The tire of an ordinary family car weighs about nine kilograms.

The tire that Akiyu Misakikoshiji tied to Kenichi was a part from a large truck, so it weighed nearly twenty kilograms.

Twenty kilograms is definitely nothing for Kenichi if it is placed on a barbell, but running with a tire is not as simple as just carrying twenty kilograms of weight.

Because this also requires the friction between the tire and the ground.

This is why some people can run five kilometers with a twenty-kilogram load, but can't handle running five kilometers with a tire tied to their body.

But this kind of inability depends on the person.

In Kenichi's case, whose body has been strengthened by the system several times, let alone five kilometers, there is no problem at all multiplying this number by ten.

"Really amazing physical strength"

"If Miyu hadn't assured me that you were only an average person in just half a month, I would have thought that you had actually practiced martial arts with other people."

"Although your current data on physical strength and endurance are a little worse than Miu's, you have indeed reached the standard to learn martial arts."

The time went to Liangshanpo Dojo two hours later.

Misakikoshiji Akiyu looked at Kenichi, who was already exhausted, and his eyes showed a thoughtful expression.

"We are back at Liangshanpo just in time, and Miyu should have finished making breakfast by now."

"Kenichi-kun, why don't you eat here this morning?"

"After breakfast, we will start the next stage of testing."

Both Misakikoshiji Akiyu and Miyu know that there is no shortcut to improve martial arts. It is normal for the human body to feel sore due to excessive training, which can be seen from the fact that Kenichi now feels like his legs are cramping. However......Running is a sport that uses only the strength of the legs.

Even if Kenichi's legs are temporarily out of strength, as long as his arms are still strong, he can still train.

When his arms are out of strength and his legs are a little better, he can train his legs again and repeat this process.

"However, since Kenichi has such physical strength, I will make some training props specially."

The best way to strengthen physical strength and body power is to increase the weight.

Looking at Kenichi's current physical strength, Misaki Koshiji Akiyu feels that ordinary weights can no longer have any training effect on him.

So he plans to make some special training props for him.

For example, a hugging Buddha weighing 50 kilograms?

"Apa! It's time to eat! It's time to eat! Apacha was so hungry that his back and stomach were about to be connected."

When he got to the table, he looked at the traditional Japanese breakfast prepared by Miu and started eating at a whirlwind speed. Kenichi was obviously very hungry after running with a tire for two hours, but when Kenichi was still eating his first bowl, Apacha had already finished his fifth bowl.

"By the way, where is Master Nigui?"

Meiyu couldn't help but ask when she saw that there were two people missing from the dinner table.

"Shi Yu went to the rooftop to eat again, and Nigui just went out to play small steel balls."

After hearing what Miyu said, the elder of Fenglin Temple began to explain.

"Forget about Master Shigure, but Master Nigui went to play with the big and small steel balls early in the morning....."

"By the way, Kenichi, how do you feel now?"

While the dinner table at Liangshanpo was lively, Misakikoshiji Akiyu was still thinking about something.

Although Misakikoshiji Akiyu felt strange about Kenichi's abnormally increased physical strength, he did not want to pursue it. What he cared about when accepting a disciple was only the character of the disciple, and there was no need for him to pursue any secrets of the disciple.

However, speaking of Kenichi's current situation reminded Misakikoshiji Akiyu of the fighting king Fanma Baki in the underground fighting arena of old man Tokugawa and Spike, who is now a vegetative.

Both of them can directly simulate the training situation by relying on their brain imagination.

Misakikoshiji Akiyu thought of Spike, who is now a vegetative but his physical strength is still improving.

Thinking of those in the hospital According to the data, Misakikoshiji Akiyu thinks that Spike's hospitalization is not as bad as he has been swimming in water as thick as maltose.

It is a strong talent to be able to train in dreams by imagination, because it can make a warrior stronger in a very short time.

But such a talent must be of great interest to scientists. Spike, a death row prisoner, is still being kept in the hospital because those scientists want to study him.

If it weren't for Hanma Baki's father Hanma Yujiro, he would be locked up in the laboratory like Spike.

If Kenichi really has such a talent, in order to avoid causing trouble, Misakikoshiji Akiyu plans to let Miu conceal the fact that he has only been training for less than a month.

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