Since Kenichi has agreed to Souyuin Shion's invitation, it is settled that he will transfer to the Royal Sakura Academy after the summer vacation.

However, although Kenichi and Souyuin Shion have reached a consensus, he still has to tell his parents about the transfer.

Of course, in order to avoid worrying his family, Kenichi asked Souyuin Shion to hide the fact that he was learning martial arts.

Souyuin Shion asked his assistant to tell the Shirahama family that Kenichi's entrance examination scores reached the special recruitment standards of the Royal Sakura Academy. As soon as Kenichi returned home in the evening, he was surrounded by his family.

"Although we have always known that you like to exercise, we never thought that you would be admitted to Huangying College as an exception based on your sports performance."

"Kenichi, we are proud of you."

When Kenichi's mother, Shirahama Saori, learned that her son was admitted to the Royal Sakura Academy as an exception, she was filled with surprise and joy.

After all, the Desolate High School that Kenichi was originally scheduled to attend was just an ordinary high school. Compared to a first-class school like the Royal Sakura Academy, Shirahama Motoji and Shirahama Saori naturally hoped that he could be admitted to the latter's academy.

Kenichi's mother, Shirahama Saori, is a woman with a very open-minded personality.

In her opinion, as long as Kenichi has made efforts, she will not force anything whether things will be successful in the future.

Shirahama Saori has seen Kenichi's efforts in junior high school for three years.

It is true that Kenichi does have memories of his previous life. If he is reborn, he is not very good at studying.

This can be seen from the fact that he tried to study hard for three years in junior high school, but he could only be admitted to an ordinary high school.

According to the admission standards of ordinary high schools, although Kenichi's test scores are already very good, there is still a big gap compared to the admission scores of the Royal Sakura Academy.

This is like the situation where the admission score of ordinary high schools in China is 540, but the admission score of key high schools is as high as 600.

Although he didn't qualify for a key high school with a total score of 610, he would be considered an excellent student in an ordinary high school. Is this person who scored 610 not good at studying?

Rather than saying that, it's better to say that this person was crushed by others who were more talented than him.

Although Kenichi has the system plug-in to help him in martial arts, no one can be more talented than him in this aspect, but there are many people who can surpass him in academic talent.

"But since you didn't tell us when you were going to take the physical exam for Royal Sakura Academy, otherwise I would have taken a day off to cheer you up."

Shirahama Motoji felt unreal about the news that an admissions teacher from Royal Sakura Academy would visit his home today.

There is also a physical exam system in the island country's education. It is because Shirahama Motoji knew the existence of the physical exam system that he knew the difficulty of it.

The physical exam sounds like a system that allows you to enter a good school without studying hard, but in fact, it will take more effort to enter a good school through the physical exam, and the physical exam is more about talent.

Take the example of the sports students admitted to famous universities such as the University of Tokyo and Waseda in the island country.

If you want to join such a university, you must at least reach the level of a national second-level athlete.

By the way, the total number of second-level athletes in the island country's current population of 140 million is 3,447.

How can this probability be described?

If it is studying, there will occasionally be a person who can be admitted to the University of Tokyo based on grades in ordinary high schools.

If it is a physical exam, there will not be a person who can be specially recruited to the University of Tokyo in ten years.

Royal Sakura Academy is just a high school, and its standards are naturally not the same as those of famous universities such as the University of Tokyo.

However, to enter there through the physical examination, one must at least be a third-level athlete.

Shirahama Motoji could not have imagined that his child would have such talent.

"Hey, Dad, is Royal Sakura Academy still a great place?"

"Why are you so happy after knowing that your brother was specially recruited by Royal Sakura Academy?

Seeing her parents so happy, the young Hui Xiang asked in confusion.

"Royal Cherry Academy is indeed a very powerful place, but your brother is actually more powerful than them, as they are willing to break the school rules to get your brother to enroll."

"In general, Honoka is actually benefiting from your brother's help."

Thinking of the news that the admissions teacher of Royal Sakura Academy said that Honoka could also be specially recruited for admission, Shirahama Saori touched Honoka's head.

"As long as you and Kenichi go to Royal Sakura Academy together, you and he will be in the same school. Haven't you always wanted to go to school and go home with your brother?"

When it comes to the admission rate of Royal Sakura Academy's college entrance examination, Honoka can't listen to these topics.

However, after hearing the news that she can go to school and go home with Kenichi, Honoka suddenly lay on Kenichi's back and said in an expectant tone

"So brother, is what mom said true?"

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