Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 526 This world is crazy!

The Hidden World... was blown up?

Othinus was silent.

Using absolute power to distort, transform, or even destroy the phase is the privilege of the strong.

At first glance, the difficulty of this matter is surprising, but from the perspective of the demon god, it is not a big deal.

The scope of the two terms, demon god and strong, is completely different.

Even in Gremlin, there are many magicians who can influence the power of the phase. Looking at the world, even the most outstanding phase like the Crusades cannot be immune.

Influenced by the ritual of the fall of angels, or manipulated by the right fire with the power of salvation.

But in the final analysis, phases and phases cannot be generalized.

Since the support point of the demon gods' omnipotence comes from the phase, it is destined that this concept must be infinite.

Most of the phases that have been changed many times are related to religion, and they have their own set of rules. It is not surprising that loopholes are exploited or the authority is robbed.

But the Hidden World is different.

All its functions are focused on infinity and hiding.

There is no concept of distance and time. As long as there is a gap of a hair, the distance can be infinite.

Although it is still not spacious for many demons, it is barely tolerable compared to the narrow world itself.

Even from the data of this replica, Othinus can roughly imagine what it looks like when it exists.

It is attached to the end of the world with a posture that is as uniform as a thin skin but without any flaws. Such a posture and way of existence are destined to be extremely difficult to break through from the outside.

Because even when Othinus was about to vent his anger, the madness of constantly destroying and reshaping all phases did not affect its continuation.

Therefore, to destroy the hidden world, you can only invade its interior first to complete the remaining steps.

In a sense, it is difficult to say whether the result or the process is more dangerous.

After all, compared with the arrival of the demons becoming a certainty, confronting them head-on in advance is not much worse.

"Silver Star... No, {Human} Aleister Crowley, your persistence has surpassed the desire of the demon god."

Othinus felt very complicated when he thought that the ant that he had never taken seriously before had such obsession and action.

Even thinking about it carefully, before Roland came to this world, the fact that the final material of his Lord's Spear was stored in the Academy City was leaked, did it also have the shadow of this man?

"It's useless to worry about the past."

Roland touched Othinus, who was as alert as a cat with its fur standing on end, and smiled slightly.

"But when the enemy is a group of demon gods, it is worth celebrating to have such a suspicious and reliable ally."

Aleister, who had ankle-length silver hair and was wrapped in a green surgical gown, narrowed his eyes.

This human who looked like both a man and a woman, a child and an old man, a saint and a sinner, responded to Roland's evaluation with an expression that was not happy, angry, sad or happy.

Because Roland's frank words are the unquestionable truth.


As a being who was designated by the Key of All Souls as having a high affinity with Roland, there was no trust between Aleister and Roland in their cooperation.

Every time they seemed to cooperate closely, it was the result of the combination of interests and reason.

Whoever is stronger will have more initiative.

If they are not crazy enough, they will become the controlled party in an instant.

Under such a tacit understanding, the efficiency of the two is much higher than that of discussing a specific plan and then acting step by step.

After Roland seized the salvation power of the Right Fire, Aleister immediately handed over all the rights of the Academy City.

Because he knew that the world would only become Roland's playground in the future, and there was no need to worry or participate, otherwise he would inevitably be reduced from a collaborator to a subordinate whose value was gradually drained.

In order to ensure that the results of the plan would not deviate... at least not deviate too much from his purpose.

Aleister chose to invade the hidden world alone to collect data for the final battle of the demon gods to maintain his value and a certain degree of initiative.

After realizing this, Roland also worked non-stop to rule the world and conquered Othinus, who was the last hidden danger.

Such actions can not only distract the attention of the demon gods, but also help Aleister.

With the help of the exhaustive method of comparing the data after all phases are destroyed with the world itself and then deducting them, with the other party's talent, the coordinates of the hidden world can definitely be successfully converted.

Most importantly, such exposure can also make the still hesitant demon gods make the invasion a foregone conclusion.

With this bomb that has begun to count down in front of him, it will undoubtedly prevent Aleister from using this exclusive information obtained at the risk of his life to set traps or have crooked thoughts.

"So, what did you get? You can still laugh even if one-third of your body is roasted into charcoal. I guess you are quite willful."

"The parameters of all members of the True Gremlin have been obtained."

When mentioning this, Aleister's expression was distorted and he hummed with joy.

He was waiting for this moment.

As long as this data is available, the demon hidden behind the scenes, whose traces have never been seen, will change from a chess player to a chess piece.

As long as it enters the chessboard, although the gap between the chess pieces will not change, the operation of castling will undoubtedly have a basis for realization.


This subtle name made Othinus frown slightly, and she obviously realized something.

For her now, although Gremlin's existence is a dark history of the past, she suddenly found that when she was playing with the world as a clown in the palm of her hand, she herself was also a clown in the eyes of another group of people. This feeling is definitely not pleasant.

"Those bastards!"

"Using the name of colorless fairies without religious colors as an organization, calling the correction behavior that can subvert the world at will as troublemaking, the style of the demons is really as easy to understand as always."

Although Othinus's aggrieved look of wanting to cry is very charming, Roland still looks calm.

"So, is the next step to lead them into a trap?"

"It is better to open than to block. After losing the safe zone where they can sit on the high ground, coupled with the temptation of the real new world, they dare not take any risks, but they will never let go."

"Under this contradictory psychology, when the demons notice the traces you left, it is impossible for them to destroy this world. In this case, it is inevitable for them to restrict and divide themselves."

"They used to be able to sit in the audience and enjoy the scenes of the present world, just because they have seen enough stories in the past and have become desensitized. But when they really encounter the opening of the dream story, every demon will wish to replace the protagonist himself."

