The masters of Liangshan Lake are actually very good at restraining their auras.

Among these people, Xiangban Shiyu's technique of restraining her aura is the best among them.

Even the elders of Fenglin Temple commented that when Shiyu hides, it is as if she really does not exist.

According to Xiangban Shiyu's usual way of dealing with the enemy, when she restrains her aura, she has already begun to carry out stealth-type operations.

However, this time she restrained her aura only to ambush near the hot spring.

Then, according to the plan of Misakikoshi Akiyu, she used a malicious aura to test Kenichi.

Thinking of this, Xiangban Shiyu estimated the distance between the hot spring and Liangshan Lake.

Although she heard from Misakikoshi Akiyu that Kenichi in another state would not only be more ruthless, but also his strength would be greatly improved, even if the strength of the other Kenichi reached the level of a special A-level master, her battle with the other Kenichi would not affect the dojo.

Just when Xiangban Shiyu exuded her aura,

Xiangban Shiyu found that Kenichi's eyes really changed.

His eyes were as fierce as a beast, and then he turned his head to look at her position.

On a hilltop two kilometers away from Liangshanpo Dojo, Nigui Zhixu was watching the scene behind the dojo with a spectator's attitude.

Although from two kilometers away, the height of other people would be smaller than a sesame seed, but except for Furinji Miu, all the people present were considered to be absolutely strong among the masters. The distance of two kilometers was just a convenient distance for observing the situation and rescuing. If they wanted to test how far they could observe, they would have no problem doubling the distance from Liangshanpo Dojo.

"Do you really think Kenichi is a patient with multiple personalities?"

"When I was with Kenichi, I felt that he was a normal person."

Among the people watching the battle on this hill, Furinji Miu was the weakest, so she had to rent a telescope in order to see the battle between Shigure and Kenichi clearly.

"That's because you, Miyu, were fighting with that girl from the Wu clan this morning. You didn't see how strong he was against the Wu clan's so-called young generation Wu Lei'an."

"Although I didn't see the specific situation at that time, the look in Kenichi's eyes when he wanted to kill Wu Lei'an was completely different from usual, which made me doubt this."

When the record of Misakikoshiji Qiuyu wanted to say something, Nigui interrupted him directly.

"Let’s not talk about it yet, the finale has already begun"

"Just as Qiuyu said, this kid's eyes are really ferocious and scary now."

"And the strength he showed now is much stronger than Kenichi normally is!!"

"Even if Shigure is not serious at all, this is the first time I have seen a disciple-level guy dodge her attack."

Hearing that Nigui had begun to describe the scene of the fight between the two, Furinji Miu sped up the installation of the telescope.

When she saw Xiangban Shigure covering her face with clothes and Kenichi who had to get up from the hot spring to fight, she blushed.

You know, Kenichi is not wearing anything now.

However, the shy emotion did not appear on Furinji Miu's face for too long, and she was soon attracted by the scene of the two fighting.

When she saw Kenichi really dodge Xiangban Shigure's slash, Furinji Miu was also surprised

"Master Misakikoshiji, if Kenichi really has multiple personalities, would his strength be so much stronger than the normal Kenichi?"

Although Koban Shigure did not enter a serious state, the strength she showed can still be described as terrifying.

You know, Miu saw that Koban Shigure was about to swing to the extent that it could create an afterimage.

Facing such an attack, Miu felt that she could not dodge it.

"Impossible! Even if Kenichi's other personality could develop his physical abilities to the same degree as the Wu clan's liberation, he would not have the strength to challenge the master level."

"Miyu, look carefully, this Kenichi now is not so much relying on his own strength to dodge Xiangban Shigure's attack as relying on his instinct of sensing danger to dodge!"

Misakikoshi Akiyu is actually right. After all,

Paris is now using Kenichi's body to fight. Even if she helps Kenichi fight, she can't use more power than Kenichi himself. However, the reason why she can dodge the attacks that Kenichi can't dodge is mainly because of Paris's battle-hardened reaction ability.

"This guy is so powerful!!"

"How did Kenichi get involved with a guy of this level?

Although Paris had only had a preliminary fight with this masked assassin, she probably had a good idea of his strength.

Even if she was in her prime in the Arad Continent, she would not be his opponent if she did not rely on poison.

Thinking of this, Paris directly took out the poison mine she made from the space column.

You know, as a street fighter, she is better at using poison than fighting.

When Paris took out the poison mine from her space column, Xiangban Shiyu was cold, and Liang Shanbo and others who were watching the battle on the other side were also stunned.

"He doesn’t even have a piece of clothing right now, where did he get this thing from! ? ?"

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