggerated to the point where it cannot be reversed.

After all, the demon gods are just a group of magicians who have the power of the realm of gods.

Therefore, it is very irrational to take the initiative to reveal the place and truth of one's enlightenment. Even if one cannot break through omnipotence, if one is targeted by a technique targeting the source, the enemy may catch the thinking mode and make unnecessary mistakes and flaws.

But whether it is Roland or Othinus, they are not sensitive to this matter.

After all, in that dark world, the two have experienced countless times without a single inch of body, and the degree of mutual understanding has reached the point where even the distance between fingertips and hair is clear.


Roland groaned and stepped on the lake in front of him.

The waves blown by the wind and snow are still stagnant at the moment of rising, like the ups and downs of mountains.

And in the depths of these veins, the blue pupils as clear as gems are between virtuality and reality, sleeping peacefully at the bottom of the lake.

"It's really beneficial. Although the Key of All Souls will allow me to perfectly obtain the knowledge and realm of the contracted spirit, the gap between theory and practice must be crossed personally."

"Now, we have completely measured this planet with mortal steps, and have also repeated your ceremony of becoming a god. So, Othinus, what are your goals next?"

"Although this is only a moment of time stopping in the strict sense, for us, it is an endless eternity, and there is still plenty of time."

After becoming a demon god, the dream on the golden throne has spread to the entire world of Forbidden Magic, so Roland will use time stopping again unscrupulously.

In the eternal moment brought by the {principle} of time, even the demon god cannot escape this influence.

Although Roland and Othinus have not yet been able to achieve the existential fusion of disappearing the heart wall as their real names due to the fact that they have not yet fully digested it.

But in a time far longer than three thousand years, there is plenty of time to tell stories, and Othinus has also become a spirit, so there is nothing to hide between the two.

Just as Roland understands Othinus's obsession, Othinus also deeply understands Roland's current situation and wishes.

"No... I'm satisfied. How many years do you think we have spent together?"

The corners of the girl's mouth slightly raised and shook her head.

When she decided to restore the world and stand in the world again with Roland, it was a symbol of her loneliness in the dark maze that was completely eliminated.

"I don't know," Roland shook his head honestly, "After the first three thousand years, I kept stopping time and didn't calculate because I didn't want to be too troublesome manually later."

"This is the true feelings of God. No matter how you look at it, you shouldn't say such unromantic words at this time!"

The girl subconsciously expressed dissatisfaction, but there was not much anger in her heart.

Sometimes, as long as you go through certain things, people will change drastically, not to mention that Othinus has gone through much more than this.

After realizing that her wish has been fulfilled, Othinus's original paranoia of a demon god has slowly changed a lot.

Except that the basic color of her personality is still there, her actions are no longer like the original demon god.

At least, this is the case when it comes to everything related to Roland.

She once doubted deeply whether she could be redeemed.

Because she knew that the goal she was pursuing was just an illusion, but she still used everything that could be used to destroy the world.

Although Othinus could convince herself that there was no point in immersing herself in the world of illusion, it still could not change the nature of her behavior.

Unlike the spiritual ascension method of Infinite Tsukuyomi, manipulating phases is a flawed omnipotence, but the distorted truth is still the truth.

She is a demon king who has killed the world again and again to comfort herself, and has more than once cast murderous intent towards Roland, wanting to cause the other party to despair.

She didn't need to atone for her sins to anyone, but she still wanted to ask Roland for forgiveness. This was the real reason for this journey.

But now, although she still didn't ask this question and Roland never took the initiative to speak, this heavy thought had disappeared.

The so-called understanding is not a one-way ticket.

"- Why do you want to ask for my forgiveness?"

"After reaching the top, you will look forward to higher mountains. When you have power, you will look at everything with a new perspective. These are all normal things, just like a beast cannot suppress the urge to hunt. It is better to say that since you are on the road to progress, this cycle is inevitable."

"You are a demon god. The truth that contentment can only bring happiness has never applied to you. The superior conditions of having your dreams come true are just the minimum standard for you. In the case of hostility, I will be disappointed if you don't maintain this attitude."

Even if you ask Roland with a trembling attitude, I am afraid you will only get such a dumbfounding answer.

In some aspects, he is both a real human being and an unquestionable, perfect demon god.

That is why Roland accepted Othinus's dependence and digestion conditions that were like a bottomless swamp.