Aleister's voice is hoarse but powerful, without any hesitation, like a sharp blade.

"After all, they are just a group of inferior products who reached the top without enough fire, and they don't realize that magic is a technology of "valuing the hearts of others." ”

"As long as they dare to enter the present world, their lives will no longer belong to themselves. "

If this sentence is said by others, it may just be a sigh of helplessness under the conflict between passion and talent.

But when it is said by Aleister, who has personally innovated the modern magic system, divided the world into two as a human, played with the magic side in his palm, and rejected the power of the demon without hesitation, it will only make people feel speechless and cold.

That is the breath of death.

Aleister's ultimate goal is to create a correct world where men and women are stars.

Destroying magic is only his means and not his goal. Killing the demon is just a necessary step. Even without Roland, Aleister has the confidence to develop according to the original plan.

The ferocious face like a carnivore is enough to prove this. Although he has not learned the fighting skills of wild beasts, he has fangs and claws to kill people.

"From the merit of your coming back alive, it is indeed as you said. "

Roland confirmed Aleister's statement.

If Aleister was able to blow up the hidden world, it might be because the demons were distracted by the conflict between him and Othinus and had some doubts about it, but he was only burned but not dead, which obviously meant that the other party held back.

Facing so many unknown demons at once, the reason why Aleister was able to escape successfully had nothing to do with his own plan.

It was just good luck.

It's like a human seeing an ant crawling into his water cup, but being too lazy to reach out and crush it to death, he just pours it out along with the water in the cup.

It just so happens that every demon The arrogance of the gods who lost interest in Aleister's actions, and the happiness of jumping out instead of being swept into the sewer with the water, are the reasons why Aleister survived.

Although the True Gremlin demons are very proud and think that Othinus, who is still struggling, has not reached the level of contact with them, in Roland's view, they are just the same.

But soon, Roland changed the subject.

"However, this method alone is useless. They are indeed immature losers, but in essence, this arrogance and stupidity are two different things."

"Even if it is a hasty plan and the road is not suitable, the absolute advantage in numbers and strength is destined that the demons will not abandon everything. "

When Roland and Othinus were shaping the world, they placed themselves inside the bottle called the present world. This fragile defense line also forced the demons to limit themselves and actively drill into the abyss in the bottle.

They certainly have the power to smash the bottle directly, but their target is not the mortals who are at their mercy, but the demons of the same level.

Considering Roland's specialness, what if he has a similar technology to hide in the world?

In order to prevent the other party from playing any tricks while the world is shattered, and to prevent the plan from failing, the present world is also distorted, and the retreat is cut off. .

The demons would be like Othinus, even at the risk of indigestion, to achieve their current goals quickly.

Although I laugh at this kind of arrogance from the bottom of my heart.

But Roland cannot but pay attention to the demons' awareness of putting themselves at risk.

Strategically despising the enemy and tactically paying attention to the enemy is the only way to victory.

But because of this, it is necessary to carefully grasp the degree of it, otherwise once the car turns over, there will be no chance to regret.

"I have made a plan." Aleister nodded lightly, revealing a resolute will in his expression.

"Compared with our desires that are different but mutually inclusive, the essence of the union of the demons is not quite similar, but at least irrelevant."

"Equality with differences?"

Roland raised his eyebrows and looked at Aleister thoughtfully.

"That's right," Aleister nodded calmly. "The only difference between the real Gremlin and the Gremlin built by Othinus beside you is that there is no person who can be called a leader. The rest of the structure and ecology are the same."

Aleister, who has personally confronted many demon gods, knows very well that the relationship between many demon gods is worse than that of strangers.

The reason why they didn't fight and had always lived in peace was just because they were tired of hating each other.

“With this flaw that cannot be remedied, we can continue to lay out the balance of this safe lock into a dangerous line that looks safe but is actually very subtle.”

"Greed and desire are powerful medicines for the soul, so just fight fire with fire."

"What's the meaning?"

Othinus asked.

"The demon gods only care about the world and Roland. To achieve the temptation of causing them to conflict but also shortening the balance, it won't be possible for a while...even if they have that plan."

"It can be done."

Aleister stared at Roland with his eyes, as if he saw that the future was not covered in dust in a distorted phase, but the light of stars shining freely in the clear universe.

"One-eyed Demon God, the reason why your wisdom did not calculate the probability of success is just because I was in this hidden world at the time and was not noticed by you."

Following Aleister's whisper, Roland gradually understood his purpose.

He looked deeply at Aleister without saying anything or explaining to Othinus.

Because someone has already taken the initiative to take over the conversation.

Above Aleister's petri dish, an angel with huge wings emerged from the depths of the void.

Aiwass, with a smile on his lips, glanced at Aleister.

Named after the Holy Guardian Angel, it took the initiative to leave the body of the contractor, and then, in the eyes of Othinus, who was suddenly but shocked.

It suddenly turned into a ray of light and shot in Roland's direction.

In an instant, the angel who controls the material world suddenly has a new contractor.

This is a very dangerous move.

As the core concept of the material world that is the foundation of the present world, Aiwass has the ability to truly affect the universe.

In this contract of overwhelming unequal strength between the two parties, Roland's weight as a demon will inevitably cause power to flow back and affect the universe through Aiwass's body.

"The demon gods will inevitably sacrifice their previous plans to achieve the ideal balance point in your plan."

"This is something that is helpless, but there is no way."

Aiwass loudly announced his evil deeds, with a soft and wicked smile on his face.

"——After all, the world is crazy!" (End of this chapter)

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