“Ah! Yes! Yes! ”

Ying Li Li couldn’t help but cover her lips and exclaimed.

Her voice immediately attracted countless eyes.

Luo Xiu’s appearance and temperament are amazing, and he is accompanied by cute English pears, which is difficult not to attract people.

Now Ying Li Li screamed even more, which made all eyes focus.


The reaction, Ying Li closed her lips.

But there was an unconcealable shock in those azure eyes.

Of course she knew what the word nun meant.

But coupled with what Luo Xiu said before, it was difficult not to make her doubt.

The other party has something to do with God.

He told her that God could come to this world and asked her about Christianity.

In the end, let her become the nun of the other party, all this is difficult not to make the girl think.

“Do you have something to do with God?”

Eiri whispered her question.

“It’s okay if you think so.”

With a frown, Luo Xiu replied.

Today, after all, he is only a person with a godhead who vainly tries to become God, not God himself.

Of course, when faith is absorbed with the Godhead, it will be a completely different result.

To be him is God.


Ying Li gasped, playing with it, he didn’t expect that he was involved with God.

Before joining the chat dress, she naturally would not believe this kind of nonsense.

But after joining the chat skirt, after the baptism of information, she naturally knew that those legendary gods and demons were real.

But I didn’t expect that I was involved with these existences.

“After coming to this world for three days, I don’t think my little nun will let me live outside.”

Ying Li Li didn’t know how she was confused and agreed to Luo Xiu’s request.

Let the other person live in their own home for the rest of the day.

Until he returned home, Ying Li Li lying on the bed felt that his brain was a little muddy.

It’s night….

Luo Xiu did not choose to sleep, today he needs to do a big thing.


Paul Kurosaki felt like he had a dream, a strange but real dream.

As a fanatical believer in Christianity, he can be said to have dedicated his life to Christianity.

Throughout his life, he continued to fulfill the teachings of Christianity, and did countless good deeds during these years.

Even if he is over 90 years old at this time, his body struggles to stand up, but he has to turn through the Bible every day.

That was his greatest joy.

Logically speaking, his heart has been satisfied

Unfortunately, he has a regret.

As a believer in Christianity, the children who had children in his old age did not have a very deep faith in Christianity, but were as perfunctory as coping with work.

As for his grandson, he never went to church, which made him feel sorry.

Unfortunately, he is now old, and sometimes he even needs the help of others to eat, let alone teach his children.

Or after he dies, his children will never go to church again.

The flame of life of the old man is swaying.

Now his body is extremely weak, and the elderly who are extremely old are in danger of death at any time, because their bodies have long been broken after the torment of the years.

And for death, he has no fear, and he intends to face it calmly.

“I can’t do anything for the Lord now, Amen.”

With a little regret, the old man closed his eyes and fell asleep.

His consciousness began to sink.

It was as if he had a dream, a strange dream.

There was also a gentle and sacred voice in my ears.

The voice told him that the lost lamb needed his leadership and that his faith was acknowledged by the Lord.

Tomorrow, old age will leave him, sickness will no longer be close, and he will become the communicator of the Lord, spreading the greatness of the Lord to the world.

The voice seemed to carry strange magic.

He felt as if his body had become younger, his consciousness had begun to awaken, and even the pain of that old age and constant illness seemed to disappear.

It’s like going back to 50 years ago, my middle-aged life.

“Where is this?”

In a daze, Paul opened his eyes and looked around in confusion.

The entrance is white walls and bedding, as well as the pungent smell of anti-inflammatory water.

“Father, you’re awake!”

“You don’t even know, you’re in a coma at home and scared me to death.”

Paul’s son, who had been sitting on the edge of the bed anxiously waiting, heard his father’s voice at this time and couldn’t help but stand up excitedly.

It’s just that when he noticed his father’s face, his eyes couldn’t help but pause.

Where is the face that was originally old and full of wrinkles and dead spots.

The other party’s face was even more delicate and younger than his own, and the silver hair that had been bald had grown back again, and it was healthy black hair, without a trace of silver.

If the two go out, absolutely no one will think that the two are father and son, but will think that they are brothers.

“Father, your face?”

He pointed to his father’s face in amazement.

That expression couldn’t help but make the old man wonder.

“What’s wrong with my face?”

“Your face is getting younger!”


The old man was still puzzled.

Until his son turned on the mirror in his phone, the old man fell silent.

For a long time, he showed an expression of joy and tears.

“The Lord has appeared! The Lord has not abandoned me! Do you know? All of this is a gift from the Lord. ”

“Just yesterday, I dreamed of the Lord.”

The old man did not hide anything from his son, and even planned to make this matter public to the world so that all people would believe in Christianity.

The next day… Fire! Fire!

After the promotion of Christianity, this matter directly exploded

The secret of Christians’ regain of youth has appeared in various forums and on the Internet.

There are also related videos and video comparisons.

At first, netizens didn’t believe it, after all, pictures and videos can be p.

But when the vast number of powerful netizens exposed the real information of the other party, it made the majority of netizens dumbfounded.

Because that information is real, even Paul’s popularity is very high in the local area.

Middle-aged believers know him, young believers know him, even if they want to fake.

And when Paul Kurosaki’s true information was exposed, it was followed by the deletion of posts.

But this scene made those melon-eating masses more sure of the authenticity of this news.

“It’s really surprising that after this guy became younger, he not only used the right of Christianity to accelerate the spread of news, but also made many people who already believed in Christianity more firmly believed.”

“And the power of these beliefs is triggered by me, and naturally belongs to me.”

Feeling the power of faith that continued to flow into the Godhead, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but squint.

The power of faith was tempered by the Godhead and then transformed his body.

Although there are too few beliefs at present, the magnitude of becoming stronger is not large, but this is just the beginning of the matter.

Most importantly, Luo Xiu could clearly feel that an inexplicable force in his body was stimulated by his own power when he encountered the power of faith, like a flame that was about to be extinguished and blessed with fuel.


PS: Thanks for the reminder, changed

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