Early morning.

Somewhere in a luxurious room.

Crack— the obese male nobleman smashed the precious porcelain in his hand to the ground in annoyance.

The fat on his cheeks was red and trembling because of anger.

“Damn it, a little bitch dared to betray me! I should have killed her long ago!”

The man leaning against the wall in the corner spoke coldly

“”Sir Darius, please forgive me for being blunt, but your men are more likely to have failed in their assassination attempt.”

The man who spoke wore a rainbow-colored top, knee-high boots, and four swords on his waist.

He had a peacock tattoo on his cheek and an open-top hairstyle that looked like a parabolic antenna.

“At least in my opinion, she is more loyal than most people.

Darius turned his head sharply, staring at the person who was speaking with red eyes.

“Ober, are you telling me that my best assassin can’t even take down a five-year-old?!”

“Is this the ridiculous conclusion you can draw as the Northern Emperor of the Northern Divine Stream?”

Ober shrugged his shoulders and played with the peacock feather in his hand.

“Arcadia is a country after all, maybe there are experts in the palace.

Darius snorted disdainfully and sat down on the chair irritably.

“Impossible! My insider told me that the so-called prince can only use a few maids at most.”

“Those unruly and profit-seeking former adventurers are composed of an army, and it is even more impossible for them to obey a little brat like him!”

Ober pinched the peacock feathers with his fingers and looked up curiously and asked

“After all, why would you care so much about such a remote little country?”

“He even came all the way here in person, and after trying his best to kill the father, he still refused to give up, and had to kill a child who posed no threat at all.”

Darius’s fat body trembled subconsciously, as if he had thought of something terrible, and his face looked extremely ugly.

“You don’t understand the consequences of not being able to kill him. Anyway, only one of me and that brat can survive!”

Darius asked anxiously.

“When will the person you arranged arrive?”

Obel secretly laughed at Darius’s fussing and didn’t take this commission seriously at all.

If it weren’t for the fact that Darius gave him too much money, he would have run away out of boredom.

“It’s not someone I arranged, but it just so happens that he is the guy that the former king of Arcadia was going to invite to be the prince’s swordsmanship teacher.”

Darius’ eyes lit up, he clapped his hands happily, and laughed sarcastically.

“Hahahaha, you’re really asking for trouble!”

“This means that that person will definitely not be suspected. I believe that this time I can easily get rid of that little brat!”

“By the way, who is he?”

Ober’s eyes flashed with silence and confidence, and he flicked the peacock feather in his hand into the air.

“Don’t worry, they are the top three swordsmen of the Northern God School, the Northern King.】”

Darius didn’t even see Ober draw his sword.

The peacock feather turned into powder that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye the moment it fell to the ground.

Ober’s expression was indifferent and his tone was casual.

“Fragile and pathetic life, let us Beishenliu pick it up at will.”

Darius’ forehead was covered with cold sweat, his eyes were full of fear, and his right hand clenched the handrail tightly, making an unconscious creaking sound.

“…….Is this the strength of the Northern Emperor?”

“Ha, hahahahahahaha, okay, okay, this time everything will be foolproof!”…

Kingdom of Arcadia.

Capital of Elserland.

Royal Palace Bedroom

“Eh? The servants left behind by the late princess?”

“Yes, Lady Lilya. I am an orphan taken in by the late princess, and have been trained to be your majesty’s secret guard since childhood.”

Faced with Lilya’s suspicious eyes, Rita calmly said nonsense.

“If there hadn’t been an assassin last night, I would have been quietly protecting His Majesty in secret, which was also the wish of the late princess.”

Lilia, who was easily diverted by Rita, immediately tightened her skirt with a nervous look.

“An assassin?! Is your majesty alright?”

“It’s okay, Your Majesty was unharmed and slept soundly and even drooled. I have dealt with the assassin, and her body was buried on the hill behind the palace in accordance with Your Majesty’s order. Lady Lilia, do you want to go and confirm it?”

“Um, just confirm…….No, take me to see it later.”

“”Okay, Lady Lilia.”

Rita also took out the ID that Rhode had prepared for her, which made Lilia believe the other party’s origin.

Therefore, although Lilia felt a sense of crisis about the new beautiful maid, she had to accept her existence.

