After hearing what Bai Ye said, Kong Yinzi was completely confused, and then pointed at him and said in a doubtful tone:

“Are you sure I have the qualifications and talent?”

“Will I really fall into this?”

Kong Yinzi was confident, but the recent failure made her doubt her life, not to mention the things Bai Ye taught her. She felt that even a genius junior brother or even a celebrity might not be qualified to learn, but in the end, she could do it. Isn’t that too flattering?

Bai Ye looked at the girl’s appearance and her personality, and immediately understood that the blow was a bit heavy, not to mention that she made the other party doubt her life directly.

“Ahem, there is no need to doubt yourself. First of all, your talent is not bad. Maybe you have been hit recently. And there is a junior brother with a dazzling halo, which leads to self-doubt now, right.”


Kong Yinzi nodded. In fact, it is not surprising that the guy knows some things.

“Then no? My aptitude is not bad. I think I’m called? Shogi Starman.”

“The ability can also be awakened, okay? It’s just that there is no right method and opportunity.”

After hearing this, Kong Yinzi was completely confused. You know, the terrible thing is that the plan can be far away.

To put it bluntly, the top chess players may not be Shogi Starman, but Shogi Starman must be the top chess players.

. Female chess players have never heard of someone. This type, but Bai Ye did. . . , which made. A little overwhelmed.

“I’m not lying, I will guide the awakening with the time slowed down today, and then formally teach, after all, I really can’t teach now.”

Kong Yinzi felt despised, but she didn’t say anything, after all. Facts.

“..Don’t think that no one can learn, no one is qualified, etc. The main thing is that no one teaches, and if you touch it, you may never be able to touch it in your lifetime, but it will be different if someone teaches you.”

“So it’s in your talent, and there are people to teach you, so why worry about not being able to learn it?”

After hearing this, Kong Yinzi’s heart was filled with surging emotions, and then he spoke seriously.

“Please start.”

When he spoke, he bent down and put on his luggage, and had to be quite formal.

Bai Ye originally didn’t need to consider the other person’s personality.

Then the two began to confront each other inside. Bai Ye turned back to become a very strict teacher, and didn’t let the other person off, or the other person made a harsh rebuke.

Kong Yinzi was almost scolded and cried several times, but she held back her tears and bit her lips and continued. After the blockade was lifted, it was only more than three hours, and it was almost dinner time.

Kong Yinzi leaned back without any image at this moment, supporting the floor with both hands. When he fell down again due to exhaustion, Bai Ye supported him.

“Is it okay? I feel a little weak.”

“I have been keeping my peak level… What’s the matter? You look exhausted.”

Bai Ye knew that it would take a lot of time, so the two stayed inside for a long time. But the other party still did not change when he followed in, completely because he made a little trick to fix the time of the other party, and also let the other party experience that the spirit and the like have been kept in a certain state.

Normal. Not like.

Kong Yinzi’s words. The situation, couldn’t help shaking his head.

“It’s not a mental or physical problem. I just feel tired, I can’t say.”

“I feel that I have plenty of physical strength now, but I still feel very tired.”

Bai Ye listened to it and thought it should be related to willpower.

Stuff. Can’t help.

“Study hard and continue tomorrow. After a few days of hard work, help me finish the tutoring and win the competition this week.”

Kong Yinzi nodded slightly. Then Bai Ye suddenly spoke.

“I feel that my weakness now is very tempting. What should I do?”

Kong Yinzi listened and forced herself to be alert and glared at Bai Ye.

“If you break your promise and do it to me, I can’t stop you, but I can promise that if you want it, I won’t give you my heart.”

Kong Yinzi also knew that the guy in front of him wanted it. The other party wanted not only to take the person with the contract, but also to take the heart.

For…, once the other party wins the bet…, then the heart will also be handed over to the other party. If the other party breaks the promise, then everything… is off the table!

Bai Ye Swiss curled his lips, and then spoke with a very helpless look: (Look at Bao Shuang Xiao, go to Feilu Xiaowang!)

“I don’t understand, am I so easy to guess?… Can you guess it?”

“… Are they all worms in my stomach?”


“Don’t you know that it will be written on your face without any concealment? Or maybe you are too lazy to hide it, and don’t care about things, just do what you do.”

“It’s also the most enviable state.”[]

Bai Ye looked at the other person’s face and spoke with some confusion.”Are you really envious?”

Kong Yinzi looked at someone who was really confused, and couldn’t help but sighed after not understanding his expression.

“After all, everyone has to maintain the image of a man who does things without reservation.”

Bai Ye responded after listening to him, and the other party originally referred to that person.

“Ahem, in fact, it’s OK.”

Kong Yinzi didn’t understand the hint of someone, but just followed him and did something else, but it didn’t prevent him from rolling his eyes at the guy. He kept leading the topic in a certain direction every day, can’t he be more serious?

“It looks beautiful, too. I’ll go make something to eat for her first. After I’m done, I’ll go back. The alien princess is probably going to come to my house today, and I have to go back to deal with her.”

Kong Yinzi seemed to understand after listening to him.

“Referring to the one with pink hair that day?”


“I’m quite curious, what’s the relationship between you and the other party? I think they fought for each other.”

Kong Yinzi rarely gossips.

After all. . A normal girl would definitely have curiosity, let alone gossip about an alien princess.

“I just met her yesterday, or her spaceship was shot down yesterday, and she accidentally came to my house.”

“The killer also went there, so I led her away in order not to affect Meikan.”

“As for the relationship?”

“It can be understood as two people who just met, one of them had a good impression of me because I protected her, and the other one made a marriage contract out of love.”

After listening to it, Kong Yinzi was completely confused, and found that her brain was not enough.

“Wait, wait a minute, what does it mean? Yesterday, the two met for the first time, or not long after they met, and then the other party was willing to sign a marriage contract with her because of protecting her?”

“Are you sure you are not writing a novel? You can’t write the plot in the novel, right?”

Bai Ye shrugged his shoulders and said that he really couldn’t write the plot in the novel, but there are anime and comics, . . I took someone’s script and wasted it. . Official match, okay?

“Don’t you see it now?”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: The new book is launched, and it urgently needs the strong support of all the handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! Walk, don’t make mistakes, beg for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, everything, if you haven’t collected it, please collect it, thank you all! Kneel down to all the big men! .

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