"It's a pity that time can't go back"

""Ahahahaha, just accept your fate, brother-in-law."

Bai Ye looked like he deserved a beating at this time.

"Get out! As long as I'm here, you'll never see Kirino again in your life."

Kousaka Kyousuke was shaking with anger at this moment. He and the other dead fish also silently remembered this matter, saying that he must not let him see his lovely sister.

Kousaka Kyousuke seemed to have found confidence when he said this

"I tell you, as long as I'm here, you two won't be able to meet again, so just forget it."

Bai Ye smiled when he heard this.

"Didn't Kirino tell you that we were going to see a movie this Saturday?"

When Bai Ye said this, it was like a sharp dagger stabbing into the other person's heart.

Hikigaya Hachiman seemed to hear the sound of the other person being stabbed, the kind of sound of a white knife going in and a red knife coming out.

"You... You... No, this is absolutely impossible. Kirino clearly said she had an appointment"

When Kosaka Kyosuke said this, he suddenly paused, because his sister did say that she had made an appointment to go out to the movies, but no one told him that she was going out with this bastard in front of him.

"youHow did you get in touch with her? I remember I stared at you intently after the last time, and even when we were at your house, you two didn't say a word to each other."

Kousaka Kyosuke's tone was trembling at this moment, because he couldn't figure it out, he really couldn't figure out how the two of them got together, he had obviously made the most stringent precautions!

And he had been staring at this guy very clearly, the two of them didn't touch each other again before they left that day.

This is a bit hard to understand!

And at this moment, Hikigaya Hachiman, on the side of his sister, instantly raised his vigilance against Bai Ye to the highest level, after all, there was a rebellious son by his side.

"Although you were staring at me at that time, we met by accident later.

Bai Ye spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Meikan and I bumped into each other by chance when we were shopping. He happened to be in a little trouble at the time, so I helped him sort it out. I left him my phone number and contact information."

"Oh, it was Kirino who took the initiative."

Kousaka Kyosuke turned gray after hearing this, and then he looked like he was going to fight to the death.

"I will kill you today to protect my lovely Yimoduo!"

Bai Ye let the other party shake him. After all, this is his brother-in-law. It's not easy to move.

"Come on, she's your sister, what's the use of your objection? She's going to get married sooner or later."

"Asshole, having a sister who is not related by blood is amazing!"

Kousaka Kyosuke roared loudly. He knew very well that this guy had no blood relationship with his sister at all, and their relationship was weird. He was envious!

"By the way, where is Mikan? Why can't I see her today?"

Hikigaya Hachiman realized at this moment that there seemed to be someone missing from this guy's side.

"She has to be on duty today and has to go out earlier than me. It is impossible for me to go out so early, so don't even think about it!"

"It just so happened that Tuanzi also had to take a turn, so the two of them left together early."

"I said, no wonder you are alone today. The people who accompanied you on both sides ran away first."

Hikigaya Hachiman felt something was strange. This guy always had someone to accompany him. When did he feel so lonely at school? The reason was emotional.

When they arrived at school, it was obvious that there were no girls around them.

"Look at what you have done. Women don't dare to approach you when they walk with you."

"It's all thanks to you!"

Bai Ye didn't care about the accusations of the two people at all, but decisively refuted them:

"It's useless even without me. You two are both insulators against women, okay?"

"Especially you, Hachiman. How can a guy like you who hates current life have a girlfriend?"

When Hikigaya Hachiman heard this, he had an urge to break up with this guy.

Although he didn't care much about this matter, it was rare for a close friend to hurt his heart so much. Could he not give up such a close friend?

When several people came to the department, he immediately left the two bad friends aside, and then came to a girl with short hair and a beautiful face with a smile. Seeing the other person sitting here quietly, he couldn't help but sigh, you are really worthy of it.

"Xiaohui, good morning. Did you miss me?"

"Bai Ye-kun, I don't want to at all"

"Your words really make me sad. I think about you often."

"Especially when lying in bed."

After hearing this, Kato Hui said that she was immune to it. After all, the other party could be said to be the only boy who could see her all the time. He was also a very jumpy guy. Since she met him, he had been smiling and saying such devilish things, and she was used to it.

"Bai Yejun is still hentai as always!"

"What you said is harassment to girls.

Kato Hui warned in a calm tone.

"It doesn't matter, you won't call the police to arrest me, so what are you afraid of?"

The two people left behind by Bai Ye saw the interaction between the two people and both felt speechless.

"How come I still haven’t gotten used to seeing the other person’s existence?"

"Don't talk about you, I'm the same, if Bai Ye hadn't walked over to say hello, I wouldn't have noticed he was already there."

The two thought about it and sighed, this passiveness is really scary.

And Bai Ye continued to tease Kato Megumi shamelessly.

"Xiaohui, when will you agree to my confession?"

"Bai Yejun, stop joking with me. You should know that everyone around you is so beautiful. You confessed to me purely to amuse yourself."

"Haven't I always told you that you are beautiful? If you don't believe me, ask Hachiman. They are a little more confident, and I'm not kidding."

"I've been waiting for your answer."

"Then my answer is the same as before, I refuse."

Bai Ye felt as if he was stabbed with a knife after hearing this, and immediately covered his chest and made a gesture of heartache.

Just when he was about to speak, someone came from behind and complained.

"If you don't refuse in this situation, then there's something wrong with you, you hentai!"

"It's normal. Who would confess in the classroom with such a smiling face? You can tell at a glance that it's not serious. Which girl do you think would agree?"

"That is, if you are a little more serious, Xiaohui will consider it."

"As a result, you are always so careless, who would dare to agree? I don't feel safe at all."

"Ye Jun is too careless."

Bai Ye looked at himself being complained by a pair of triplets. It should be said that it was actually a problem with quintuplets. He only had three.

"Nino, Miku, Mayu, how can you say that? I'm serious, okay?"

"Hehe, you confessed your love to someone after she knocked you down in the classroom, are you sure you are serious and not just blinded by her beauty?"

Nino complained without hesitation.

"I don't want to be in this situation. After all, you know my situation. I just took your first kiss last time. Why do you always target me like this? You should know that it was my first kiss too, okay? You are not at a disadvantage, and neither am I."

"Bastard! How dare you mention that to me, you hentai! Pervert!"

"I should have called the police to arrest you at that time, so that you would not harm other women again!"

Nino was furious when she heard Bai Ye's words. This bastard dared to bring up the incident. Originally, the two of them had nothing to do with each other. As a result, this bastard had some bad luck or good luck. It was hard to explain. Every time he fell, he would take advantage of the situation, and she became a victim, and it happened to be the mouth-to-mouth kind.

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