“After all, there are so many cakes. Who would be willing to share the cakes with the family? If you are willing to do things, don’t you have a hole in your brain?”

Bai Ye gave Silly Girl an analysis, after all, I seem to take things for granted.

Xue Nai was stunned for a moment after listening to it, and then she also responded, it seems that she didn’t understand the family’s situation, so she listened to the guy, and the situation was not optimistic.

“Are you in the stage of hitting a wall everywhere now?”

Xue Nai’s tone was full of -. And worry.

“Yes, the family is hitting a wall. There may be some small businesses, but the price to pay is high. In short, there are a lot of troubles. The main thing is that you can’t play, and no one cares.”

“Some people are willing to care, but they are small and have their own plans.”

“The relatives of the family know that if they fail this time, the scale of the group will be reduced if they are not designated drivers. They may even return to Chiba in disgrace and will probably become just an ordinary family.”

“In other words, the wealthy families in the countryside have become ordinary people in the countryside.”

“Do you understand? The reason why those people are willing to do this is to buy out the whole thing at once. They see that the family’s ship is about to sink, and there is no need to sink with it.”

“Like now, sell it at double the original price. This is the best result.”

After listening to the words, Xue Noi was silent. There were so many things happening at home, and she didn’t know anything about the problem.

Or maybe her sister didn’t mention it.

“Xue-no-chan, how do you feel now? In a sense, the group is not called Yukinoshita Group, and it can be called Bai.”

Yukino did not respond after hearing it, but spoke slowly after about a minute.

“You want to tell me these things?… Just showing off. If it’s just showing off, I can only succeed.”

Bai Ye curled his lips after hearing it, his tone full of disdain.

“Am I such a superficial person? I have nothing to do, and I want to show off this kind of thing. Is there anything to show off? Look at me.”

Yukino suddenly found sadly that there seemed to be nothing to show off.

Or to people. It’s not worth showing off.

“It’s impossible that you are in the mood to return the shares to me, right?”

Yukino spoke at that time. In a tone that was not, could not be teasing at that time.

Bai Ye curled his lips after listening to him, and said with a disdainful tone:

“If I eat too much, I may spit it out. You know, I don’t follow the rules. I use the performance method to get it by force. It’s a completely legal and reasonable one.”

“So I can’t spit it out. You have to understand one thing.”

After listening to him, Xue No said that Bai Ye didn’t cheat, but shut up obediently.

After all, others didn’t use illegal means to do it. You can give face, do you want a bicycle?

“Then what? Just change the name of the Mizushita Group to Bai Ye Group or something like that?”

Bai Ye didn’t think so much about it, and touched his chin to think.

“Really, I don’t have that much, just let me know, so that you don’t think I’m using despicable means and threatening you.”

After listening to him, Xue No thought that there were too many laws in her heart. If she really had to use despicable means, she wouldn’t do it.

“According to my method, I guess my sister will come to me in person today or tomorrow.”

“To put it bluntly, my name is on every chaebol, and I guess I’ve been busy again recently.”

“Regarding the family, look, what will happen if I take it as a betrothal gift for the two sisters?”

Although Xue No had been prepared, she was sure that the shameless guy would tell her so generously. He must have some ulterior motives, but she didn’t. Holding the thought, she couldn’t help biting her lip and said the word despicable.

Bai Ye hurriedly opened his mouth to correct her after listening.

“I’ll say it again. It doesn’t matter if I’m mean. I guess mom will be very happy. After all, I’m a complete sucker.”

“You know, in a sense, a family of three is not right. A family of four will have a hard time…”

“After all, once you are kicked out of the group, you can even use many methods like me to dilute the shares and make a move. In the end, the family will be left with nothing. In a cannibalistic country, you were once a powerful man in Chiba. Once you have nothing, the consequences will be serious.”

“So I think if I ask, mom will agree without hesitation. In order to save the family’s life.”

“Don’t ask. Is it that serious? After all, to put it bluntly, whether it’s my sister or my mother, they control some of the group, and they won’t be too clean.”

“In the end, there must be enemies.”

Bai Ye spoke with a solemn look.

Yukino was also silent, thinking about how to break the deadlock.

“Of course, I guess there seems to be a way out now. I’ll show you a way out. Chat groups have everything for sale in the chat group mall. If you have enough points, you can even become the owner of one of the top ten chaebols.””Of course. You can also try to get extraordinary power directly. Threats and the like are also OK.”

After listening to the words, Xue No curled her lips and spoke in a cold voice.

“I don’t know how to do that.”

After listening to the words, Bai Ye clapped his hands. Although he didn’t say anything, he really thought that he looked easy to control. He didn’t use the chat group and wasted it.

Regarding this matter, Bai Ye thought about it and found that the other party had no points, and it was difficult to get extraordinary power, or no one dared to help. After all, it involved. These are all smart people. For this matter and the contradiction, wouldn’t it cause trouble?

“Xue No, are you willing to accept this betrothal gift?”

“I even have a name in so many chaebols, so I can integrate my family into the circle.”

“Sister doesn’t have to be like a prostitute, selling smiles every day and hitting the wall every day.”

After listening to these words, Xue No’s expression became more and more silent. She had to admit that the guy was a devil and was best at catching other people’s weaknesses and hitting them hard.

“If I don’t accept it, what will happen if I don’t do it?”

Xue Noi spoke coldly.

Bai Ye raised the other party’s chin and smiled.

“Of course not.”

“Since you have the answer, why ask me?” (Watch Bao Shuang Xiao, go to Feilu Xiaowang!)

Xue Noi knew that she had no ability to resist, and it was useless to have a chat group. After all, there was a supermodel on her body, and she was entangled with her. It was estimated that everything was doomed. The only pity was that her sister was gone.

“Can’t you let my sister go?”

Xue Noi knew that she couldn’t run away, so she didn’t let the other party fall into the trap.

Bai Ye didn’t ask for mercy when the other party was there, and didn’t consider it. The other party knew the plot and knew what the sister’s true feelings were, so it was normal for her to ask for mercy.

“Of course not. After all, with my personality, if I use toys as betrothal gifts, then marrying me is like marrying out. She must keep one person in control of everything. She understands the final outcome. She will find a live-in son-in-law under my choice.”

“Why can’t I benefit from others? I can get it, but I push it away and benefit those ants. Do you think I’m stupid?”

PS: The new book is about to start, and I urgently need the strong support of all handsome men, beauties, and big guys! Don’t make mistakes when walking, beating and rolling around to ask for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, and everything. If you don’t have it in your collection, please click on it. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big guys! .

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