It was clear that he easily controlled everyone and suppressed the turmoil that would have occurred because the truth of the world was exposed, but Bronia did not mean to be happy at all.

Because this feeling of seeing all living beings as ants is too terrifying, just because of her subconscious thoughts, she modified the minds of everyone in the world, so that everyone subconsciously stayed away from the boundaries of the world.

At this time, Bronia finally understood what Chen Hai said before, if she really kept it like this, then what was the point of her living?

Even if it is her Bronia, she will deliberately converge when playing the game, and being too invincible will only lose the fun of the game itself.

Just as Bronia panicked and wanted to disassociate herself from the gem, the gem began to send her a message again, and this time the message was very different.

Led by the gemstone, Bronia saw the memories it once recorded.

Bronia saw a white-haired girl who looked exactly like Teresa, the girl was holding a toddler in one hand and a gem in the other, and muttered words that made Bronia's eyes widen.

"I hope that in this new world, you can grow up healthy and happy... Brownie.

"Uh... Brownie? It doesn't seem right... The pronunciation is not quite like what Alexandra said! That... Cloth wolf teeth? Or Broya? "

Hmm... Bronia... Pronounced more like some, but... Brownie is a little cuter, and it's like Bronia's nickname..." The

white-haired girl looked tangled, and finally seemed to be such an esoteric question for a bit of a brainstorming reason, she looked directly at the silver-haired child sleeping in her arms.

"Hmm... Little baby, can you tell your sister, Brownie and Bronia... Which one is your name? Bronia

looked at the gem she had just seen in the white-haired girl's hand, and then at the young child in her arms, that was her! Whether it's Bronia or Brownie, aren't they all the names she used?

Bronia followed the gem's memory and looked back step by step.

She saw the white-haired girl kick open the door, and then found little Bronia who was pressed under her by a silver-haired youth, and under the white-haired girl's inspection, the silver-haired young man was dead.

She saw the layout of the house, saw the wedding photos of a young couple, and the handsome woman in the photo was beautiful.

Time passed again, and Bronia saw the woman in the photo lying on the ground, her right leg and abdomen with obvious blood stains, and even the scars on her internal organs were seen in Bronia's perspective at this time.

"Alexandra, do you have any last wishes?"

Under the questioning of the white-haired girl, the silver-haired woman named Alexandra said her last words.

"If you can, I want you to save my husband and daughter, the world is too dangerous today, probably only Miss A-872 can save them."

"My husband's name is Alexei, and my daughter's name is Bronia..."

Alexandra closed her eyes in relief after talking to the white-haired girl named A-872, and whispered something in her mouth.

"Hey! Don't you close your eyes? I didn't hear your last sentence! And what is your daughter's name, I didn't hear it clearly! Obviously

, A-872 did not fully hear all of his last words, and he was already a little anxious at this time, but if A-872 did not hear clearly, Bronia heard it completely with the help of gemstones.

"Bronia, Alexey... I love you guys..."

Mom..." Of

course, Bronia, who was not stupid, knew who the men and women who appeared successively were, and at this time, even in the consciousness space of the gem, she could feel that she was probably crying at this time.

"Is this what it feels like to be cared for by your parents?"

Bronia recalled her mother's words before she died, and thought back to her father's appearance of protecting her young self before she died, and she smiled with relief.

However, the memory images belonging to the gemstones still show her a record of memories that are more ancient to her.

She saw an old man called a teacher by her mother saying something maniacally.

She sees the monster that her mother's teacher calls a flying fish, and knows that it is a terrifying monster that is about to devour the bubble of the world.

She saw her mother's teacher open a box and discuss with her a plan called "Shell", which was exactly what she was once familiar with—the light curtain that shrouded the Skydome City.

In the end, Bronia saw a pitch black and silent, until her mother's teacher, the middle-aged man who was not as crazy as the future at this time, took the gem out of the black box with a look of excitement.

The gem called the anchor of the ether by Chen Hai was like inviting credit, expressing affection to Bronia with a simple consciousness like a toddler, and it took the initiative to show all of itself in front of Bronia.

"Thank you... Thank you for letting me know that I am not a child abandoned by my parents, my father's name is Alexei ... My mother's name is Alexandra... They... Love me very much.

Bronia smiled and grabbed the gem, and the gem also sent a friendly consciousness to Bronia, and then the gem found that Bronia had voluntarily cut off contact with it and shoved it directly onto Judas.

"But I'm sorry, as my mother said, your power is too dangerous, so it's better to put it in the hands of someone who will never use this power."

Bronia said and looked at Chen Hai, with the help of the ether anchor, she had also learned a lot of information, just like the A-872 who looked exactly like Teresa did not care about the ether anchor.

Chen Hai, who was more mysterious and powerful than A-872, certainly did not care about such a gemstone, so she chose to believe in the gem's memory, trusted her mother's judgment, and directly gave the gem to Chen Hai.

"Huh? Don't you fuse with gemstones? Even if Judas wants to keep restraining it, it will cost a lot of collapse energy, and it is not worth the loss!

"And if there is no one who controls the world bubble to cooperate with me, it will take a lot of effort to attach this world bubble to my world."

Chen Hai looked at Bronia a little strangely, and it was a little strange that she put the etheric anchor on Judas.

"But... But the power of controlling gems is too terrifying, if it takes a long time, it will become like the villain in the movie, treating everyone as ants, high and so on..."

You also don't look at how much Avalanche Energy you used after you just modified everyone's consciousness! The collapse energy that could have lasted for more than three hundred years has already consumed four percent, do you really think that the god of a world that is about to collapse is so good?

"And when this world is attached to my world, if you feel that your authority is too high, I can help you remove all the authority, and ensure that you can't even beat a three-year-old baby in this world."

Bronia scratched her head in embarrassment, she seemed to be thinking too much.

"Nope... No need, since it's just that I think too much... I fused and that's it. "

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