"This is the magic."

Facing the puzzled eyes of the girls, Bai Yu said with pretended complacency.

Such an answer naturally could not make the girls believe it.

In their opinion, this was probably another kind of middle school trick of Bai Yu, just like the magic carefully designed by magicians, which was difficult for people to see through.

Instead, they felt itchy in their hearts and wanted to know the answer.

It must be said that the name of middle school syndrome has indeed brought a lot of convenience to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu does not need to pretend deliberately, others will naturally regard Bai Yu as a middle school syndrome, and attribute the magical means that Bai Yu occasionally shows to middle school tricks.

So when others misunderstand Bai Yu as a middle school syndrome, Bai Yu never explains, and even deliberately adds fuel to the flames.

After all, it is really tiring to disguise yourself all day long, and you can't completely expose yourself as a cultivator, so being regarded as a middle school syndrome temporarily is actually the most suitable for Bai Yu.

"Teacher Jing, I have answered your question. If there is nothing else, then Kato and I will leave first."

Bai Yu saw that Hiratsuka Jing was getting angry and embarrassed. He realized that if he stayed, the old woman might not give in. So he looked at Kato Megumi and turned away.

""Teacher Hiratsuka, I'll go first."

Seeing Bai Yu signaling for her to follow, Kato Megumi hesitated for a moment, then said hello to Hiratsuka Shizuka and followed.

"Bai Yu, stop right there.……"

Shizuka Hiratsuka came to her senses from her embarrassment and quickly called out to Bai Yu.

She wanted to know how Bai Yu knew what kind of underwear she was wearing.

However, Bai Yu had already walked away, so she could only grit her teeth, her cheeks flushed,"You little brat, I'm your teacher."

""Teacher Hiratsuka, are you really wearing that kind of underwear?"

At this time, Yukino Yukinoshita couldn't help looking at Shizuka Hiratsuka, with a hint of doubt in her beautiful eyes. Nibutani Morika couldn't help looking at Shizuka Hiratsuka either.

After all, Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't give a direct answer, so they also wanted to know if Bai Yu really guessed right.

"No... Of course not, you really believe what that middle school brat said."

Hiratsuka Shizuka's face turned red and she quickly denied it.

As an old woman without a boyfriend, it was too embarrassing to tell others that she wore the winning underwear alone, especially to let her students know.

Of course she refused to admit such a thing.

Seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka's reaction, Yukinoshita Yukino and Nibutani Morika both looked more suspicious.

If Bai Yu was wrong, why did Hiratsuka Shizuka react like this, and why didn't she stop Bai Yu from leaving? It doesn't make sense no matter how you think about it.


"Bai Yu, did you really see it?"

After following Bai Yu's footsteps, Kato Hui was full of curiosity like the other two. She couldn't help but look at Bai Yu and asked with doubts in her beautiful eyes.

"Didn't I tell you that for this immortal, this is just a piece of cake."Bai Yu looked back at Kato Hui and smiled slightly,"If you don't believe me, I can also tell you what Kato is wearing.——"

"No need for that!"

Kato Hui blushed, and hurriedly took two steps back, covering her collar.

Although she still didn't believe that Bai Yu knew magic or something, she didn't want to try it herself.

After all, she was a pure girl.

Fearing that Bai Yu would not give in, Kato Hui immediately changed the subject and asked curiously:"By the way, Bai Yu, why did you say these things to me just now?"

"Although it may be a bit presumptuous, we really haven't communicated much before."

"I always feel that classmate Bai Yu seems to have some purpose."

Kato Megumi stared straight at Bai Yu with her beautiful eyes. As a saint, her eyes were so sharp that she could see that Bai Yu was so enthusiastic about her whom she had never met before, and he must have some purpose.

Kato Megumi was very curious. Why would someone as outstanding as Bai Yu be interested in her, an extremely ordinary girl

? She didn't think that Bai Yu was attracted by her appearance.

After all, a boy as handsome as Bai Yu must have no shortage of cute girls around him, such as Yukinoshita Yukino and Nibutani Morika who were in the office just now. They were not only cute in appearance, but also had very outstanding talents.

Compared with those people, she was still too ordinary.

Thinking of this, Kato Megumi couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"It seems that if I don't tell Kato the answer, Kato won't be able to rest easy."

Bai Yu looked at Kato Megumi helplessly.

I told this guy to stop saying that he was ordinary.

But now it seems that Kato Megumi is indeed a little inferior in front of me. Come to think of it, in the original work, Kato Megumi was a little inferior in front of people like Aki Tomoya at the beginning, let alone me.

If I don't make it clear, Kato Megumi will definitely be scared and dare not approach

"Actually, I came to Kato because I wanted to learn magic from him and comprehend the great Dao!"

Bai Yu coughed dryly and stated his real purpose seriously.

Kato Hui was stunned for a moment.

It seemed that she did not expect Bai Yu to give such an answer.

But soon, her eyes became strange again, and she said thoughtfully:"So that's the reason, then I can understand it."

"Wait a minute."

Bai Yu was speechless this time."Why did you accept my statement so directly?"

He thought Kato Hui would question it and ask him what he wanted to learn from her.

He didn't expect that the other party would believe it directly.

"After all, it is Bai Yu who calls herself an immortal."A smile appeared on Kato Megumi's pretty face,"If it wasn't for that kind of Chuunibyou... ahem, that kind of reason, how could such an outstanding person like Bai Yu choose an ordinary person like me who is humble."

Bai Yu rolled her eyes and instantly understood what Kato Megumi meant.

It seems that Kato Megumi looked at this matter based on the premise that she was a Chuunibyou.

In her opinion, she must have targeted her because of some sudden Chuunibyou idea.

There would be no other reason.

"Kato-san, it is not impossible for you to understand it this way."

Bai Yu did not waste his time to explain, but looked at Kato Megumi expectantly, looking directly into her eyes:"So, Kato-san, can you agree to my request?"

Bai Yu knew very well what kind of person Kato Megumi was.

Other people needed to find some reasons to fool others when they wanted to become disciples, but Kato Megumi did not need to be so roundabout. After getting to know each other a little, she directly put forward her request.

So he did not hesitate and directly stated his purpose.

Being stared at so closely by Bai Yu, Kato Megumi blushed, and she moved her eyes away unnaturally, trying to avoid the other's overly hot eyes.

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