Meigan was stunned after hearing Lala’s words. She felt that the words were not what the other party could say, but she suddenly had an idea in her heart. Bai Ye. The other party is a top scientist. I have to admit that the person who can discover and come up with this kind of thing in the first time is really a top scientist.

After all, by making a space to store things,. Seriously?

Meigan can see clearly that these are things that only appear in those fantasy and immortal cultivation novels, even magic and the like. It is not because of Bai Ye’s influence that Meigan likes to watch the Hua family’s side.

Bai Ye gave the other party an explanation for the refund issue.

“Lala, if you do it, it will definitely be unstable, and there will be explosions and other phenomena. After all, it is not done with scientific capabilities.”

“With the current level of technology, it is still a little far from being stable, so it depends on hard work, but I am different. I use the power of rules.”

“I used the rules and laws to open up “077”, and everything is under my control. So it is easy to stabilize it.”

“In another way, I have two ways, because I have made it look like this.”

“For example, I just mobilized the laws of space to open up inside Space transformation, what I made can be extremely stable. ”

“But there will be no such unstable situation. Because all spaces listen to me, or I can knead it however I want.”

“The space is quite stable like it is now, right? But my power is strong enough, I can spread and pull the stable space now, and after pulling, the thickness and stability will return to what they are now.”

“So. Don’t use scientific methods. My methods, we are not the same way.”

Lala was a little disappointed after listening to it, and then her eyes turned as if she was happy.

“Bai Ye, can you do some experiments with me?”

Lala was in a serious state. She couldn’t understand what she heard, so she had an idea and asked Bai Ye to help.



After hearing Bai Ye’s agreement, Lala threw herself on Bai Ye, and the towel fell off for a while.

Bai Ye was thrown, and he had to be full of benefits.

“Lala, put on your clothes first.”

“It’s time to clean up the room. After all, the room is ready. As for me, I will help you tomorrow night. It’s so late now.”


“By the way, Lala, I’ll go first. There are many inventions that can’t be used at home. After all, some of them are too dangerous and unstable, so I have banned them and they can’t be used at home.”

Bai Ye, in case the girl thinks that the invention is fast and makes a bigger mess, it’s better first.

Lala was a little disappointed after listening to him.


“No, I won’t give it to you. I have some knowledge of some inventions. For example, there is a vacuum cleaner with a small black hole inside, which is easy for thieves to go berserk.”

“I won’t use those things inside my house. Although I have made a lot of precautions, just in case I miss something, I will try not to cause any problems.”

Lala could only agree reluctantly after hearing Bai Yu’s words. After all, that thing was not a finished product, or it was easy to go berserk.

Lala finally went to clean up the room excitedly.

. Meigan could only stay there after seeing the people leave, and then spoke in an unbelievable tone.

“.Are you serious about what you just said?”

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment after hearing the question, and then a confused look appeared on his face.


“Use a black hole in the vacuum cleaner to absorb it.”

“Yeah, genius, right? It’s just unstable.”

Mei Gan finally understood Bai Ye’s genius.

“Not only these things, but also what is that called? Jumping Jun’s thing can take people to teleport, but the location is random, and the clothes must disappear after the teleportation.”

“In order to avoid exposure, I have issued all the things, and the rules are universal throughout the universe.”

After Mei Gan listened, she suddenly felt that it was more terrifying to live with a perverted brother for so long.

“Of course I’ll be fine first. In the absence of outsiders and other men, clothes should be thrown away and exposed. Expose.”

Mei Gan was originally sighing with countless question marks on her head after listening, and looked at Bai Ye with surprised eyes. What?


When Bai Ye was there, he spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

“It’s like a kind of unexpected benefit. I don’t like it. If there are outsiders, I’m the only one. It doesn’t matter.”

“After all, who doesn’t like to have unexpected benefits?”

Mei Gan complained after hearing the words, but didn’t know what to do for a moment.

Bai Ye stood there and went to take a shower.

Mei Gan looked at Bai Ye stretching and had something to do, but the goods. ran away. The point is. Don’t you know. You need to wash a new one? It’s really small things when you get old., completely forgotten.

. Bai Ye did forget,. Need to wash it off, after all, the action of doing Lala. The impact is a bit big, I. Feel that it is a bit conscience to attack the innocent princess directly, if I don’t get rid of it, I will turn into a wolf long ago. . .

After all, if I remember correctly, in the eyes of the other party, I don’t know the meaning of kissing.

I didn’t even know the things before. I thought it was a bit exaggerated, but after seeing. I felt it in person. I realized how pure the soul is, so. I don’t mind spending some time to let. The official CP grow up well. Otherwise, I always feel. Like a beast.

. Bai Ye took a bath and felt it, and then life, although it was quite big before. It’s more comfortable now. I wondered in my heart whether to make some adjustment functions, such as milk, lemon, etc., and change them at will.

When Bai Ye was soaking, someone came in, and then. Turned his head and saw Meigan walked in with a bath towel.

Bai Ye was completely dumbfounded when he saw the person enter. Why did the girl enter? She was going to cause trouble.

Mei Gan walked to Bai Ye’s side without feeling anything wrong, and then she was in the role of Bai Jie. The water temperature, then slowly walked down and sat next to Bai Ye.

The hot air was floating around her, and then she looked like she was enjoying it, raised her head and looked at the ceiling.

Bai Ye was confused about her behavior. A few big question marks appeared on his head. Girl, don’t you treat me as a human?


“It’s really comfortable to soak even when you’re not at home.”

Mei Gan spoke at the time. Bai Ye looked at her with confused eyes. (To see the violent little, go to!)

Mei Gan closed her eyes and enjoyed it first. Then she turned her head and met Bai Ye’s eyes.

“Why are you looking at me?”

Bai Ye was stunned after seeing the other party’s lack of self-awareness, and then pointed. , and pointed again. .

“No,. Do you think it’s appropriate for me to take a bath in it now? I’m not Tuanzi and Lala.”

After hearing Bai Ye’s words, Meigan had a playful expression on her face, as if a little devil had grown two little feet on his head and looked at her with a naughty expression.


“.. Are you making such a fuss? You know, when we were young or in junior high school, we occasionally took a bath together.. Are you shy now?”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! Walk, don’t make mistakes, roll around and ask for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, everything, if you haven’t collected it, please click on the collection, thank you all! Kneel down to all the big men! .

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