The final result ended with Baiye. The stupid Yimoduo chose to surrender, otherwise his face would definitely be turned into ramen.

“Did you really tear my face?”

Mei Gan complained while rubbing her cheek.

“Maybe? After all, I make a living by my face. It’s not my face’s fault. I turned around and left.”

Mei Gan was furious after hearing it.


“I didn’t dislike it. You disliked me first?”

Mei Gan’s performance in the original book belongs to the type of calmness and indifference to praise or criticism, but the main male protagonist is the gentle type, more useless, unlike Bai Ye, who is the type of defense-breaking, specifically breaking the other party’s defense.

“Men don’t rely on handsomeness, but on strength, okay? Why do handsome people become little white faces and little milk dogs?”

Mei Gan looked at someone with a confident and high-spirited look, and had to admit that there was no treasure in his words, and then he spoke in an unwilling tone.

“I know the situation quite well?”

“Your current appearance is pure natural,…deliberately decorated?”

Bai Ye was stunned after hearing the words, a little confused about the other party’s words.

“What do you mean? You have grown up together, can’t you see it?”

After listening to the words, Mei Gan carefully looked at Bai Ye’s face, and then slowly spoke.

“Normal. I am sure. I think the face looks good, but there are many plots in novels that like to play the pig and eat the tiger.”

“Deliberately make it ugly, and then surprise everyone.”

Mei Gan. You can have a reason when you say these things.

After listening to the words, Bai Ye directly gave the other party a knife, of course, without using force, and then explained in a helpless tone.

“Although. The content of. I don’t do this kind of thing, or I don’t do this kind of thing.

“After all. A good face should be like this and that, there is no need to go for plastic surgery, and I am too lazy to do something.”

“My face,. Do you understand?”

Bai Ye spoke with a very tired tone, and then the other party’s next words made Bai Ye explode.

“So ordinary.”

Bai Ye had to admit that the other party was also quite gifted with a sharp tongue, of course the truth was sharper.

“Ordinary. I eat rice at home, so what if I’m ordinary? . Don’t you see that my fiancée is destined to be the most popular idol in the universe. . I look ordinary, and countless people envy me to death, okay?”

Broken defense, broken defense, Meigan. Clearly, someone broke defense.

The two of them fought again, and someone stopped only after raising the white flag and surrendering.

“So according to the law, if you have something to find in the other world in the future, go find the hot girl Yukinoshita Yukina, and let. Give me a message.”

“Yes, if you have something to do, just let the other party. Give the message. ”

“After all, I won’t come back so soon under normal circumstances. I have to stay there for a few days. After all, it’s a rare opportunity to go for a walk or take action there. There’s no need to expect too much. At most, it will cause a little damage to the other side’s universe.”

Mei Gan felt helpless when she heard someone’s shameless speech. Bai Ye was afraid of destroying someone’s home, so he could do whatever he wanted to others’ homes.

I have to admit that although these methods are not good, I don’t know why I agree with them in my heart. After all, people are selfish, let alone living in a place where things can’t stop people, so I just hope that they don’t do anything.

“Anyway, my things are similar, really, I have explained everything that should and shouldn’t be done.”

Mei Gan nodded after listening to Bai Ye’s words to show her satisfaction.

“For this kind of honest behavior, I reluctantly forgive the things that I concealed and violated before. ”

Bai Ye knew that the other party was just referring to the promise. He couldn’t hide something important from the other party. This was indeed a violation of the promise. But Bai Ye said that he was helpless. The previous situation was completely different from the other party being involved.

“I simply don’t want to be involved in these crappy things.”

“After all, it’s troublesome for an ordinary person to be involved in these things. I don’t know about this. My plan is to wait until I graduate from high school and enter college to let me enjoy my high school life.”

Mei Gan was stunned after hearing it, and was a little confused.

“According to the rules, I don’t want to touch these things. Why do you suddenly change your mind? You want to wait until college to let me touch them.”

Bai Ye looked at the other party’s confused expression and gave up his original plan.

“Life span, I mean life span, I predicted that when I graduate from high school, my strength will be so powerful that I can travel to other worlds at will without practicing.”

“My life span is now. It is not difficult to live for tens of billions of years. ”

” The advantage of strong life level evolution. Of course, not all strong people can live that long. Some people’s world rules are strange.Obviously, he is quite powerful, but living for 10,000 years is the limit, he must be an immortal. ”

“Some of the world’s garbage is dying, pushing a weapon weighing more than 100,000 kilograms can cause the effect of space rupture, . . Those gods can be killed by hidden weapons and martial arts, but they have eternal life. ”

“Of course, this matter is far-fetched. I will follow my original plan. When I am stronger, I will find treasures, let me also step into the extraordinary road, and evolve my life level. After all, I am not alive, when I was extremely young, I turned into an old woman and died directly. ”

After listening to Bai Ye’s words, Mei Gan also knew the other party’s plan.

” . . . ”

Mei Gan knew Bai Yi’s method, so she didn’t say anything to refuse for a while. After all, she didn’t want to separate from the other party.

“What about now?”

“Since you know, I also have a chat group, I will see if there are any things that can make you ascend to heaven in one step. ”

“I checked my qualifications and found that they are not very suitable for the world system I mentioned and what I know.”

“So I’m calling to see if I can find something that can be taught quickly.”

After hearing this, Meigan felt a little disappointed and regretful. There was no original problem.

“Of course, I don’t mean that it is not suitable. The system is simply that I can’t teach what I know. ”

Bai Ye said, but he didn’t lie. There are things in the inheritance that can make one stronger and break the barriers of life levels for purification.

The problem is that it’s not suitable. The Yin-Yang magic and other garbage systems are not looked down upon.

Not to mention those who can’t live forever. Let’s go to the powerful world to explore the way in the future. After the exploration, just take the people there and let the other party practice there. As for the treasures needed to become stronger, just rob them.

Anyway, the law of the heavens seems to be the law of the jungle.

Now there is a chat group, so there is a way. If you can’t find a suitable one, you can only let the other party use the super gene first. Anyway, that thing has a long lifespan.

“Okay, I really have nothing to hide. Don’t ask anymore. You can’t get anything even if you ask. ”

Bai Ye heaved a sigh of relief after finishing it. After all, breaking a promise and hiding something put me under pressure, okay?

……… …

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