"This is the Liangshanpo Dojo that I just mentioned."

Just when Miyu said that the other people in Liangshanpo wanted to meet Kenichi, and Kenichi agreed to accept Miyu's invitation, he was taken by Miyu to the train to Tokyo's Minato Ward.

Then, after walking for more than 20 minutes from the station in Minato Ward, the two came to a dojo that looked a bit shabby.

Although this dojo looks very desolate to outsiders, in fact, the three words Liangshanpo engraved on the sign of this dojo are very valuable both in the surface world and the inner world. There is a proverb in the Dragon Country that says that the water is not deep, but the dragon is spiritual, which describes the situation of farming Liangshanpo very well.


Kenichi took a look at the old wall around the dojo, and then looked at the area covered by the wall.

If this wall is a square, then according to the distance Kenichi is now estimating, the entire Liangshanpo dojo is at least more than 200 acres.

You must know that in Tokyo's Minato Ward, the holidays here can be described as every inch of land is worth a lot of money.

And if Kenichi remembers correctly, the entire mountain behind the Liangshanpo dojo seems to belong to the territory of Liangshanpo.

"The housing prices in this area of Minato are incredibly expensive. You can own such a large dojo here. It seems that you are also a hidden rich kid."

Let's not talk about the mountain behind Liangshanpo. If the area where Liangshanpo Dojo is located is converted into currency, the land price alone is worth at least hundreds of billions of yen.

"Kenichi, you are really kidding me. If I were really the child of a wealthy man, then I wouldn't have to worry about the source of living expenses for my family every day."

"This piece of land for the temple is just inherited from my family."

"In my grandfather's time, this area was just a wasteland. He didn't spend any money to buy the land when he built the dojo."

Although Miyu said so, in fact, regardless of whether the elders of Fenglin Temple spent any money on the land when they built Liangshanpo, the housing prices in the port area are there now.

So this cannot deny the fact that the land in Liangshanpo is valuable now.

However, Liangshanpo is Miyu's home after all, and it is impossible for her to sell the house.

This is why Miyu's family has a lot of land, but she still has to hide her age and go to work for Shinomiya Kaguya.

"Then Kenichi, do you want to try to push down this door?"

"Because our dojo has always been inhabited by martial artists, some places are based on the standards of martial artists."

"Each of these two doors weighs 60 kilograms. Do you want to try to push them down?"

The gate of Liangshanpo actually has its own tricks.

For ordinary people, the power of their right hand is definitely much stronger than that of their left hand, but for martial artists, if the left hand is weaker than the right hand, it is an obvious shortcoming.

So for those who have undergone professional intensive training for both hands, the power of a heavy punch with the left hand will definitely not be less than that of the right fist.

The gate of Liangshanpo is actually a primary prop specially used to test the balance of power between the left and right hands.

Of course, this gate can also block the challengers.

After all, those who can't even push the door open don't even have the qualifications to challenge.

"Then I'll give it a try."

After hearing Miyu's words, Kenichi put his hands on the door and exerted force on his body. The door of Liangshanpo made a creaking sound when it was opened.

The system's enhancement of Kenichi is all-round.

His left hand may not be as flexible as his right hand, but the strength of his two arms is actually the same.

It is not difficult for Kenichi, who has been promoted to level 11, to push open the door.

When Kenichi pushed open the door, the masters in Liangshanpo were watching not far away.

"There are actually many people who can open this door, but if this boy really trained his strength to this level in just half a month as Miyu said, it would be amazing."

After hearing what Misakikoshi Temple Qiuyu said, the elder of Fenglin Temple laughed.

"Qiuyu, tell me how you plan to train him first."

After hearing the words of the elder of Fenglin Temple, Qiuyu of Jiaoyue Temple stroked his beard and thought for a while before saying

"First, let's test the boy's physical limits before deciding on the training course."

"If his physical fitness is up to standard, he can be taught some martial arts moves first, and then he can be given more rigorous training."

If it is someone who faints when running 5 kilometers, Misaki Koshi Akiyu will reduce the amount of training in the early stage.

But if it is someone with very good physical fitness, Misaki Koshi Akiyu will increase the amount of training to make the exercise effective.

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