This morning, Lilia was in a happy mood and prepared to admire her little Majesty’s sleeping posture alone as usual.

This was a privilege she secretly held as a maid.

As a result, when she opened the bedroom door, the smile on her face froze instantly.

There was a strange maid lying on her Majesty’s bed that she had never seen before?!

Her house was robbed?!

��It was she who came first! She has never slept with His Majesty!

Lilya wanted to yell at him, but she was easily suppressed by his temperament.

Although she was only in her early twenties, her face was delicate and beautiful enough to rival the princess of the kingdom, which made Lilya feel ashamed.

The gorgeous maid outfit decorated with roses that she had never seen before made Lilya’s maid outfit full of patches look like tattered. The stupid Lilya felt bitter and complicated, and suddenly she realized that the other party was a stranger she had never seen before.

However, when she was about to fight, the other party took the initiative to introduce himself in a low profile and explained that he was His Majesty’s companion.

This made Lilya feel relieved, but she also felt a little regretful in her heart.

The other party’s manners and aura were more elegant than the royal nobles that Lilya had seen.

However, for some reason, the other party behaved quite respectfully in front of her.

Lilya shyly hid the patched skirt back.

“that……Please don’t call me sir.”

“I, I am only taking care of His Majesty temporarily when there is a vacancy in the palace. Since you are the attendant left by the late princess, you should take over……..”

Lilia wanted to cry and felt lonely inside, but she could only purse her lips and force a smile to accept the fact.

Yes, I am just a thief who has taken a high position.

Your Majesty needs an elegant and beautiful maid like Miss Rita.

And I am so clumsy that I can’t even cook…….

I am not worthy of being your Majesty’s maid.

“I, I will put myself in the right place, and please don’t fire me, Ms. Rita.”

“I really like it here, and I will work hard to become a qualified maid!”

Rita didn’t expect Lilia to be so sensitive and even so naive. She quickly took two steps forward, took Lilia’s rough hand, and lowered her head in shame.

“What is Lady Lilia talking about? You are the only one who can hold the position of head maid from beginning to end.”


“To be honest, I have been away from home for many years to eliminate enemies that are dangerous to the country, and I have only recently returned to the palace. I am completely confused about the situation in the country and the interpersonal relationships in the palace. I still need Lady Lilia to teach me.”

“But, but I just know more people than Ms. Rita, the head maid or something……..”

“His Majesty said that you are his most trusted maid.”

Lilya’s eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly.

“Did His Majesty say that?”

Rita pretended to be helpless.

“So your majesty is really partial.”

Lilia immediately pouted and glared at Rita with full momentum, and said to her

“You can’t slander His Majesty! His Majesty works very hard! Even if you are a servant left by the late princess, you will be punished for saying that!”

Rita immediately bowed her head to apologize.

“It’s Rita’s fault. I’ve been away from home for so many years and I’m not good at palace etiquette. In order to prevent me from making the same mistake again, please teach me as a newcomer.”

Lilia was originally not very motivated in front of the perfect Rita, but now she found out that Rita could make mistakes, and she suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Lilia blushed and coughed softly.

“That’s right. After all, etiquette is very important. Before you grow up, just leave it to me.”

Lilia patted her cheek, took a deep breath, and entered the working state, while not forgetting to teach Rita.

“At this time, His Majesty should be woken up, given a bath and breakfast, and then trained in swordsmanship.”

“Since the swordsmanship teacher hasn’t arrived yet, I have to take over temporarily.”

“It is very important to exercise to have a healthy body, so no matter how much Your Majesty acts like a spoiled child, you must not be allowed to stay in bed. This is a principle that a maid must not violate!”

“Rita, do you understand?”

Rita nodded seriously.

“I understand.”

Lilya set an example by walking to Rhode’s side, gently pushing his shoulder, and said softly,

“”Your Majesty, wake up!”

Rhode muttered, and hugged Lilia’s arm.

“Hmm, I’m so sleepy. Wait a moment…….”

Lilia blushed and said hesitantly

“”Okay, okay.”

Rita looked at the scene with a subtle expression.


Uh, this is the principle that a maid must never violate?

Aren’t you spoiling him too much?

【The picture shows Lilia when she was young. Also, please give me flowers and votes! 】

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