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"Yuigahama-san, do you know?"

Shirogane Miyuki did not answer her question directly, but asked her back.


Yuigahama Yui looked at Shirogane Miyuki with a puzzled look, wanting to ask her what she knew!

"In fact, you don’t have to make cookies that are particularly delicious! No matter if they are male or female, as long as they are your good friends, they will be very happy to receive your gifts."

Shirogane Miyuki paused for a moment and pointed to the cookies Yuigahama Yui had made before.

"Even if you are a cookie that looks like charcoal, they will still be happy."

Shirogane Miyuki is sure that even if he teaches her again, Yuigahama Yui, the genius of the dark cuisine world, will not be able to learn it. Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn't have the time to talk about it, so he can only use this reason to fool Yuigahama Yui. Of course, it can't be called fooling, because many facts have proved that this is still quite useful.

"It's not a cookie that looks like charcoal."

Yuigahama Yui's face immediately turned red, and she said angrily

"Anyway, just let them know your feelings."

Shirogane Miyuki ignored Yuigahama Yui's blushing face and said softly with a calm expression


Around ten o'clock in the evening, with the door locked, Shirogane Yuxing was sitting quietly on the bed, as if waiting for something to happen.

The service club activity this afternoon was just a small episode for him, and what happened tonight was the most important thing for him at this stage.

When the alarm clock on the desk pointed to twelve o'clock in the evening, Shirogane Yuxing's eyes suddenly condensed, and he thought to himself,"Is it coming?"

Suddenly, a faint white mist appeared in the closed room. When the white mist dissipated, a heroic woman in black casual clothes appeared silently in front of him.

"Your Majesty, I, Najeshitan, greet you!"

The heroic woman immediately knelt on one knee and said respectfully when she saw Shirogane Yuxing sitting cross-legged.

The person who came was Najeshitan, the commander who was appointed by Shirogane Yuxing to manage all his actions in this world.

"Get up, this is not the territory of Daheng, there is no need to be so solemn."

Baiyin Yuxing waved his hand casually.


Najeshitan nodded, quickly stood up and answered softly.

"Have you made any progress in this world?"

Looking at Najeshitan, Baiyin Yuxing asked calmly.

"Your Majesty, we have now established a base for our Daheng in this country called Japan."

Najesita's originally calm face turned a little serious.

"In Japan? Why don't you build a base in China, the country where we first came to this world?"

After hearing what Najeshitan said, Baiyin Yuxing asked in surprise.

Before parting with Najeshitan and other loyal subordinates, he only gave two orders, that is, not to reveal his identity as a visitor from another world and to find out whether there is any extraordinary power in the dark of this world. The rest was left to them to do as they pleased.

So Baiyin Yuxing himself naturally didn't know where they built a base for Daheng. Of course, the reason why he delegated power like this was because he was 100% sure that none of them would betray him, nor dare to betray him.

"We did want to establish a base in that magical country, China, but due to some accidents and other reasons, we had to give up this idea."

Najesita said awkwardly, without clearly explaining the reason.

I don't know if it was Baiyin Yuxing's illusion, but he felt that Najesita's tone was slightly heavier when she talked about that magical country, China.

"How do you plan to develop our Daheng forces in this world?"

Since Najeshitan was not going to tell him the specific reason, Baiyin Yuxing was not interested in asking further, but continued to ask her about the next plan.

Since he promised to leave the matter to Najeshitan, he would never interfere under normal circumstances, but he still had to understand what he should know.

This is the so-called trust in people, and it is also one of the necessary conditions for achieving great things.

"I plan to build a consortium with great influence based on some of the basic technologies of the empire, as the first step for our Daheng to step into this world."

"The use of some of Daheng's basic scientific and technological technologies still requires your majesty's authorization."

Najesita said to Baiyin Yuxing with shining eyes.

"Your idea is very good. I approve this matter. However, in addition to developing business openly, I will secretly let Will and Lubbock establish a killer organization."

"The rules will be the same as your previous night raids. In addition to assassination, the most important thing is to collect intelligence of all sizes in this world. You can arrange the details yourself!"

After hearing Najeshitan's next plan, Shirogane Yuxing carefully thought about the pros and cons, pondered for a moment, nodded in agreement, but he made another request.

""As you command, Your Majesty."

After hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said, Najeshitan said softly, as if thinking about something.

"How is your investigation going on with that matter?"

Baiyin Yuxing asked Najeshitan again in a serious tone. The result of the investigation was his biggest concern at the moment, because it was related to his next series of arrangements and was extremely important to him.

"Your Majesty, according to our investigations over the past few days, we have not found any traces of supernatural powers."

Najesita shook her head. She naturally knew what Baiyin Yuxing was talking about.

"Didn't you notice? Is the supernatural power in this anime world hidden very deeply? Or does it not exist at all?"

Shirogane Miyuki habitually touched his chin and muttered a few words to himself before giving an order to Najeshitan.


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