In a small town in the far north of the Kingdom of Xillon, the tavern was bustling with people.

“Hey, is it really okay to drink so much?”

“What are you talking about? The Kingdom of Shillong gave us so much money, of course we should spend it happily!”

“Aren’t you afraid of the possibility of fighting Arcadia?”

“Arcadia……I heard that the people in that country are very wealthy.”

“Even adventurers are hired to solve the problems of civilians, and they don’t have to sleep in the open air and take huge risks to make money like us.”

Bang – a drunk guy slammed his wine glass on the table

“Just a group of dogs who have given up their ideals and freedom!”

“They say they are working for the civilians. Only a fool would believe such a lie!”

“Those nobles are all of the same character, they only know how to exploit the lives of the lower classes!”

“That’s why we have to destroy that country and make those ungrateful adventurers wake up again!!!”

The man’s words caused all the adventurers in the tavern to raise their glasses and cheer.

“Oh, kill them! Destroy Arcadia! For freedom!!!”

At a secluded table in the corner,

Rhode took a sip of wine and frowned slightly in disdain.

“It’s really hard to drink.”

After learning about the emergency from Charlotte, Rhode quickly arrived at the border between the two countries through space teleportation.

He was quite curious about how the Kingdom of Xillon had the courage to suddenly attack Arcadia’s goods.

The blonde girl sitting opposite him held a wine glass, listened to everyone’s discussion, and looked at Rhode curiously.

“They don’t seem to believe in your benevolent rule.”

Rhodes shook his head and sneered disapprovingly.

“It’s not that they don’t believe it, it’s that they don’t want to believe it”

“The adventurers who took great risks to go to Arcadia a few years ago have all found stable jobs in the new department and now have happy families.”

“Since they couldn’t go to Arcadia for various reasons, they could only deceive themselves that everything on the other side was fake, otherwise they would probably collapse.”

In the entire disputed area, any adventurer with a little ability had tried every means to join Arcadia.

Don’t look at how romantic the adventurers are in the story, but in fact 99% of the adventurers are in a state of hunger and can die at any time.

There are even many robbers and thieves who plunder in the name of adventurers, and the whole state is a mixed bag.

Bullying and oppression of the weak are common in the adventurer industry. Even if you have spent a huge price to obtain the spoils with your own hands, you may not be able to keep them in the end.

Having the opportunity to eat the iron rice bowl of the country and get a generous salary safely is what most adventurers desire most.

Rhode’s reform alone is almost worshipped by adventurers.

Now these so-called conservatives are just simply incompetent and furious.

Mavis sighed a little

“If you can’t have it yourself, you don’t want to see others get it. Jealousy is the original sin of mankind that is difficult to eliminate.”

Originally, Rhode planned to come alone to inspect the situation.

But Mavis followed him, saying that she was a military advisor and had to conduct a field survey of the future enemy.

However, Rhode felt that Mavis was more interested in understanding him than understanding the enemy.

“”Hey, you guy, why don’t you cheer with us?”

The leading man seemed to notice that Rhode and the other man were out of tune, and looked at them with an unhappy expression.

After he said this, the tavern slowly quieted down.

Everyone gradually surrounded the two people with unfriendly eyes.

The leading man, with a red face, walked to Rhode with a staggering step and stared at him fiercely.

“My name is Zoldat, what’s your name?”

Zoldat slammed his hand on the table in front of Rhodes and shouted loudly.

“How come I have never seen you before? Don’t you know this is our territory?!”

Rhode pushed the magic eye on his nose and chuckled.

“Come on, there is no point in staying here any longer. Mavis, let’s go.”

Zoldat stopped Rod aggressively.


“What’s up with that smile of yours, little devil?”

“Maybe you think you are very polite, but in fact you are not! The look in your eyes is a look of contempt for us!”

“I say, you are not some noble kid, and you think we are hopeless idiots, right? You say so?”

The man’s angry voice echoed throughout the tavern.

Rhode sighed.

“I wonder if you are Chao Xiong?

The adventurers in the tavern whispered in confusion.

“What does Chaoxiong mean?”

“Is it a superhero?”

“Boring, this guy praised Zoldat even after being scolded, it seems he is also a coward”

“I also can’t stand that boy in fancy clothes. I work so hard to make money, but I’m afraid it’s not as much as his monthly pocket money. It’s disgusting.”

Zoldat was stunned for a moment.

“What do you mean?”

