After glancing at the huge crater, he turned his attention back to Takamiya Mio.

She seemed to have expected that the cadre would be able to dodge the attack. Suddenly, a dense array of flower bud energy balls emerged from her hands and began to attack non-stop.

""Alas!" Looking at Tonomiya Mio who was still unwilling to give up after failing to hit her with one blow, Takaban couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart. With a light step, Takaban disappeared from the spot in an instant and appeared behind Tonomiya Mio. Takaban did not attack, but said:"Stop, Tonomiya Mio, you are not my opponent."

Tonomiya Mio, who was attacking Takaban, heard Takaban's voice coming from behind her, her face suddenly changed, and she quickly turned around and looked at Takaban with a vigilant face.

"Okay, you don't have to look at me so vigilantly."Looking at Yucun Lingyin's vigilant look, Gao Ban shook his head and said

"After all, you are a character in my book, and you are my child."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"Why?"After hearing what Takasaka said, the vigilant Takamiya Mio immediately asked

"What why?" Gao Ban asked in confusion

"Why did you write that?"Takamiya Mio asked with a frosty face.

After hearing what Takamiya Mio said, Takamiya fell silent for a moment and said:

"At first I didn't know you were real."

"Is that all?"After hearing what Takasaka said, Takamiya Mio asked expressionlessly.

"Of course, it's not just that. After all, novels are just the product of the author's imagination. How can they be so popular if they are not written like this?"Altaïr said lightly.

From Gao Ban's speed just now, she knew that her idea of killing Gao Ban today had failed, so she was very happy to give Gao Ban a hard time.

"Am I right? Takaban?"Altaïr said to Takaban with a smile on his face.

After hearing what Altaïr said, Takamiya Mio's face suddenly turned cold again.

"That's right and wrong. I just wrote the world in my mind. Gao Ban replied.

When he was writing, he wanted to move the world in his past life to this world, but what caught him off guard was that Altair appeared in this world.

"Really?" Altair said sarcastically.

"That's right. Gao Ban nodded.

"So, I'm sorry, Takamiya Mio, I wrote you so badly."Takaban said with an apologetic look.

Takaban never denied his mistakes. If he knew that Altair existed in this world, he would definitely not write the elves' life stories so badly, but write them perfectly.

But there is no such thing as a chance, so for Takamiya Mio's visit to him, he could only say sorry to Takamiya Mio.

Altair, who was standing aside, saw Takamiya Mio's look, and his face suddenly changed slightly. Then, as if he remembered something, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said:

"Don't forget, Takamiya Mio, he is Gokawa Shiori's boyfriend!"

After hearing what Altair said, Takamiya Mio suddenly raised her head and looked at Takasaka with murderous intent. After seeing this, Takasaka couldn't help but smile bitterly and said:

"As your creator, I need to remind you once that Somiya Shinji is dead."

"And Gokawa Shiori is your child"

"I don't believe that Shiori is the real Shiori!"The murderous intent emanated from Takamiya Mio, and the small animals around him fled in panic after sensing the murderous intent from Takamiya Mio.

""Alas!" Seeing the look on Takamiya Mio's face, Gao Ban couldn't help but sigh.

"Although this may make you a little sad, I did write in my book that Gokawa Shiori is your child with Somiya Shinji."

"I'm going to kill you!" After hearing Takamiya Mio's words, she rushed towards Takamiya like crazy.

Looking at Takamiya Mio who was rushing towards him with a crazy face, Takamiya slightly turned his body and avoided Takamiya Mio's attack.

Takamiya Mio didn't care that she didn't hit Takamiya, and immediately turned around and rushed towards Takamiya again.

Looking at Takamiya Mio rushing towards him, Takamiya couldn't help but hide again and didn't make a move.

Takamiya understood that Takamiya Mio couldn't listen to anything at the moment, and now she could only calm down by letting her vent.

Therefore, Takamiya Mio had no choice but to dodge Takamiya Mio's attacks again and again.

In the sky, Altair looked at Takamiya Mio who was dodging with a smile on her face. Although she also knew that Takamiya Mio's actions would not cause any harm to Takamiya, it was not a problem to disgust Takamiya.

"Haha! Takaban, you just stay here and continue playing with Takamiya Mio, I'll leave first." Seeing that Takamiya Mio couldn't hurt Takaban in a short time, Altair chose to leave.

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