The current timeline of the Blue Star in the world of Soman is 1913.

As mentioned before, in order to complete the task issued by the system to maintain the balance during the transition between eras, Kenichi recruited a lot of people from the Arad world to help him.

The priestess who came from Xu Zu was in the Meiji era of the 19th century

, and then Xu Zu's princess Asuka and Paris, who was called the Princess of the Sewer by the kingdom, were arranged to the early 20th century in the Blue Star world.

This time period is when the plot of Demon Slayer begins. In

Kenichi's current era, it is daytime, but in Asuka and Paris' era, it is just dawn.

In the world of Demon Slayer, when night begins to fall, it is the time when various man-eating ghosts begin to appear.

On the first night that Asuka and Paris traveled to Demon Slayer, they accidentally encountered a man-eating ghost who was hunting humans in the temple.

"It seems that no matter which world you are in, the law of the jungle, such as eating and being eaten, will not change."

Paris was a little surprised when she saw the man-eating ghost in front of her, who could recover no matter how hard he broke the opponent's body, being annihilated directly under the sun.

As for why Paris made such a statement, it was because she was an orphan and grew up in a backstreet slum like a no-man's land.

Although the manifestation is different, the cruel living environment in the backstreet can indeed be regarded as"cannibalism"."

"So don't dwell on your past experiences. You have to know that you have become the overlord of the backstreet and have been rectifying the environment of the backstreet."

Aska, who ran away from home and lived in Hutton Mar for a while, has never seen how chaotic the slums of Hutton Mar are, but he has heard from some people about it.

If Paris established the rules of order after becoming the overlord of the backstreet, then before Paris became the overlord of the backstreet, the rules of the backstreet could be described as terrifying.

As a girl from the backstreet who had never received professional training as a fighter and could only choose other ways to become stronger by trial and error, Aska still admired Paris very much.

Even though Paris used some poisons and sharp weapons that fighters would not use, which seemed very despicable in the eyes of others, but looking at the unique laughter of children that could be heard in the backstreet, Aska would never say that Paris did anything wrong.

"It’s meaningless to say all this now. Ever since the explosion in Arad, not only the back street where I am, but even the entire continent has been destroyed."

To be honest, the destruction of Arad actually didn’t make any waves in Paris’ heart. When she thought of the orphans she adopted in the back street who also died, she couldn’t help but clench the claws in her hand.

Looking at Paris’s current appearance, Asuka, who knew her when she was traveling in Arad as an adventurer two years ago, naturally knew what Paris was thinking.

Asuka also knew very well that Paris treated those adopted orphans as family members.

But because she knew this, Asuka didn’t know how to persuade her, so Asuka could only choose to change the subject..

"But this world is also very dangerous. If the holder of this system had not upgraded five levels in one day, we would be the ones in danger of encountering this man-eating ghost."

Because of the strength of the profession, Asuka's combat power as a Qigong master is definitely better than Paris's as a street fighter and Kenichi's as a Sanda at the same level.

The upper limit of the female Qigong is the eighth level, so even if Asuka's level is only fifth, her combat power is equivalent to the strongest disciple in history.

Paris, who was originally depressed, suddenly became energetic after hearing Asuka's words.

Although their strength has dropped significantly now because of their level binding with the host of this system, their combat power will also be rapidly strengthened with the help of this system. As long as the level reaches the level, they can directly obtain the unique skills of Qigong masters or poison kings, as well as the lost technology of the heavens.

Paris had seen before that the sharpshooter system where Kelly was could obtain a dimensional ship that could travel through time when it reached level 100.

So if the holder of this system is hard enough, she can ask Kelly to borrow the dimensional ship and return to the time before the big explosion on the Arad continent.

"However, since we have established a contract with the holder of this system, we must also bear another condition."

"If the owner of this system encounters a problem in the future that he cannot solve, he will need our help."

"If it is our own body that travels through time, it is not a big deal, but if we just borrow the host's body to fight, it will be a bit troublesome."

"If someone who can defeat an opponent stronger than himself by other means without relying on his own strength really needs our help, this system should look for you, Paris, right?"

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