Mavis covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

“I’ve heard Rod explain this term before. It means you have big limbs and are irritable and angry.”

“Simply put, you have a brain disease.”

Hearing this, Zoldat smashed the table.

Wood fragments and food flew everywhere, and the red bean soup almost splashed onto Mavis, but Rhode waved his hand in time to block it.

“What nonsense! How dare a little brat look down on others!”

“Aren’t you just a nobleman who relies on your family background? You don’t think we are afraid of you!”

“Come on, come on if you can!”

Rhode’s originally lazy atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

The adventurers present kept making noises, and only Mavis noticed Rhode’s change.

“Kneel down”

“Huh? You think I’ll kneel down and……..Um, what happened?!”

Zoldat was still laughing at Rhodes the moment before, but the next moment he was horrified to find that his body was out of control!

His knees hit the floor tiles hard, making a crisp sound, and I’m afraid his bones were broken.

“What on earth did you do?”

Zoldat’s blood boiled, and he drew the long sword from his waist angrily.

Rhodes seemed to ignore it, took out a napkin from his pocket, and wiped his mouth leisurely.

“Now, disarm.”

Zoldat’s head was throbbing with veins, and he clenched his teeth, but he could only watch helplessly as his right hand automatically threw the long sword out.

“I’m going to kill you…….!!!”

“Shut up”



Bang, bang, bang, bang—

Zoldat’s eyes were red, filled with grief and anger.

He tried every way to resist, but he could only kowtow mechanically like a puppet, unable to speak. The ground was stained with blood. Rhodes threw the napkin on the ground and walked past Zoldat calmly.

“Wait, wait, what did you do? Release Zoldat!”

The adventurers drew their swords in unison and blocked Rhode’s way. They looked at him angrily, as if they were looking at some evil devil.

Rhode tilted his head.

“Weird, he was the one who provoked me from the beginning to the end, and he was the one who asked me to attack him.”

“If I remember correctly, you were the one who just instigated us to fight.”

“Why are you unhappy when I acted according to your wishes?

The adventurers were speechless, but then they immediately shouted with red necks.

“We don’t care about that, just release Zoldat!”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

“Otherwise we will kill the woman and sell her to…….”

Rhode raised his right hand indifferently and waved it gently at the man’s face.

“Stop breathing.”

The man wanted to continue yelling and threatening Rhode, but the moment he heard this, he immediately closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

The woman in the adventurer team looked horrified, watching this incomprehensible scene, covering her face and screaming.


Rhodes frowned slightly, stepped over the man’s body, and waved his right hand at the woman again.


The woman’s facial muscles immediately twisted strangely, forcibly interrupting her scream, and revealed a strange and gentle smile.

Rhode walked in front of her, put his hands behind his back and looked at her quietly.

“You were not qualified for me to take action personally. After all, I don’t want to compete with my subordinates for heads.”

“I’ll give you a chance now. If you tell me some valuable information, I’ll consider letting you die less painfully.

This time, Rhode didn’t use mental magic.

The woman seemed to have been completely frightened by Rhode and blurted out all the information she knew.

“King Pakus borrowed dozens of knights from the Kingdom of Wanglong to launch a coup, and it seems that he also got help from the Northern Gods……..”

“The chief officer of Kalon Fortress is Zano Basilon, the third prince of the Shillon Kingdom. He is the son of God with extraordinary powers and is terrifyingly powerful!”

“There are about 300 people inside the fortress. We are only assigned as scouts to detect the enemy’s troops……..”

The woman begged for mercy in a low voice, tears streaming down her face

“I, that’s all I know, please forgive us.”

Rhode saw through her pleading eyes and nodded with satisfaction, patting her shoulder.

“You didn’t lie, you’re a good kid.”

“Then I…….”[]

“See you in the next life.”

Rhode waved his hand gently, granting the woman euthanasia.

Plop – the woman opened her eyes wide and was about to speak, but she lost her breath and fell to the ground with a regretless smile on her face.

In the eyes of the adventurers full of fear and anxiety, Rhode turned around, took Mavis’s hand, stepped over the corpse on the ground, and walked towards the door.

No one dared to speak to Rhode anymore. Their faces were full of fear, their legs were trembling, and they didn’t dare to raise their swords to Rhode.

When passing by a man, Rhode suddenly stopped, turned his head and blinked.

“I remember you, you mean you don’t like me, right?”

The man said tremblingly, sweat pouring out of his forehead.

“I, I was wrong……”

Blood splattered in the air.

