"You're talking bullshit!"

Feeling the meaningful and sympathetic gazes of Huang Xiaoming and other men, and the disgusted gazes of Nazha and other women, Chen Xiang was instantly furious, wishing to strangle Jiang Li to death immediately.

He was a little bit like what Jiang Li said, and he might have some kidney deficiency, but it was not serious at all. Didn't he know his strength in bed?

Jiang Li was blatantly misleading and deliberately slandering!

And that Du Chun, sympathy, he needed sympathy?

"Just treat it as something I said. Jiang Li looked innocent.

He was also forced to say it in public.

"Brother Li, do you know how to cure Xiangzi?" Du Chun asked, with a look of good for his brother:"He is so young, he can definitely be cured."

"It can be cured." Jiang Li nodded:"First abstain from sex for three months, take Chinese medicine and supplement food during this period, and you will be able to recover as before.

"...As before?

Chen Xiang found that his heart was moved.

If it was in private, even if he was unhappy with Jiang Li, he would still show his goodwill and buy the prescription.

But now he didn't want to embarrass himself, and snorted coldly:"I just had a little heatstroke yesterday. Fortunately, you are not a doctor, otherwise I don't know how many people would have died."

Although he has kidney deficiency, it is not serious, so he has the confidence to say this.

But in the ears of everyone, the more they heard it, the more guilty they felt, and they all thought he was just talking tough.

After all, Jiang Li confirmed the relevant"symptoms" before answering, and Chen Xiang not only admitted it but was also very afraid, which obviously matched.

Talking about high-quality idols, they actually indulged in excessive sexual activities behind the scenes, and their character can be imagined.

"Just treat it as my nonsense. Jiang Li looked indifferent.

"What do you mean by"when"? You are just talking nonsense. Apologize to me.

"Who is talking nonsense?"Jiang Li was a little unhappy:"You asked me to check for you, and you asked me to say it in front of everyone. Now you are accusing me because you are afraid of seeing a doctor. It's not good."

The nourishing energy he injected stimulated Chen Xiang's kidney meridian. Under the condition of being unable to be supplemented, it will inevitably become serious.

Chen Xiang will be a quick ejaculation man for one to three months, but if he takes Chinese medicine and takes good care of himself, he can recover. But if he can't stand the loneliness, or even takes drugs, he will be completely useless.

Whether he will become a eunuch depends on himself.

"I don't think there's a need to argue."

Chen Xiang wanted to speak, but Na Zha spoke first:"Let Li Zai show it to other people, and then we can confirm it by comparison, right?"

She had 100% confidence in Jiang Li's medical skills. After all, she had experienced it herself, and she also saw Jiang Li's confidence in his diary.


Several male artists dispersed subconsciously.

However, the three little ones and several female artists were eager to try.

"There is no need to go through so much trouble. I can prove it by just looking, smelling, asking and palpating.

Jiang Li looked at Shen Mengchen, who was two seats away, and said,"Sister Mengchen, you..."

Jiang Li shared the information he had observed, and then concluded that Shen Mengchen had dysmenorrhea and severe uterine cold.

""Amazing! I just had a physical examination recently, and the doctor said the same thing." Shen Mengchen nodded.

Jiang Li looked at the three little ones and Huang Xiaoming again. One of them had a weak spleen and stomach, one had a minor problem with his lungs, and the other had a bad liver due to staying up too late.

"Amazing, amazing, we just had a physical examination, and it's the same as what Brother Li said."Wang Junkai's eyes lit up.

The young man admired the strong, and he admired people with real skills.

"Brother Xiao Ming, you have a serious stomach problem." Jiang Li said:"It is caused by periodic overeating and dieting. It should be to fit the role, right?"

"Yes, he does have this old problem, but not many people know about it. Huang Xiaoming smiled and nodded, admiring his younger brother.

"I can help you cure it completely."Jiang Li said

"Really?"Huang Xiaoming's tone was a little more sincere.

He was successful, rich and powerful, but he couldn't eat many good things because of his stomach problems.

He also saw some Chinese medicine doctors, who said that this was a semi-occupational disease, which could be cured but would relapse quickly.

"Yeah." Jiang Li:"After you are cured, whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, just follow my instructions and it won't hurt your body."

"Good brother, I'll trouble you to cure my illness." Huang Xiaoming said immediately.

He believed that Jiang Li was capable, but of course he would verify it in his own way.

If it was confirmed to be feasible, he would definitely repay Jiang Li.

"No problem. Jiang Li said with a smile,"We can discuss the details on WeChat."

Huang Xiaoming naturally had no objection.

Seeing this, the others all asked Jiang Li to help them.

Jiang Li did not refuse, and he took their pulses and found some major problems.

Everyone had a judgment in their hearts that Jiang Li had real skills, so his diagnosis of Chen Xiang must be true.


Chen Xiang was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but seeing that everyone else was talking and laughing with Jiang Li, he knew that doing so would only make him look guilty.

He turned around and left without even bothering to say hello.

"It seems that he is really angry, tsk." Jiang Li sneered.

This guy has offended everyone. It will be difficult for him to get along in the circle in the future.

On the contrary, he can gain a lot of connections today.

After singing, the group went to have a midnight snack.

When they returned to the hotel, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Glancing at the number of words in the diary, Jiang Li took a bath while writing

【The day is about to end, and the word count is not enough, so I just write something to make up for it. I haven't written an essay since I graduated from high school. This daily diary is really killing me. 】It was almost twelve o'clock, and I suddenly got a reminder to update the diary. The girls all divided some of their thoughts on the diary.

Seeing that it was a complaint, they all smiled knowingly.

Especially Yang Chaoyue, who dropped out of school after junior high school, nodded in approval.

【Then record it, Chen Xiang this SB...】

Jiang Li recorded the confrontation with Chen Xiang that began this afternoon in his diary.

The girls read it with great interest. They did not expect to see such an interesting bedtime story.

"Sure enough, when men are talking, women have nothing to do."Yang Mi curled her lips.

One sentence turned the situation around, and Huang Xiaoming and Zhang Liang also had a grudge against Chen Xiang. This man has high IQ and EQ.

"If only I could talk like this." Zhao Liying thought with some envy.

If she and Jiang Li have children in the future, she hopes they will be less like her.


When seeing this part where the medical skills slapped his face, some people laughed out loud.

Deliberately guiding Chen Xiang to tell his symptoms in public, exposing Chen Xiang's severe kidney deficiency (not good).

For a man, this is even more painful than killing him directly.

This guy Jiang Li is definitely a sesame-filled glutinous rice dumpling!

"Unfortunately, we are the only ones who know about this. I hope someone with a big mouth can spread the news."The girls watched the fun and didn't mind the big deal.

When they woke up the next day and went online as usual, they found that their wish had come true.

The first hot search: [Chen Xiang MSN]

The second hot search: [Chen Xiang went to the emergency room for men's department]

The girls:???

MSN, is it the MSN they know?

How did these two hot searches come from!?

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