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"Look, Hayasaka has said so. It's okay."

Shinomiya Kaguya's tone unexpectedly revealed a bit of determination.

As soon as the voice fell, without waiting for the middle-aged driver to react, he turned around and left.

"Ah! Miss!"

When the middle-aged driver reacted, he could only see the back of Shinomiya Kaguya. He could only sigh helplessly, and could only keep comforting himself in his heart that the Miss would not encounter any accidents in such a short distance.

""Miss, please wait a moment, you forgot to take your handbag!"

Kaguya Shinomiya, who had half a step into the gate of the villa, suddenly heard a somewhat cold voice behind her.

She immediately stopped her steps and looked back to see her attendant Hayasaka Ai, wearing a cute maid outfit, walking slowly towards her, holding a handbag that she was very familiar with.


Shinomiya Kaguya took the handbag from Hayasaka Ai and nodded expressionlessly.

【No wonder I felt something was wrong just now, it turned out that I forgot to bring this schoolbag】

"Miss, I wish you all the best on your trip."

Hayasaka Ai was already used to Shinomiya Kaguya's cold attitude. She said in her somewhat cold voice, as if Miss Kaguya was not just going to school.

"Well, I'll leave first. I have to set up an ambush early... No, I have to have a romantic encounter with the president."

Shinomiya Kaguya waved her hand and walked out with graceful steps.

"What a young lady who likes to cause trouble for others!"

Looking at the gradually disappearing figure of Shinomiya Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai sighed helplessly, and then lifted up the maid outfit on her body. Like a magic trick, the clothes on her body instantly turned into the school uniform of Shuchiin Academy.

She quickly chased in the direction where Shinomiya Kaguya left. As Miss Kaguya's attendant and bodyguard, how could she leave Miss Kaguya alone?

So she had to protect Shinomiya Kaguya in secret, but this was not the first time, and there was only a short distance from this villa to Shuchiin Academy, so he was not in a hurry.

Serving Shinomiya Kaguya, a troublesome young lady, such a thing is as common as it can be. Although she was also protecting Miss Kaguya in secret in Shuchiin Academy, it was no different from this.

Under the refreshing sunshine, Shinomiya Kaguya showed an incomparably brilliant smile and walked forward slowly.

【Next, we will act according to the original plan and make sure to seize this precious opportunity.……】

【I have the impression that the president goes to school by train every day. If I walk to the platform closest to Shuchiin Academy, I will definitely run into the president, and then...】

Thinking of this, a perfect smile that was under control appeared on Shinomiya Kaguya's beautiful face.

"Are you imagining things again? But I feel that things won't go smoothly for Miss this time. I hope my hunch is wrong."

She hid in the dark to protect Kaguya Shinomiya, and looked at the sudden smile on Miss Kaguya's face. She muttered to herself with a headache.


The blue sky suddenly became overcast, and the dark sky gave people a strong feeling that a storm was about to hit.

"Is it going to rain?"

Shirogane Yuxing, who had just gotten off the train, looked at the sky above his head with some annoyance. He didn't know when the originally blue sky suddenly turned dark, and he kept complaining in his heart.

【I believed you, but I didn't expect that in a different world, the weather forecast is still so inaccurate. Where is the sunny weather? Where is the cloudless weather? This is already the prelude to a storm. As expected, no matter which world you are in, the weather forecast is so disappointing. 】

Of course, despite all the complaints, Shirogane Miyuki himself was not panicked at all. After all, he had already placed many useful or useless supplies in the system space, including umbrellas. Although there was only one, and it was a single umbrella, it also showed how foresighted he was.

Although even if it was a storm, as long as he wanted, the raindrops would never fall on him, but if this scene was seen by others, he would definitely not be able to enjoy his peaceful life for the past few months. Besides, Shiina Mashiro beside him did not have such ability.

""The sky?"

At this time, the three-no girl Shiina Mashiro also noticed that the sky suddenly became cloudy, and looked at Shirogane Miyuki with a questioning look.

"Well, it's going to rain soon."

In response to Shiina Mashiro's question, Shirogane Miyuki nodded without hesitation.

"Mashiro, do you have an umbrella with you?"

Shirogane Miyuki knew immediately that he had asked this question in vain. Shiina Mashiro responded in a low voice with a blank expression, his tone full of doubt.

"OK, what is an umbrella?"

"An umbrella is something that can keep out the rain."

Baiyin Yuxing explained with a headache, feeling a little ashamed. Why did he ask this innocent girl this question? He knew that she definitely didn't bring any umbrellas.

【Your family members have protected you so well! You don't even know what an umbrella is.】

"So it was that thing!"

After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's explanation, Shiina Mashiro said with a look of sudden enlightenment, although it was completely invisible on her expressionless face.

"Mashiro, looking at the dark weather, it will probably rain soon, and I only have one umbrella, and it’s a single umbrella, so we have to go to school quickly."

Shirogane Miyuki touched Shiina Mashiro’s smooth hair and said softly in a gentle tone.


Shiina Mashiro nodded obediently.

The two of them didn't say anything extra and walked quickly towards the direction of Shuchiin Academy.


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