The moment Kenichi pressed the button to go to the training gym, he felt his mind wandering for a moment.

When Kenichi recovered, he was in a gym that was about 20 meters long and wide, and he was in his room.

"Is this Feng Zhen's training dojo in the game?"

Looking at the familiar layout of the dojo in front of him, Jianyi thought of the training dojo run by Qigong Master Feng Zhen in the DNF game.

"This game even has buildings in the game world?"

"No, it can’t be called a game world."

"After all, Paris and the others were recruited by the system from the real Arad continent and came to the Blue Star where I am."

Kenichi also knew that Paris and Asuka were transferred from the destroyed Arad world to the Blue Star world.

If Kenichi guessed correctly, those people from the Arad continent recruited by the system should be from the DNF parallel universe where the Destruction Era plot will appear.

So Kenichi suspected that the dojo he was in now was actually pulled directly from the Arad continent by the system before the big bang.

Thinking of this, a question popped up in Kenichi's mind.

If this dojo is really from the Arad continent, then where is the fighter mentor Feng Zhen?

Among those people from the Arad world that he recruited through the system, Kenichi did not seem to have seen Feng Zhen..

"Welcome to the training ground"

"First, the system will explain the rules of this training dojo to the host."

Just as Kenichi looked around the space, the system's prompt sounded directly beside his ears.

Then, a figure with many white light spots appeared in front of him.

Although this figure materialized by the system had no facial features, looking at the familiar outline of this figure, Kenichi knew at once that this figure was imitated by the system-Miu's appearance.

At this time, the figure materialized by the system was simulating the scene of Miu boxing in the park.

"Synchronizing the host with the recorded figure's movements"

"Please remember the force-generating technique of the figure when he threw the second punch."

Just when Kenichi heard this, he saw the figure in front of him merged directly with him, and then he made the same movements as when Miu threw a punch in the park.

Although Kenichi saw the different power of Miu's punches when he watched in the park in the morning, watching was not his own practice after all. It would be impossible for Kenichi to learn Miu's force-generating technique just by watching.

But now the system helps him simulate Miu's movements directly, the situation is different.

While keeping this synchronization, Kenichi could feel the bones and spine in his body, and the muscles on his back constantly increasing the strength of his arms.

"The host can enter the synchronization state with the virtual figure at any time in this training dojo, but if you want to leave here, you must thoroughly learn this force-generating technique."

When the system finished speaking, a dummy appeared in front of Kenichi.

"When the host completes the task of attacking the dummy with twice the normal force for 100 times, he can leave this training space."

Kenichi was stunned by this sentence!

It's ok that he needs to keep training to upgrade, but now he has to study martial arts skills in the training dojo? And he can't leave this dojo if he doesn't reach a certain training standard.

Is this system so hardcore?

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