Rhode placed the novel in a prominent place to encourage himself, and picked up the second heavy book with a yellowed cover.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little excited.

“Magic textbook……”

The book’s opening chapter states that this book has been a bestseller with hundreds of copies since it was published about a thousand years ago.

Before this book was published, learning magic required learning from a teacher, but many teachers were only able to perform all the elementary magic, so there seemed to be many cases where people could not learn anything remarkable even though they had become apprentices.

Even though it has become a bestseller now, the number of copies was very small at the time, and it was not widely circulated on the market. And even if it was circulated, people who were not interested in magic would not pay attention to it.

The most important thing is that this world does not have printing technology.

The current textbooks have only been inexplicably circulated in large quantities on the market since fifty years ago.

“Knowledge monopoly?……It is in line with the idea of ​​maintaining the inherent class rule, but it poses no threat to me. It is better to say that I should break it all.”

With the plug-in, he has a growth rate that no local natives can reach.

On the contrary, in order to realize the country that Rhode vaguely began to conceive, a large number of high-quality talents are needed.

In the future, a large number of schools will inevitably be built.

“After all, even if you want to be a bad tyrant, you can’t do it without reliable people under your command.”

Rhodes kept this in mind and then began to study the contents of the textbook seriously.

The textbook simply divides magic into three categories.

Attack magic, healing magic, and summoning magic.

The levels are divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, holy, king, emperor, and god.

However, the book obviously only records various magics from elementary to advanced.

But Rhodes knows that there are more scarce detoxification magic, barrier magic, and divine attack magic in this world.

And magic above the holy level is often monopolized by the country. Unless you become a disciple or join a sect, you can’t learn it at all.

Unfortunately, Arcadia, a strange little country, does not have this foundation.

Rhodes silently complained, and then continued to read.

There are two ways to cast magic.

Chanting or magic circle.

A long time ago, the main method seemed to be magic circle, but now chanting is the mainstream.

Rhodes was thoughtful.

“If there is a chance in the future, it would be better to set up multiple magic circles for space transfer or to defend the palace.”

From now on, the development of magic in the other world is too conservative due to various concerns.

In order to avoid war, the space transfer magic circles on various continents were also sealed.

Even the use of transfer magic was considered a violation of the ban.

Just by pure imagination, Rhode came up with many crazy war crimes ideas.

“If we can reproduce the magic elves power of Fairy Tail’s satellite weapons, wouldn’t it be possible to just attack any country that is unhappy with it!”

Rhode temporarily suppressed his restless heart and continued to read.

The book records that the reason why chanting became the mainstream was because a certain elf magician later succeeded in greatly shortening the chanting time.

The simplest chanting was shortened to about five seconds, and then attack magic became only chanting.

Rhode touched his chin and raised his brows slightly.

“I remember that this world seems to have a setting that only by training magic in childhood can one grow rapidly and even learn to cast without chanting.”

No matter how much you train after adulthood, magic will hardly increase significantly. The magic of ordinary people is basically determined at birth.

The possibility of adults learning to cast without chanting is also extremely low. At most, they can shorten the chanting.

Rhode suddenly felt a little fortunate.

“So, I was reincarnated at an age where I can awaken my wisdom just in time!”

Rhodes patiently read the instructions and precautions related to magic, and immediately turned to the chanting page and began to try to cast the spell.

Because the textbook mentioned that ordinary people almost never start to learn magic until they are ten years old, and the first spellcasting usually ends in failure.

Most people find it difficult to mobilize the magic power in their bodies smoothly at the beginning.

Even geniuses have to try three or four times before they succeed by chance, and even if they succeed, it is difficult to control.

The editor even specifically advised readers not to be discouraged and that this is normal, and suggested that the first spellcasting should start with water bullets that are not very harmful.

He did not know his own talent, so he chose to follow the editor’s advice, stretched out his right hand forward, and read the text a little nervously.

“May the great blessing of water come to the place where you seek, and the cool shallow stream appear here——【WaterBall】!”

Liu Yan observed that the magic power flowed out from Dantian and concentrated on his right hand and then pushed out.

Bang – a giant water ball that almost occupied the entire room condensed out of thin air!

“This is……Water bomb? Are you sure this isn’t a water ball?!”

Rhodes was silent for a long time and scratched his head.

“…….Did I input too much magic power? But I only activated a little bit of it.”

“How about trying to shrink it?”

Rhode tried to convey the idea of ​​shrinking it.

He originally thought it would be a difficult task, but he could do it with just one thought.

In the observation of the six eyes, the excess part of the water ball directly dissipated into free ether in the air.


Rhode crossed his legs, leaned back in the chair, and casually shook his right index finger.

The water ball flexibly shuttled, shot, stopped, and turned in the room according to his will.

“The book says that controlling the direction of water bullets is a very advanced technique, but it doesn’t seem that difficult now.”

When casting the spell for the second time, Rhodes didn’t even need to chant, and he created ten water balls in an instant!

Five minutes later.

Rhodes was able to perfectly cast all the magic recorded in the textbook without chanting, and he could even modify it at will!

To cast magic without chanting, one must rely on oneself to complete all the steps of condensing magic power and adjusting magic parameters.

But when Rhodes cast magic without chanting, he even felt more relaxed than when he chanted.

He frowned and turned to the last page of the textbook, then rested his chin in confusion, with confusion and bewilderment in his eyes.

“The so-called bottleneck recorded in the textbook does not exist for me at all, and the magic power consumed is completely different from what is recorded in the book. It is obvious that it consumes less magic power but is more powerful.”

“Could it be because of the particle-level magic control that the Six Eyes gave me?”

“Moreover, the four magics of earth, fire, water and wind, from the primary to the advanced level, all the moves seem to have only changes in quantity and form.”For example, the water bullets and water arrows of the water system are just simple changes in form.

The earth spears and earth hedgehogs of the earth system are just changes in quantity.

The lava magic in the fire system and the ice magic in the water system are special.

The difference between the other magics of higher levels is that the range is larger.

It is mentioned in the textbook that most of the holy magic is to manipulate the weather.

As for the higher-level magic, it is almost completely unusable in combat, and requires long-term chanting and matching with magic arrays.

In other words, almost all magic in this world is an extension of the most basic spells, and there is no difference in quality even if it evolves later.

Even if you practice fire magic to the point of becoming a fire god, it will only increase the range of the fire.

It cannot turn the flame into a different fire of different properties, nor can it create a black flame that never goes out…..

Very weak……..

Rhodes hesitated for a moment and felt it was unreal.

“In other words, in less than ten minutes, I had already mastered all the magic that a magician would theoretically need to fight?!”

【Congratulations to the host for collecting the magic textbook】

【Reward: All-attribute magic, top-level attribute affinity! 】

Rhode was shocked, and suddenly felt that the world became clearer.

“kindness……It seems that I have to read the book completely before it can be counted as a collection, but this time it was released directly to me for the lottery!”

He took a breath of relief.

The ether wandering in the air automatically rushed towards him one after another, as if attracted by a succubus.

The magic power that was originally consumed was quickly restored.

At this time, he even felt that if he cast some basic magic, he could even skip the step of building a circuit in his body!

Just by slightly raising his fingers, he could mobilize the four elements of earth, fire, water and wind!

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