A sharp sword pierced his heart from behind.

The man looked back at his former companion in disbelief, as if he had never expected that his friend, whom he had trusted with his life and death, would actually attack him.

The other party raised his hands with a pale face and shouted in despair.

“No, not me……I can’t control myself!”

Rhodes shrugged.

“Just because you admit your mistake doesn’t mean I forgive you”

“Relax, everyone will be with you.”

He straightened his collar, patted the wrinkles on his clothes, waved his right hand casually, and spoke calmly

“Now, let’s kill each other.”

All the adventurers swung their swords uncontrollably, using all their means to fight for their lives with the people closest to them.

“.Ahhhh, damn it, get out of the way!”

“I didn’t mean to kill you……..”

“Woo woo woo, devil, he is the devil!”

“I knew that Zoldat’s temper would hit a wall one day!”

“Damn it, I’m going to kill him first!”

“But he is our leader…….”

“So what if it’s the captain? He was the one who killed us for no apparent reason!”

The metallic collision of swords and blades, the dull sound of weapons piercing into flesh and blood.

In the complex and harsh symphony, mixed with the sounds of begging for mercy and wailing, together played a beautiful melody.

Rhodes walked out of the door with Mavis in a relaxed manner, waved his hand to close the door, and finally waved his hand.

“Enjoy it, everyone. Farewell.~”

【Congratulations to the host for killing C-level character: Zoldat Heckler】

【Tags: swordplay】

【Reward: C-level lottery card]

After the two of them walked out of the tavern for a long time, Mavis finally relaxed her frown and looked up curiously and asked

“Was that mental magic just now?”

Rhodes stopped and asked in surprise.

“You were just thinking about this?”

Mavis nodded.

“Yes, at first I thought it was some kind of magic, but later I found it was more like mental interference.”

Rhode blinked and asked in confusion.

“Don’t you think my methods are a bit cruel?”

Mavis smiled cheerfully, as if she knew Rhode was going to ask this.

“Please don’t treat me as a child like Fren.~”

“Lady Fulilian once told me that the brave team she joined almost died on the way out because two teammates were not respectful to the king.”

Rhode also knew about this.

It was ridiculous for Rhode to care about such things when he was counting on the brave to defeat the devil.

Moreover, Fulilian could destroy the soldiers of the entire capital by herself.

The so-called class is equivalent to nothingness in front of the strong.

“Of course I don’t like the king’s style, but now I am Rhode’s military advisor. If someone offends Rhode’s majesty, I will also advocate killing them without hesitation.”

Mavis said frankly with a complex look in her eyes.

“What’s more, they are Arcadia’s enemies, aren’t they?”

“In war, sometimes it is acceptable to use any strategy at any cost in order to win (for the sake of money and king).”

“Rhode doesn’t need to feel that he is cruel. At least I have seen darker means.”

Rhode smiled with satisfaction.

Although Fairy Tail is a positive existence that emphasizes companions and bonds in the original work, Mavis, who can intimidate the entire continent in the name of the fairy strategist, is obviously not just a simple girl.

Mavis is getting to know Rhode, and he is also getting to know the real Mavis.

The previous action was just a test.

Now he has got the most perfect answer.

Mavis and Rhode looked at each other tacitly, and smiled at each other with tacit understanding.

“So, what was that spiritual magic just now?”

Rhodes took Messi’s hand and walked towards the end of the town again.

“It is a combination of mental magic and control magic. The difference between their magic power and mine is too great. I don’t even need to fully unleash my magic to control their bodies and minds.”

Mavis suddenly realized and sighed with some regret.

“So that’s how it is……..I used to think that my magic power was enough, but now that I have met Rhode, I find that it is far from enough.”

Rhode’s heart moved.

In the original work, in addition to the three super magics that were born because of Mavis, there is also a final forbidden magic that is superior to them – Fairy Heart Rain!

Its effect is simple and crude, that is – infinite magic!

After Mavis died due to the curse in the original work, she was sealed in a crystal by the second-generation president Preshito, who tried to revive her with resurrection magic.

For more than 30 years, Preshito has been studying resurrection magic and using it on Mavis.

So under many coincidences, Preshito’s resurrection magic and Mavis’s immortal curse, the two merged, and a unique permanent magic was born.

This magic will not be exhausted and can provide magic power forever.

The strongest resurrection magic in this world is the god-level healing magic.

Rhode secretly kept this in mind and planned to experiment with it when he had the chance.

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