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"You are simply shirking responsibility!"

Looking at Shirogane Miyuki's indifferent expression, an invisible anger surged into Yukinoshita Yukino's heart. She suppressed the burning anger in her heart and said angrily in a slightly excited tone

"No, no, no, I just used the simplest and most practical method to solve the problem."

Baiyin Yuxing said three"no"s in a row, his tone full of absolute ego. Obviously, he thought that there was absolutely nothing wrong with what he did. Using the simplest and most practical method to perfectly solve the problem, is there anything wrong with that?

"There are other more perfect solutions, why do you have to choose this method?"

"And I think if you want to improve yourself, you should try to challenge your own limits, which is also the best way for Yuigahama-san."

Hearing the slightly tough words of Shirogane Miyuki, the anger in Yukinoshita Yukino's heart had quietly receded without knowing when, but her face still showed a look of disapproval, and she spoke softly with cold words.

Shirogane Miyuki's pursuit of simple and practical methods to solve problems and only pay attention to the results and Yukinoshita Yukino's pursuit of the most perfect way to solve problems and pay attention to their own growth in the process are incompatible. Although both of them are solving problems, neither of them is convinced by the other.

"It's very simple, because this is the simplest, most practical, and fastest solution, you can't deny that."

Faced with the question thrown by Yukinoshita Yukino again, Shirogane Miyuki said softly without any hesitation

"Forget it, there's nothing to say about these things. Everyone has their own ideas, and no one can change anyone else."

Seeing that Yukinoshita Yukino was about to say something, Shirogane Miyuki shook his head and said softly.

Seeing that Shirogane Miyuki looked like there was nothing to say, Yukinoshita Yukino, who was already extremely cold and arrogant, naturally would not speak in a boring way, but continued to lower her head and immerse herself in the world of books.

Shirogane Miyuki glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino, who had returned to her normal state, and then talked about topics related to comics with Shiina Mashiro, who had been silent all the time, just like when the two of them first came to the Service Club activity room yesterday, the whole activity room fell into a weird atmosphere again.

""Knock, knock, knock!"

However, this strange atmosphere came and went quickly, and it was soon broken by a series of knocks on the door.

"Please come in."

Hearing the knocks on the door, Yukinoshita Yukino's face remained as calm as before, without the slightest fluctuation.

As if hearing the reply from the owner of this classroom, the door was gently pushed open, and a girl who was very familiar to Yukinoshita Yukino was standing at the door. It was Yuigahama Yui, the center of their previous argument.


She smiled and greeted the three people in the room enthusiastically.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Yui, who looked very familiar, the arrogant Yukinoshita sighed and asked in a somewhat unaccustomed cold voice.

When the door was just opened, Gin Yuxing subconsciously raised his head, and the moment he saw Yuigahama Yui, he was firmly attracted by the place in front of her that Yukinoshita Yukino could never compare to.

"What? It seems like you don't welcome me very much."

Facing Yukinoshita Yukino's indifference, Yuigahama Yui's originally enthusiastic smile seemed to be doused by a basin of cold water, and it instantly wilted.

"Yukinoshita-san... hates me?"

Looking at the expressionless Yukinoshita, Yuigahama Yui asked her nervously. It was obvious that she didn't want to be hated by Yukino.

"I don't hate you, I'm just not good at dealing with you."

After hearing what Yuigahama Yui said, Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to think for a moment, and then replied coldly:

"This means the same thing in girls' language."

Yukinoshita Yukino's explanation made Yuigahama Yui very excited. She really wanted to have a good relationship with Yukino.

"So what are you doing here today?"

Seeing the very excited Yuigahama Yui, Yukinoshita Yukino quickly changed the subject.

"It's a return gift for the previous commission. This is the result of my hard work at home all night yesterday."

Yuigahama Yui found a chair and sat next to Yukinoshita Yukino, then took out a bag of biscuits from her cute pink schoolbag and handed it to Yukinoshita Yukino.

Looking at the bag of biscuits handed over by Yuigahama Yui, Yukinoshita's mind reappeared the scenes in the cooking classroom yesterday, and her face turned pale instantly.

Not far away, Shirogane Miyuki's face also froze. Obviously, both of them remembered the horror of being dominated by Yuigahama Yui yesterday. Only Shiina Mashiro, who seemed to not understand something, was staring at this scene blankly.

"I don't have any appetite now."

But seeing the bag of biscuits that was almost handed to her, Yukinoshita Yukino had no choice but to bite the bullet and said

"Wow, this is quite fun to make. Let’s try making bento or something later!"

As if she didn’t hear what Yukinoshita Yukino said, Yuigahama Yui continued to take out two bags of biscuits from her schoolbag, while happily talking about her thoughts after making them.

Looking at Yuigahama Yui who seemed very interested in cooking, at this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino and Shirogane Miyuki had the same thought in their minds:"This guy won’t be fooled!】

"By the way, Xue, let's have lunch together in the activity room from now on."

Yuigahama Yui didn't mean to stop, and continued happily.

"No, I like to enjoy my lunch slowly by myself, so forget it."

"And the name Axue makes me feel uncomfortable."

Yukinoshita Yukino refused without any hesitation, without any consideration for Yuigahama Yui's feelings.

"Come to think of it, I have a lot of free time after school, so I can help you with club activities.

Yuigahama Yui automatically ignored Yukinoshita Yukino's refusal and continued to chatter.


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