"Brother Chen Hai, what a coincidence..."

But Chen Hai did not answer, but stood in front of Bronia with an expectant face, as if waiting for something, of course Bronia knew what she was waiting for.

Bronia turned her head to look at Himeko and Kokolia, and sure enough, although they all showed a real expression of your kid at this time, they didn't come forward and say anything.

Of course, they won't say anything, although they are a little concerned about Chen Hai raising two child brides at once, but the girls have not refused, didn't they see that Bronia has begun to look at Chen Hai affectionately?

(Now I can't let Ji Zi and them suspect me because of Chen Hai, so I should kiss Roam, anyway, as long as I leave this world, I won't come again.)

Bronia thought so, and the expressionless little face came to the same height as Chen Hai's face with the help of the heavy rabbit, and the mouths of the two gradually met.

Himeko: "!!

Fu Hua: "?? "

Brownie:"( ╯□ ╰ )

" Kokolia: "?? Ciel

: "Bronia... Sister "


"Whew... "

I'm sorry, Kokolia-sensei, I'm late."

Just when Bronia was held up by the heavy rabbit to kiss Chen Hai's mouth, and the light of the transport plane was just shining in front of everyone, a soft voice sounded in everyone's ears.

However, at this time, all the women had been confused by Bronia's sudden kiss, and only Fu Hua did not care too much so he heard this voice.

However, Fu Hua looked back at the owner of the voice and found that something was wrong, and the owner of the voice was a girl with short blue hair.

The girl's face looked very immature, probably fourteen or fifteen years old, but the girl's chest had an arc that was not inferior to any woman present.

But this is not the point, the point is when Fu Hua saw the change in the blue-haired girl's expression and tone with his own eyes.

From the delicate expression and soft words that were panting from running fast at first, to the slowly shocked expression that became when he came to them and saw them, and finally his eyes slowly lost their highlights.

"Bronia... Sister.

The girl whispered, but at this time, no one else except Fu Hua heard it, maybe Chen Hai heard it, but obviously he would not remind anyone.

(Why did Sister Bronia suddenly appear here?) Obviously, the previous tasks were not right with Sister Bronia, could there be different changes in the repeated reincarnation?

"Kokolia-sensei, I'm late."

Ciel had already come to her senses, although the sudden addition of Bronia had made her original confidence in the task much less.

But as long as she thought that her sister Bronia was still waiting for her, she adjusted her mentality and called out Kokolia again.

"Uh... It's Xi'er, you're here, sorry, the teacher just lost his mind.

Kokolia finally came back to her senses from the scene just now in Ciel's cry again, but even so, she was still a little uncomfortable.

Who can understand how painful it is for their students to be kissed and still a single dog?

However, Kokolia, who was thinking like this, quickly noticed Himeko's expression.

Oh, and Himeko with me, that's fine.

"Chen Hai, Bronia, our people are already together, let's hurry up and go to the mission location."

With the fight between Xi'er and Kokolia, Bronia also recovered from the strange feeling, although the first kiss was indeed a little shy, but the most important thing now is the task.

Bronia is not an ordinary girl, as early as the age of twelve, she was already a famous soldier king in the boy scouts of the Mao Bear Country, and it was not unacceptable for her to sacrifice something for the mission.

Even if it weren't for the fact that she met Kokolia, she would have become the backbone of a special unit in the Maoxiong Country at this time.

(Is the mission finally about to begin?)

Bronia showed that her face was calm, but her heart was still relieved, after all, even if she could accept kissing, she was not necessarily willing to accept Chen Haiwan if there were other actions later.

"Bronia, Bronnie, let's introduce you to the last team."

"Her name is Xi'er, although she is a little afraid of life, but she is a good child, I believe you will become good friends."

Kekolia took Xi'er to the two women, and at this time, Chen Hai had gone to the driver's seat of the transport plane with satisfaction and began to continue to play his role.

Brownie nodded casually to Ciel, knowing that this guy must be the same Ciel that Kevin said he had sent over four months ago.

Bronia's eyes widened, she didn't expect to be able to see Xi'er, but soon she reacted, she was only in the world bubble now.

(What is Bronia expecting, Kokolia's mother has become a Valkyrie, of course the orphanage will not exist, naturally there will be no X-10 experiment, of course there will be a normal growth in this world.)

Ciel, who also had similar thoughts, also blinked her eyes and looked at Bronia and Brownie with some curiosity, her eyes glowing with the blue of the sea, just like the girl Bronia remembered.

(Shee: "Two Bronia sisters, if only one of them was Bronia's sister.")

(Ciel? "Xi'er, you know it's impossible, this is the world bubble of the Quantum Sea, the Bronia you know is still accompanying the group of imps in the real world, it's been so long, are you still thinking about her?"

(Ciel: "Another me... Sister Bronia said that she would definitely come and take Ciel away, and Sister Bronia believed that Sister Bronia would do what she said.

"Now that everyone has arrived, let's get ready to go, we've been delayed for a long time."

Kokolia's words interrupted everyone's thoughts, and then began to lead them towards the transport plane that was ready to take off.


"It's almost time to reach the destination, before that, let's confirm the mission."

On the transport plane, Fu Hua looked seriously at the five women who were ready to go.

"Three days ago, the transport vehicles at the headquarters were attacked, and although there were no deaths, the vital supplies transported were stolen."

According to the investigation of Mandate of Heaven, the attack may be related to an underground organization called "Anti-Shang". "

Inverse quotient? Isn't that an anti-Mandate organization formed by people who have defected to the Mandate of Heaven? The

sudden appearance of the anti-Heavenly Mandate organization made Himeko a little puzzled, and there was no introduction to the previous mission.

"It's not directly facing the anti-merchants, after all, they are hiding deeply, we got intelligence this time, someone picked up the stolen materials around here, and they were controlled by an intelligence trafficker codenamed "Silver Fox".

(Sure enough, this mission is said to be led by Kokolia's mother, but in fact, Fu Hua's squad leader is the captain recognized by Heaven's destiny.)

Bronia silently listened to Fu Hua tell the details of the mission, and in her heart was to confirm Fu Hua's hidden identity in this mission.

Only in this way can Fu Hua understand so much information, which is not at all something a student can do.

Himeko touched her chin, "Silver fox... Is it a member of the inverse quotient? "

It's not like, his identity is too ostentatious, as a city snake, I am afraid that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him, although the anti-shang has been struggling under the pursuit of the Mandate of Heaven over the years, but he does not dare to expose it easily."

Kokolia directly shook her head and vetoed Himeko's idea.

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