Tosaka house.

Tosaka Shichen was still wearing his red suit, but his face became extremely gloomy.

The magic families are all wary of each other, whether it is the Tosaka family or the Ma Kiri family, they are placing enchantments on the periphery of each other’s enchantment.

At this time, Tosaka Shichen’s face changed greatly because of the message conveyed by the enchantment, and it was no longer possible to maintain his elegance.

“Although the surveillance screen is not clear because of the distance, you can still see two powerful magic forces comparable to Servant erupting in the Matong family.”

“The most important thing is that none of the two magical forces belongs to the Matong family, but it is somewhat like the two jointly eradicating the Matong family.”

“At present, except for Matong, only the Einz Belen family can summon followers in advance, is the guy over there united with the other masters? And there’s Sakura, which isn’t good news. ”

Tosaka Shichen rubbed his brows with some distress, he had already had two followers to cooperate before the Holy Grail War began, which he had not expected at all.

“It’s just a group of miscellaneous cultivators, what they do, as long as they appear in front of King Ben, King Ben will let him experience what is the glory that belongs to the king.”

A haughty voice sounded.

At the same time, mysterious golden particles appeared.

The fantastic particles gathered together to form a handsome man dressed in golden armor.

The scarlet snake-like vertical pupils stared indifferently at Tosaka Shichen.

Gilgamesh said disdainfully.

As the oldest king of mankind, with two-thirds of his divinity, he is arrogant.

Even if it is his own royal lord in front of him

“King, the minister naturally knows your greatness, but…”

“But what?

Are you worried about that second daughter of yours? Oh, King Ben forgot, that little guy is not your daughter now.

That’s for your eldest daughter? Because she was worried that she overheard the news that the house had been burned down by a fire and her sister was missing? ”

Gilgamesh interrupted him and asked playfully.

“What? Rin! ”

Tosaka Shichen was shocked, he could think that this hero king would be unjustified.

When he looked out the door, he noticed a small red leather coat flashing in front of him.


Subconsciously, he wanted to step forward to catch up.

Unfortunately, Gilgamesh put her arm on his body one step faster.

“Don’t you think it’s funny for my sister to get into enemy camp because I’m looking for my sister? Tosaka. ”

“But O king, she is the daughter of a courtier, and at the same time your people.”

Tosaka Shichen shouted anxiously.

“Oh, the people of this king?”

Gilgamesh’s scarlet eyes narrowed, making it wonder what he was thinking.

“So far saka, the child’s life will be preserved.”

“Thank you for your love.”

Suppressing the anxiety in his heart, Tosaka Shichen respectfully saluted Gilgamesh.

He knew that this was the biggest concession from the other side.

It was not a concession for his mastership, but for the people.

The form of the relationship with other groups is very different.

As the lord of Gilgamesh, Tosaka Shichen had already sworn his status as a courtier the moment he summoned the other party.

But it is also thanks to him for doing this, otherwise Gilgamesh would have killed him more likely and then changed to a royal lord, or even did not need a royal lord.

Everyone else is the chosen follower of the Lord, but Gilgamesh is the complete opposite, he chooses the Lord.

This kind of thing is difficult for other followers.

But it was not difficult for Gilgamesh, who had the treasure of the king.

The King’s Treasure contains the original texts of human wisdom, as well as some artifacts collected by Gilgamesh.

This allows him to master countless different types of treasures, and it is also one of his powerful fundamentals.


In a luxury hotel in Fuyuki.

“These country magicians are probably too barbaric, and they have already broken into the house and started fighting before the Holy Grail War even began.”

“Thor, after summoning the followers next, don’t go near the battlefield, lest those rednecks hurt you.”

Kenneth’s yellow hair was combed into the back.

He couldn’t help but get annoyed as he watched the information he had brought by the Demon House about the Ma Kirito family, feeling sorry for these ‘vile countrymen’.

The dignity of being a magician has been forgotten by these guys.

“Since you are afraid of hurting me, then why bring me here, is it bad to stay in the clock tower all the time?”

His fiancée, Sora Nazelai Sophiali, said dissatisfied.

It was dissatisfaction with Kenneth, but also with the marriage that the family had made.

Although the man in front of her was a genius of the Clock Tower, a first-class lecturer of the séance department, and one of the twelve noble monarchs, she did not like the other party.

“I’m sorry Sora, I was wrong, I will protect you well, and take the so-called Holy Grail with honor, so that those country magicians know the strength of being the monarch of the Clock Tower.”

Faced with Sora’s vexatious teasing, Kenneth chose to apologize.

But for these ‘country’ magicians of Fuyuki, he has a strong pride.

This man who is proud in the face of others, but is willing to turn into a licking dog in the face of his own goddess.

It’s a pity that the so-called licking dog, licking to the last nothing.

“Sora, let’s summon the followers, show our strength in an upright manner, and let those people know our strength!”

“It’s a pity that the Conqueror Saint Relic I bought at a high price was stolen, otherwise I should be able to summon a better follower!”

The Follower Summoning that belongs to Kenneth begins.

At the same time, his student Weber also began to summon his own followers.


Watch the higher school.

The two ceremonies were as if she was alone in another world, even after school, she still sat there quietly.

Although she was a student, she did not wear it normally with other students. The uniform that belongs to the school.

Instead, a blue kimono wrapped her figure perfectly.

She looked sideways, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on her body, making people feel that the girl in front of her was not a mortal.

It’s like the heroine in the comics.

The strange atmosphere made the remaining teenagers and girls who were cleaning up their desks couldn’t help but slow down, as if they were afraid of disturbing this scene.

“I didn’t expect that the usual cold and frosty Liangyi would have such a scene, I want to take pictures as wallpaper.”

“Who isn’t, it’s a pity that every time I face her, it’s like someone putting a knife on my neck, and I don’t dare to say more!”

“That’s it, that’s it, otherwise the people who are white to the two people may directly fill the playground below.”

“It’s a pity, such an existence cannot belong to us, and it is estimated that no one can win her favor.”

“How can anyone in this world get the favor of Liangyi, even if it is not in exchange for life.”

Although the two rituals of whispering to the surrounding classmates are not fully understood.

Some can be faintly guessed from the expressions of several people, but she doesn’t care.

She is different from ordinary people, she has understood this truth since she was a child, so she hates humans, but also dislikes herself, resulting in always facing her with a cold temperament.

But which girl is not pregnant with spring, she also hopes that a teenager can enter her heart.

“I seem to feel that there are people over there who are close to me.”

Sakura’s lips pursed, and the two ceremonial eyes looked in Fuyuki’s direction through the window.

There was an urge in her heart to get there quickly.

PS: Yesterday’s addition, thanks to the big guy’s urging and monthly pass, the author updates the hand remnant party update is a little slow, but almost all of them are about 10,000 per day, and there are millions of words of outline to chase with confidence

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