Before Rhode could start complaining about the unlucky ability of Prison Master, the system upgrade sound sounded again.

【It was detected that the host’s current world has no spell power setting, and the system has automatically transformed the six eyes and no lower limit. 】

The silver reward frame shattered with a click and transformed into a dazzling gold

【Congratulations to the host for receiving the S-level reward – Six Eyes, No Limits】


Rhodes suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes and couldn’t help but close them tightly…..

Even with his eyes closed, he could still”see”!

His sight kept rising and ascending, and finally he looked down at the entire palace like God!

——It was a huge sphere with him as the center, covering the entire palace with a 365-degree visual circle without blind spots!


He saw a male servant sneaking out the back door with silverware.

He saw an old butler silently wiping a dagger, hesitating for a long time before hiding it in his arms.

He saw two guards at the door whispering something, looking restless as if they were about to leave at any time………

Everyone in the palace was outlined by magic.

Their every move could not escape his sight.

No one knew that their secrets were all seen by a five-year-old child!

The scene from a God’s perspective shocked Rhode’s heart.

“Just after awakening, can the six eyes’ vision reach this level?!”

“Moreover, it only requires expanding the field of vision, and does not even require consuming energy!”

“I don’t feel any physical burden at all”

“But as expected, when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter……..”

Rhode only chuckled and sighed when he saw this scene. He was not surprised at all.

Compared with other people’s thoughts, he was more concerned about the great power gathered in himself.

The six eyes could see that there were light spots in the air constantly gathering towards his body.

“I see…….Is that the ether in the air?”

“The passively deployed six eyes achieved balance with the ether automatically absorbed by my body, so there is no need for additional consumption.”

The cursed power of the rituals in the Jujutsu Kaisen world is based on the negative emotions naturally produced in the human body.

The six eyes after the system transformation absorb the external ether to supplement, which is a lot more convenient.

Now Rhodes can see the flow of magic power clearly.

And in this world, it seems that everyone has more or less magic power in their bodies, which allows him to use the six eyes to see the movements of everyone within his field of vision!

This change has advantages and disadvantages.

Compared with the prison master who only needs to be vigilant about the sorcerer and the cursed spirit, Rhodes has to deal with too much information density.

This may make it impossible for him to judge the threat target in the first time.

Rhodes also compared the magic power in his body with the guards at the gate of the palace.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that he is now probably only one-fifth of the other party.

“Well, unlimited mana is a skill that consumes a lot of mana. It seems that we need to find a way to increase the upper limit of mana.”

“I just wonder if the observation range of the six eyes will increase as I grow older.”

Rhode noticed that a maid was mending clothes in the room next door. The magic power in her body was even greater than that of the guards at the gate of the palace, but the magic power flow in her feet was a little blocked.

“Have you ever hurt your ankle?”

Rhode set his current magic power to E as a reference. The maid’s level was as high as B!

However, the other party’s magic power flow was concentrated in the limbs, most of them were so-called magic swordsmen, not traditional magicians.

Six eyes can observe a lot of details, and even allow Rhode to vaguely sense the other party’s training intensity and talent limit.

He kept his eyes on the other party for a while, and finally gave a guessed evaluation of this maid.

【Magic: B, Swordsmanship: B, Maid Ability: To be determined]

After adjusting to this perspective for a while, Rhode looked away and suddenly stretched his right hand straight to the table not far away.

A small mirror on the table began to vibrate instantly.

Rhode closed his eyes and frowned slightly, increased his magic power, and said firmly


The small mirror suddenly rushed into Rhode’s hand.

Rhode subconsciously stepped back to support himself and did not stumble and fall.

He looked at the small mirror in his palm, and his clenched palm turned slightly red, a little shocked.

“Cang is the force of attraction that creates a strong absorption reaction. If it is used to attract objects, the reaction force caused by mass and speed should also be considered, otherwise it is easy to kill yourself.”

Rhode silently noted the key points, and then observed his own magic consumption.

“Just this one move consumed one third of my magic power…….It’s really a big mana hog.”

Rhode thought about it and still thought that the [Cang] move was a bit dangerous. It would be safer to use it together with [Power of Stop] when absorbing entities.

After that, he waited until his mana slowly recovered and tried to create an infinite barrier all over his body.

The good news was that with the blessing of the Six Eyes, he could complete the construction in a very short time!

The bad news was that due to insufficient mana, it could only last for five minutes at most.

“Damn, now I’m Kakashi again.”

Rod wanted to complain that this output was indeed due to kidney deficiency.

But for a five-year-old child, it’s really not too much to ask.

Rod wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, scratched his head, and analyzed the current situation.

“The system transformed the limitless spell into magic power. The advantage is that as long as I have enough magic power, I can permanently activate the limitless spell without worrying about my brain being burned by the spell or even the spell being blown.”

“The downside is……”

Rod buried his face in the towel helplessly and sighed.

“The prison master can use the reversal technique to continuously repair damaged brain tissue, achieving unlimited passive”

“It can even release the reversal technique of repulsion, and the virtual technique of positive infinity and negative infinity.”

“All this is because cursed power has positive and negative attributes!”

“Damn, where does the negative attribute of magic come from? It reverses it for you…….”

Magic power is basically equivalent to life force.

The reversal of life force? Could it be the power of death?

“Could it be that I can only use [Stop] and [Suction]? Wouldn’t that be half useless?”

As soon as Rhode finished speaking, he quickly shook his head and denied this possibility.

“But that’s not right. If that were the case, the system wouldn’t be able to upgrade the rating of Unlimited to S-level.”

“Or does it mean that if you want to exert repulsion, you need a special method?……”

Rhode put his finger on his chin, suddenly stopped mumbling, and spoke in a cold voice

“What’s the matter?”

The maid who was about to knock on the door hesitated for a long time and said hurriedly

“Arthur’s Hall……Your Majesty, I’m worried about you because you haven’t been out for a long time……..”

Rhode let out a long sigh, shook his head, rubbed his cheeks, put on an innocent expression, wrapped himself in a bath towel, opened the bathroom door, and said apologetically

“Sorry, I just wanted to be alone and made you worry.”

“No, no…….I acted on my own initiative!”

The maid seemed to be frightened by Rhode’s apology. She hurriedly picked up her glasses that were about to fall off, and bowed vigorously while holding the bathrobe with obvious marks of mending.

When the six eyes are close, not only can they feel the outline of magic, but they can also see the other party’s appearance and clothing clearly.

The difference from observing with regular vision is that the world under the six eyes is probably less colorful.

The maid was dressed in a standard Victorian style, a white apron decorated with ruffles, a black collared dress and black short leather boots.

This was the first time Rhode had seen a maid.

His evaluation was that it was novel and a little disappointing.

He thought he would see a maid wearing white knee-high socks. Where is the maid?

However, if there really is such a maid, Rhode still wants to hide and admire it by himself.

If you think about it carefully, normal maid uniforms are for work purposes, and are not at all the seductive clothes with only a little fabric in some works.

The maid in front of him wrapped her whole body tightly like a nun, wearing a white headscarf and tying up her long brown hair.

She looked less than eighteen years old, but she was very tall and wealthy, with a beautiful appearance, and exuding a sharp and decisive temperament.

Rhode couldn’t help but observe Da Lei.

Hiss – okay.

He is willing to rate his maid as S!

However, why does this maid always give him an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

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