Rita asked Charlotte a question that was very embarrassing.

“So, will you be loyal to him because he is wise or because he is Rhodes?”


Charlotte was speechless. She didn’t know how to answer for a moment and lowered her head in frustration.

“I don’t know.”

This question made her confused at this moment.

She hated tyrants the most in her life, so she could assassinate them for the country and finally die bravely.

But she didn’t choose to follow Rhodes just because of his status as a king.

Charlotte didn’t hate the relaxed feeling when she was with Rhodes, and she also secretly enjoyed Rhodes’ concern for her.

Because of this, she was confused about her feelings.

Rita smiled and patted Charlotte’s shoulder, winking playfully.

“Don’t worry, you have plenty of time to think about this.”

“Anyway, that bad guy will never let you, a beautiful lady, go no matter what~”

However, Charlotte thought that Rhode was wise, probably because of his friendly attitude towards the people.

But Rita saw it more clearly than Charlotte.

The reason why Rhode was”wise” was purely because such a rule was more convenient.

He was not self-denial, but disdainful.

His desires could not be satisfied by exploiting the common people, so he simply did not do the traditional behaviors of the nobles.


Rita sighed in her heart.

Rhodes is much greedier than those nobles……..

Demanding absolute perfection, chasing a future where no one gets hurt, and reaching a happy world where everyone laughs and smiles.

Such arrogant thoughts can drive people to extremes.

I hope that someone in the future will be able to tolerate and bear Rhode’s heavy greed together……..

“Speaking of which, I heard that Charlotte’s situation is different from mine, and she was summoned by a heroic spirit through some kind of summoning ritual?”

Charlotte came back to her senses and answered blankly.

“Ah, ah, that’s right. But now I am not summoned as a Servant, but as a Heroic Spirit.”

“Although his spiritual base is an assassin, it can be considered a state of being alone.”

Rita asked curiously

“Is there a way to use that ritual, using me as a medium, to summon my colleagues who are related to me?”

Charlotte smiled bitterly and shook her head.

“Um, sorry. I’m not good at that level of magic, and the summoning ritual also requires the Holy Grail.”

“And even if we really start that ritual, we won’t be able to summon people from another world.”

Rita sighed regretfully.

“That’s right……..I thought if I could summon Theresa, she would definitely enjoy this state of never finishing work.”

Charlotte’s eyelids twitched slightly, and she hesitated to speak.


She thought Rita wanted to use this ceremony to see her deceased comrades, but it turned out that she wanted to trick her colleagues into working overtime!

Miss Rita is really a wonderful person……..

Rita ended the topic and said goodbye to Charlotte, but no one knew what she was thinking.

Back in her room, Rita lit the oil lamp and leaned against the table to sort out the list of soldiers submitted by Nathan.

In terms of priorities, ensuring the loyalty and stability of the violent agency is undoubtedly the top priority.

Compared with fantasizing, Rita is more focused on what she can do for Rhodes.

“Name, age, strength, military service time, family background, battlefield achievements…….There are even personal reviews”

“Tsk tsk, such a detailed document could not have been prepared on the spur of the moment.”

Rita flipped through the document, tucked her bangs behind her ears, raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked a little surprised.

“That guy named Nathan looks like a fool, but he is actually a smart guy.”

Rita will not follow Nathan’s advice completely, but she will do a preliminary screening based on the documents, and then conduct a private investigation to finally determine the talents worth promoting.

“At this point, His Majesty should have had enough fun. I hope he doesn’t forget to pay the soldiers……..Otherwise, it will be a headache.”

Rita quickly eliminated some unqualified guys, but she couldn’t help but think about Rhode who was not here.

Suddenly, Rita’s hand paused, picked up a special document, and her eyes slightly fixed.

“Well? This document…….”

The document was dated three months ago and was the only application to join the army.

Rita learned that it was when the previous king was leading his army to war and the war was about to begin.

At that time, the able-bodied soldiers that could be recruited in the country had already set out with the army.

“It’s strange, knowing that he would die, he still chose to join the army?”

However, this rare application for joining the army was rejected by the supervisor at that time.

“The reason is……The beastmen are not reliable, and the salary they ask for is too high?”

Rita frowned slightly, turned her head and flipped through the pile of documents for a long time, and indeed found the second application for enlistment.

This document was half a month ago.

At that time, the previous king died in battle and the army was demoralized. When the rich and powerful people in Arcadia were busy escaping, he actually chose to join the army again?

This time, the other party only asked for food and accommodation.

But this time, this guy was still rejected by the second supervisor.

“The reason is……All the demons deserve to die.”

Rita was a little dissatisfied.

She had heard Rhode mention the demons in this world.

This world was originally ruled by humans. The dragons, demons, seas, and celestials in this world were theoretically invaders.

Their homes fell apart because of the conspiracy of the gods, and they had to enter the human world to survive, so they started a war with humans.

The battles between the demons and humans were the most frequent, and the hatred between the two sides was the deepest, but humans basically always had the upper hand.

However, the demons are not a single race, but a community of interests brought together by multiple different races.

As the war progressed, the personnel composition of the demons was no longer just the original demons, but even included some humans who had escaped from the persecution of the nobles of the human countries themselves.

Today, the term demon is more like a hat used to easily frame political enemies.

Rhode once explained to Rita.

There are beings in the demons who absolutely cannot coexist peacefully, but there are also guys who are simpler than humans, so they cannot be generalized.

At the end of this application form, Nathan seemed to be unable to resist and wrote a comment.

“……According to gossip, the then supervisor intended to take the last bit of money and run away, but because the other party did not hand over 1,000 gold coins, he became angry and directly refused to let him join the army.”

Rita’s eyes were cold, and she clenched the documents slightly. In her heart, she had already sentenced this supervisor to death.

Nathan’s advice was sincere and heartfelt.

“Although I have never seen this beastman take action, he is at least a superior swordsman. I hope Your Majesty will not judge people by race and recruit talented people under your command.”

“But I haven’t seen him for a long time, maybe he left disappointed.”

Perhaps Nathan wrote this comment out of a sense of justice, hoping that the new king could change the country, but he didn’t mean to keep him.

After all, this beastman’s phenomenon is probably not an isolated case.

Rita saw the only confirmed news about this beastman at the end of the file.

“The name of this beast tribe is…….Gilenu?”

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