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"Okay, you will always protect me, right?"

Suddenly Shiina Mashiro said this out of nowhere.

"Well, I will always protect my cute little Mashiro. This is my promise and my determination."

After hearing what Shiina Mashiro said, Shirogane Miyuki was slightly stunned, then nodded without hesitation and said softly


Shiina Mashiro said"hmm", and then her originally expressionless face showed a beautiful smile that would make any man's heart move.

Looking at the back of Nakano Yotsuba who had already gone far away, Shirogane Miyuki smiled slightly, but he didn't mean to leave at all. This matter was not completely resolved at all, and he naturally couldn't just leave like that.

After seeing Nakano Yotsuba talk with several tall-looking students for a while, and nothing happened in the middle, Shirogane Miyuki left with peace of mind.

On the way home, I don't know if it was because of what Shirogane Miyuki said before, the three-no girl Shiina Mashiro kept holding Shirogane Miyuki's arm, even on the tram on the way home, like a little girl who relied on her brother, without any shyness at all, or she didn't know what shyness was, and she hugged however she wanted.

After getting off the tram, when passing by a cake shop, Shiina Mashiro suddenly stopped.

"Mashiro, what's wrong?"

Feeling that Shiina Mashiro suddenly stopped beside him, Shirogane Miyuki turned around and asked her in confusion.

Soon he understood why Shiina Mashiro stopped and refused to leave, because he accidentally saw the cake shop not far away.

""Okay, I'm hungry."

Shiina Mashiro looked at Shirogane Miyuki with her innocent eyes, pretending to be pitiful and said softly

""Okay, I know what you want to eat, isn't it just a Baumkuchen? Since Mashiro is so well behaved today, I will take you to buy a Baumkuchen."

Shirogane Miyuki said softly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, as if he didn't know what to say to Shiina Mashiro who was still pretending.

Shirogane Miyuki didn't say much nonsense, and directly took Shiina Mashiro, who had been holding his arm, into the cake shop not far away.


The two female employees behind the cashier counter smiled at the arrival of the customers. As soon as they arrived at the cake shop, Shiina Mashiro released her hand holding Shirogane Miyuki's arm. A hint of excitement appeared on her face, and she couldn't wait to prepare the cake.

"Excuse me, where is the annual ring cake?"

Shirogane Miyuki grabbed Shiina Mashiro who was preparing the annual ring cake and asked the two shop assistants with professional smiles on their faces.


Shiina Mashiro looked at Shirogane Miyuki holding her hand and asked him with a puzzled tone, as if wondering why he held her back after he had promised her to go buy a Baumkuchen.

"Mashiro, I'll take you to buy a Baumkuchen later."

Looking at the somewhat puzzled Mashiro Shiina, Shirogane Miyuki did not intend to explain, but just said this lightly.


Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro, who trusted him very much, quickly became quiet. She had no intention of investigating further, or perhaps this innocent and beautiful girl didn't know what investigating further meant.

Although this cake shop doesn't look very big from the outside, once you get inside, you'll find that it's quite big, and there are many kinds of cakes.

In addition, the two clerks behind the cashier counter put on professional smiles that make people find no flaws when they see the arrival of the customers.

From these points, it can be seen that this cake shop is not a very famous chain store, but a very conscientious century-old store.

Although Shirogane Miyuki doesn't know much about these things,

""My dear guests, the annual ring cake is in this area. You can see it if you just walk straight ahead. I'll have someone take you there."

One of the two female shop assistants, with blond hair, pointed to the right side and said softly.

""Stop, there's a customer coming."

The yellow-haired female clerk called out, and then a cute-looking girl came jogging over from somewhere.

"OK, I understand"

""Please follow me, my two guests."

Led by the cute looking shop assistant, Shirogane Miyuki and Shiina Mashiro quickly arrived at their seats.

After finding the row of annual ring cakes, before Shirogane Miyuki could react, Shiina Mashiro walked up to it, picked up a annual ring cake without saying a word, tore open the packaging, and ate it in small bites like a cute kitten, with a happy smile on his face.

Shiina Mashiro's actions stunned the shop assistant who led the way.

"Sorry, that's just her personality. Please help me pack four more annual ring cakes."

Baiyin Yuxing said to the female clerk beside him calmly, obviously she was used to this scene.

"It's okay."

The female clerk smiled and said it was okay, then pulled out a bag from the side and put four annual ring cakes in it.

"Mashiro, didn't I tell you that you can't just tear open the package and eat it without paying?"

Looking at Shiina Mashiro whose smile revealed a bit of happiness, Shirogane Miyuki said softly with some helplessness.

But he was just talking and didn't take it too seriously. It wasn't a big deal. After experiencing everything in the world of Akame ga Kill, he naturally wouldn't take such a small matter to heart. Shirogane

Miyuki had no way to deal with the innocent girl Shiina Mashiro who refused to change. He couldn't bear to scold this girl who was as pure as a blank sheet of paper. Anyway, he promised her that he would protect her for a lifetime, which was equivalent to taking care of her for a lifetime. He could help her handle everything. He believed that there was nothing he couldn't handle in this anime world.


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