Rita paused for a moment and suggested

“Although the Blank Key is theoretically stronger than the God Killer Armor, it may not be suitable for the current situation without the Herrscher Core.”

Rhode was thoughtful after hearing this.

That’s right.

The essence of the Blank Key is to allow the wearer to connect to the imaginary space in the Herrscher Core, so that the wearer can temporarily mobilize the power of the corresponding core like the Herrscher.

In the case of a blank slate, there is really no need to be too obsessed with the God Killer Armor at the beginning.

“So, what is your recommendation?”

Rita bowed her head respectfully.

“Since Your Majesty intends to form a Valkyrie with maids, I recommend the third-generation armor [Dark Rose] as the normal armament, which is the one I am wearing now.”

Lilya heard this, her eyes lit up with excitement.

“So, I also have a chance to wear such beautiful clothes?!”

Rita noticed Lilia’s expectant eyes, nodded slightly, and chuckled softly.

“Don’t think it’s just beautiful. This set of armor looks like ordinary clothes, but it actually contains���A very complex and mature energy amplification technology that can greatly improve the wearer’s physical attack and battlefield survivability”

“However, in front of His Majesty’s great power, it is naturally easy to replicate.”

Rita suddenly pursed her lips and frowned slightly. She glanced at the door and then looked at Rhodes with a questioning look.

Rhodes crossed his hands, rested his elbows on the table, and covered his nose with the back of his hands, revealing only a pair of deep eyes. He nodded slightly with an expressionless face.

Rita’s mouth curled up dangerously, her gray-gold bangs covered her left eye, and a cold light flashed in her rose-colored eyes.

“However, if you are carrying out dangerous hunting missions, I recommend wearing this set of [Hunting Suit·Shadow Iron】”

She stepped on high heels, took elegant steps, and spread her hands.

The black shadow iron armor flew out from the stigma on her back, reorganized into quantum pieces, and covered Rita’s whole body.

After all, no carbon-based creature can hide in front of my good dog~”

【The autonomous tracking weapon that came with the Hunting Suit Shadow Iron, the mechanical dog named Carbon Hunter, roared and leaped out, smashing the door like lightning.

The next moment, the miserable cry resounded throughout the palace.


“Help, help, monster, there is a monster!!!”

The steel teeth chewed bones and flesh, making a tooth-grinding sound.

The blooming blood splashed on the walls of the corridor like raindrops.

The old housekeeper covered his broken leg and screamed in fear. He clumsily took out a dagger from his arms and waved it randomly.

The blade hit the metal shell and sparks flew, but the mechanical dog was too lazy to dodge, and there was no need to defend at all.

“Don’t, don’t come over here!”

Tap, tap, tap— refreshing footsteps sounded from the shadows.

The sound of the soles of the shoes hitting the ground echoed in the corridor, like the echo of a death knell.

Slowly walking out of the spreading pool of blood, the elegant maid skillfully swung the glowing sickle a few times, staring down at the old butler with a death-like smile.

“Good day, Mr. Eavesdropper~”

The old butler didn’t care about the visitor at all and shouted in an imperative tone

“Idiot, hurry up and drive that monster away! Hurry up and find someone to save me!”

Rita narrowed her eyes and waved her sickle.


In an instant, broken limbs and arms flew everywhere.

The old butler’s left leg and right hand were cut mercilessly.

Rita put the sharp blade of the sickle against the old butler’s forehead.

“Gene Harvester, a biological hunting suit created by Helheim Laboratory using biotechnology”

“All you need to do is get a little gene sample in battle to quickly interpret the target’s biological data and switch tactical modes.”

Rita seemed to be explaining something to someone, but also seemed to be talking to herself.

“At the same time, this weapon will also deploy the toxin [Avalanche] according to the target’s genetic sequence, constantly corroding the torn flesh and blood.”

“Don’t understand? That’s okay…….Before you die from blood loss, you will feel the excruciating pain of being cut into pieces. This is the punishment for betrayers~”

The old butler’s eyes were red, he gritted his teeth, and glared at Rita with hatred.

“Who are you? Why are you doing this?”

Rita tilted her head and sighed.

“Me? Just a poor maid trying to please His Majesty.~”

“Female, Maid……You are his?! He is only five years old, how could he…….”

The old butler stared in disbelief, and then he shouted as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

“Your Majesty, yes, Your Majesty! I want to see him!”

“Your Majesty, it’s me! Have you forgotten me? I am the steward left to you by the late king, and I have the power to supervise you!”

Rhodes’ cold voice came from the end of the corridor.

“Oh? Is that true, Lilia?”

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