In the airport run by Einz Belen.

Luo Xiu, Alice Phil, and Artoria, who changed into regular clothes, boarded the plane continuously.

The two women looked at everything in the plane curiously.

The former, as an artificial human, has never been out of Einz Belen Castle, has only learned about airplanes on TV, and she has a special love for these mechanical objects, but unfortunately she is a complete mechanical idiot.

Artoria lived in ancient times and had never touched the current objects, even if she had the common sense conveyed by the Holy Grail, but she still concealed her curiosity.

“Saber, we need to go to Fuyuki next, but time is urgent and you need to fly this plane, can we do it?”

Luo Xiu completely ignored the driver maid professionally selected by the Einz Belen family on the side, and said to Artoria.

“Master, it can be done.”

Although she didn’t know what Luo Xiu was doing when she was pressed for time, as a knight, obeying orders was essential, she nodded slightly, and her holy blue eyes were full of confidence.

When she got on the plane, the relevant information entered her mind, and she had to sigh that the skills as a follower were really useful.

“So lovely maid lady, I will trouble you to go back to Ahad first.”

Seeing that Artoria had already walked towards the cab, Luo Xiu also smiled at the maid.

The poor maid didn’t know why she walked back in a daze.

When I looked back again, the plane representing Einz Belen had already taken off.

And at this time, the group also fell out.

Golden Retriever: “I knew that when Luo Xiujun joined the chat, Kachi was a big problem in the Sakura world.” ”

Super electromagnetic cannon: “I’m afraid that the people in Junyang have already guessed, but no one said it because they are not familiar with it.” ”

Vehicle Killer: “It doesn’t matter if these things are okay, as long as Sakura is okay, let’s help Sakura find a way to drag her father.” ”

Golden Retriever: “Father? That kind of person is also called father, but he is just a scumbag. ”


“Saber’s next arrival in Fuyuki will mean that the Holy Grail War has begun, and you must always be ready.”

“Master rest assured, I was ready the moment I was summoned.”


Luo Xiu nodded slightly when he heard this.

Artoria in front of him looked serious, like his knight, and swore her words.

Before becoming king, she was a knight, and strong chivalry was sometimes higher than that of king.

“Xiujun, this plane is so handsome, can you let Liya teach me!”

Just as men love sports cars.

At the moment of takeoff, Alice Phil’s delicate face was filled with excitement.

He even put his greatness on Luo Xiu’s arm, making the young man feel that wonderful touch.

Only after hearing the girl’s words, Luo Xiu quietly withdrew his arm.

“Aili, compared to this kind of flying machine, I feel that girls’ families still raise flowers and go shopping.”

In the first time, Luo Xiu dispelled the other party’s thoughts.

After all, as a mechanical idiot, she is difficult to control even such a thing as a car, let alone an airplane.

“But Leah is really handsome in flying the plane!”

Alice Phil muttered nonchalantly, her eyes looking around curiously, but she had no intention of dispelling the idea at all.

“If you really want to learn, we can do it step by step, such as first learning cars, then steamships and so on.”

“Not to mention that you probably prefer cars to airplanes.”

Luo Xiu proposed when he saw this.


The girl asked curiously, and the racing race that she often saw on TV sounded in her mind, but she was interested.

“Well, of course it’s true, when Fuyuki comes, you can let Artoria teach you.”

Without moving, Luo Xiu sold King Arthur.

“Okay, then let Lia teach me when I get to Fuyuki.”

Alice Phil’s appearance is a young and beautiful girl, but in fact it has only been made for a short time.

Perhaps because of being instilled with memory, the thinking is relatively mature, but the personality has the childishness of a child, which can be described as some contradictions.

The plane flown by Artoria is extremely fast, and the bright Einz Belen family logo makes it all the way to their destination.

“The location of the Matong family is here, it seems that we need to get busy first.”

After getting off the plane, he determined the location of Ma Kiri’s house on intelligence

Luo Xiu casually stopped a taxi and informed the other party of his destination.

The car started, and the driver kept looking back at the three people sitting behind him.

No matter which of the two beauties is taken out, it completely crushes the appearance of the star, so quietly accompany one person, how can it not be envious.

Artoria sat there quietly, but her body was like a sword about to be unsheathed, facing an imminent crisis at any time.

“Xiujun, now that the Holy Grail War has not yet begun, what are you doing in the Matong family.”

Snuggled in Luo Xiu’s arms, Alice Phil asked curiously.

“Ellie, the Holy Grail War is unknown, remember not to mention it in front of ordinary people next time.”

Shaking his head helplessly, Luo Xiu snapped his fingers lightly, directly hypnotized the driver with a puzzled face, and cleared the relevant memories.

At the same time, control his consciousness so that the other party cannot hear the conversation between himself and others.


Blinking mischievously, Alice Phil obviously knew that she had done something wrong, and arched in Luo Xiu’s arms a little embarrassed.


The mouth twitched.

Luo Xiu began to divert his attention and spoke.

“Of course, I have to solve an enemy first, after all, now that the advantage is mine, wouldn’t I be sorry for this precious opportunity if I didn’t strike first?”

Saving Sakura not only reaps the gratitude of the young girl and the benefits of chatting with Junyang, but also eliminates an enemy.

This wave is called a triple win, and Luo Xiu won three times!

While chatting with Alice Phil, he also focused his attention on the chat.

After all, it took him a long time to go from the orthopedic country to the cherry blossoms, even with Artoria’s little plug-in, it still took a lot of time.

It’s just that when he saw the information in Jun Yang, he couldn’t help but smile.

With the advice of Junyang Yu, Sakura used various methods to get Tosaka Tokichen to take her to the amusement park for a few hours.

Say what fulfills her last wish.

And now Sakura has only just come out of the playground and is taken by her father to Ma Tong’s house.

“In this way, the time is about the same.”

A faint smile appeared on his face.

“There will be an old bug next, when the time comes, Saber, don’t leave your hand when you see it, just kill it directly.”

“However, that dirty fellow, I’m afraid that when you see it at first glance, you will think about hacking the other party to death.”

A smile full of malice appeared on Luo Xiu’s face.

It seems to foreshadow someone’s impending tragic fate.

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