This is Tokyo, an island country.

Shirahama Kenichi is walking down the street while looking at the tasks issued by the system he brought with him after traveling through time. He feels helpless.

"Ninety years ago in this world is the timeline where Demon Slayer begins"

"Then, even earlier in the timeline, there was an era ruled by monsters such as Yakumo Yukari."

"In the western world of the Edo period of the island nation, the story of Derby begins again."

"Then the 21st century where I live is the worldview of the strongest disciple in history"

"It's like a timeline built up from various two-dimensional anime.."

"The two-dimensional world of the high-level martial arts system and the two-dimensional world of the low-level martial arts system are piled up on each other, which really feels very inconsistent..."

It's no wonder that Shirahama Kenichi felt uncomfortable, after all, the timeline of this anime world is really confusing.

You know, before he was reincarnated into this world, there was a saying that wolves can't live with rabbits.

Which one is stronger, Demon Slayer's Demon King Mujin and the world of the strongest disciple in history, Furinji account and the demon fist Kushina Miku from One Shadow Nine Fists, even though Shirahama Kenichi had watched these two anime before crossing over, he couldn't make a comment at once.

However, if the world view of Gensokyo is compared with Demon Slayer and the world of the strongest disciple in history, the power system of the former is absolutely overwhelming the power system of the latter.

I took a look at the information about the monsters active in this world during the Heian period and the end of the shogunate given by the system. The top monsters represented by Yakumo Yukari and Kazami Yuuka are all at the level of destroying a country in the system

, and the strength of the high-level monsters is at least the fourth level.

According to the system's standard, the first level is the ordinary level to the extreme level of the human body, and the second level's destructive power is to easily break through the wall, and the third level's destructive power is to break the house with one punch.

Then the standard destructive power of the fourth level is that a six-story residential building can be destroyed with one punch.

In the era before the Meiji period, there were eight million monsters in total.

Although the majority of them were small monsters, there were at least more than 100,000 high-level monsters.

If such a world is mixed with the world of the strongest disciple in history, then the first question to be faced is what will happen in the middle to make things develop to the point where all monsters disappear as the times develop to the 21st century?

You must know that the technological level of humans in the Meiji period is far inferior to the modern level.

It can be said without hesitation that an army composed of 100,000 high-level monsters can instantly defeat the army of any country at that time.

But even in the face of such an extremely unbalanced combat power gap, humans still gained the right to rule the Blue Star world from monsters in the period of the Meiji decade?

The system for handling this contradiction was directly handed over to Shirahama Kenichi.

If he can solve this problem and successfully let the human side replace monsters in 1876 to gain control of the Blue Star, then the modern world he is in will not be affected.

If he cannot handle this contradiction, then the development of this world will go to another process.

A future in which humans and monsters went to war in modern times, and then humans were defeated by monsters and eventually became extinct.

If things developed to the point where humans became extinct at the end of the 20th century, then naturally there would be no storyline of the strongest disciple in history. If

Shirahama Kenichi did not resolve that contradiction, the most direct consequence would be that he would be directly wiped out by the changed timeline if he was born in the future.

Thinking of this, Shirahama Kenichi came to his destination


"The place mentioned in the brochure is here."

Looking at the disciple written on the experience volume in his hand, Shirahama Kenichi glanced at the store sign in front of him and pushed the door open.

So Shirahama Kenichi's current situation can be said to be very dangerous.

However, since the system wants him to solve the contradictions between the alternating lines of each era, the system naturally has other functions to assist Shirahama Kenichi.

For example, the DNF world character summoning function.

And the function of obtaining experience points that can be used to increase the level through training.

The function of summoning characters from the DNF world is to send them to the past time to solve the tasks assigned by the system.

In the game, the sharpshooter's mentor Kelly, the ancestor of female Sanda, Saleh Maya, the priest mentor Galantis Gracia

, and other people from the Arad world have been sent to the past time period by the system.

With the help of these strong people from the Arad world, it is indeed possible to complete the tasks issued by the system, but the premise is that the levels of these people must be high enough.

You must know that the levels of these people from the Arad world are synchronized with Shirahama Kenichi.

How high Shirahama Kenichi's level is, how high their level is.

Now his level is one, and the levels of others are also one as well.

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