If the digestion conditions of the purple contract spirit were not more inclined to the contract spirit, the girl would not have survived until now.

Because in the conditional judgment of the Key of All Souls, at the moment of signing the contract, Othinus's request had been met by Roland.

The mysterious feeling of blessing in the heart sounded again in Roland's heart.

This was the feedback that the one-eyed demon god had successfully digested.

Suddenly, fragments of memory suddenly flooded into his mind.

Since birth, the magician who was feared by everyone and had unattainable power gradually embarked on the road of struggle, and in the process clarified his ideals and embarked on the journey of pursuing the throne of God.

An absolute strong man, and the loneliness born from it.

The person who taught her to love——

Ah... It's me, that's okay.

After the flashback of the fragments of memory, Roland chuckled.

This wonderful life like a legend is the pillar of the demon god named Othinus in the past.

After power, realm, and knowledge, everything that made up the girl named Othinus now had, all became a community with Roland's fate.

He raised his head and looked at Othinus.

Before digestion, the girl would even sit on Roland boldly when he took a nap, but now she stood there shyly, holding the corner of her cloak and saying nothing.

Compared with the mutual understanding before, the body and body contacted and overlapped, as if the warmth of the body was integrated into one.

The happiness he felt now was obviously almost overwhelmed by Othinus.

Although the purple-level contract spirit is the second-tier existence, in terms of specialness, it is even better than the first-level red.

Although the red level indicates an uncontrollable deviation of the road, as long as it is treated with caution and strengthened in time, its danger will be reduced.

But the color of the purple contract spirit has not changed yet, at least until Roland reaches the level of {Snake}.

If Roland cannot meet the digestion conditions and cannot force digestion, he can only choose to give up this power by completely destroying it.

These beings that are still essentially alive can only have two states: survival and complete death.

At the beginning, Roland also curiously asked about the real name of the purple contract spirit from the beginning, Lilith, and Esther, as well as Medea, who was signed into a contract the day after tomorrow, and their digested states.

The spirit of contract is born in the gap between life and death using factors such as existence, concept, and possibility.

Other levels of bonded spirits will be directly swallowed by Roland's existence after the possibility of maintaining themselves disappears. However, although the purple bonded spirit is under Roland's control in terms of fate and power, it can still be independent as an individual with permission. exist.

But unfortunately, although those girls are aware of this strange state, due to the limitation of magnitude, the feelings they can get are too confusing.

Even Roland, who could accept their knowledge without any hindrance, could not sort out an answer that could be described in words from the mess.

But now that Roland, as the Demon God, is no longer what he used to be, and with the existence of Othinus surpassing all his previous bonded spirits in terms of magnitude, the mysterious and mysterious answer has finally been revealed. His true face.

"If the move of the Hell God of War can still be effective after the ultimate, it is the disintegration of the self, then the so-called purple contract spirit is the continuation of thinking."

Roland murmured thoughtfully.

The nothingness that is born when he stops thinking is his self.

On the other hand, as long as the will is not completely dead, this chaotic and entangled form can survive.

Therefore, each purple bonded spirit can exist independently, and it can still not be destroyed even after its possibilities are completely consumed and it falls into a death that even the apostles of the High Heaven cannot recognize.

——Because only existence can understand the meaning of nothingness.

——Because nothingness can prove the weight of existence.

The two are not opposites, but complementary.

Therefore, after understanding this, Othinus, who wished to be with Roland forever, stagnated in place.

The peace of mind that this happiness brings is far better than the temporary joy.

To the girl, it was like a redemption offer.

"But it's not enough to stop now. Next, there are a group of demon gods waiting for us."

Roland raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a warm and expectant smile.

The girl did not respond to these words, but just stretched out her hand coquettishly and hugged Roland's arm.

Today, this symbol of restraint has long turned into demand and firm will.

However, even without this kind of performance, during this period of getting along, Roland could still feel the difference between Othinus, who was understood by himself alone, and other demon gods.

It's not the arrogant look that still carries a personal style, or the arrogant look that can't help but make people laugh.

It's the pure heart that is still so pure that no doubt will arise even after knowing everything.

Under the waves that begin to flow again.

Suddenly, Roland naturally grasped the hand extended by the one-eyed demon.

"...Othinus, let's go home." (End of this chapter)

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