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"It's similar to the home economics class you took in your previous school, with the teacher teaching in the front and the students forming teams to follow behind."

Baiyin Yuxing naturally knew why Nakano Satsuki asked this, and he explained with a smile.

"If there is any difference, it is only the equipment. You will know when you go there."

After a pause, Baiyin Yuxing continued

"So that's how it is. Then I will join the small bar where the president is."

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Nakano Mayu nodded a little puzzled. Aren't the equipments in the cooking classrooms similar? What's the difference?


Seeing that Nakano Mayu still had some doubts in her eyes, Shirogane Miyuki smiled slightly, without any intention of solving her doubts, and just said two words lightly.

【It seems that you still don't understand how amazing the financial resources and connections of Shuchiin Academy are. 】

In the cooking classroom of the Home Economics Class.

This cooking classroom has many gorgeous and exquisite kitchen configurations, which are completely customized according to the highest kitchen configuration. So many top-of-the-line kitchen facilities are not something you can get with money. From this, we can see how deep the school's network of connections is.

Looking at all this in front of her, Nakano Satsuki's eyes were full of amazement. Even if she didn't know anything about this kind of thing, she knew it must be expensive just by looking at the appearance. At this moment, her understanding of Shuchiin Academy has deepened a bit.

"Even if such gorgeous kitchen facilities were in front of me, I wouldn’t use them!"

"If Nino saw this, she would be very happy."

Nakano Satsuki murmured helplessly, and then she inexplicably thought of Nakano Nino, who was the best cook among the five sisters.

"But the food made in this kitchen must be delicious. It seems that I can enjoy a satisfying meal later."

Thinking of this, the helplessness on Nakano Satsuki's expression disappeared instantly, and there was only an incomparable desire for food in her eyes.

Shirogane Yuxing looked at Nakano Satsuki, who was emitting the aura of a foodie, speechlessly, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Since he didn't know what to say, he might as well ignore her. With this idea in mind, Shirogane Yuxing pretended not to hear what Nakano Satsuki said and ignored her directly.

However, at this moment, the home economics teacher standing on the podium clapped his hands with a faint smile on his face, and after gathering the eyes of all the students in the cooking room, he slowly spoke

"Very good, now that most of the students are here, let's officially start the class."

"So what do you want to learn in this cooking class? But as always, I still want to emphasize one point, because the time of a class is relatively short, so don't choose dishes that are too complicated and time-consuming."

These few words are the home economics teacher's usual white

"Teacher, I want to learn how to cook pork chops"

"Teacher, just teach me what dish you think is easy to cook. I don't care anyway."

"Teacher, I want to learn how to make teriyaki chicken"

"I want to learn how to make chawanmushi"


As soon as the home economics teacher finished speaking, the cooking classroom immediately became noisy. Except for a dozen students who really wanted to learn how to cook, most of the voices were booing. It’s strange to say that these dozen students who really wanted to learn how to cook were all girls, without a single boy, but it’s not strange at all when you think about it carefully.

Originally, most women were born to like cooking. In addition, Japanese society has always had a phenomenon of favoring boys over girls no matter what era it is. The most important thing in educating girls is to abide by the rules of women.

For example, when a family eats together, the men are served first, from the elders to the grandchildren, and then the grandmothers of the women can start to eat.

The most important point in abiding by the rules of women is to cook well, and such women are most likely to find a good family to marry.

Of course, these are all the rules of the past. Now in this new era of gender equality, they have completely disappeared. It cannot be said that they have completely disappeared. Only the idea of encouraging girls to cook remains. Influenced by this, it is not surprising that most Japanese women like to cook.

"Okay, okay, today I will teach you how to make a delicious fried pork chop!"

Looking at the increasingly noisy crowd, the home economics teacher slapped the podium in front of him, making everyone present quiet down, and then he smiled and decided on the next dish to teach.

"In this increasingly noisy environment, this teacher didn't get angry at all. She seems to be a very gentle person."

Looking at the home economics teacher who was smiling all the time at the podium, Nakano Satsuki murmured to herself

"This teacher is indeed very gentle at all times, but once he gets angry, he is very scary."

Hearing Nakano Satsuki's muttering, Shirogane Miyuki interrupted softly.

The home economics teacher on the podium in front of him always looks kind to everyone. As long as it is not too much, he will basically not get angry, but once he gets angry, he is very scary. Most of the students in this classroom are very clear about this, so when he slapped the podium fiercely, everyone instantly quieted down.

"This teacher who looks so gentle, is really scary when he gets angry?"

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Nakano Mayu asked back with some disbelief. She really couldn't imagine how scary the teacher on the podium would be when he got angry.

"Yes, it's very scary."

Shirogane Yuxing nodded without any hesitation. He was not at all displeased with Nakano Satsuki's disbelief. After all, if anyone hadn't seen the angry look of the home economics teacher, they would have behaved the same way as her.

"Shiina-san, what do you think?"

After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's affirmative answer and looking at the teacher on the podium, Nakano Mayu still felt a little bit unconvinced. She turned to Shiina Mashiro who had been silent and asked

"I don't know."

In response to Nakano Satsuki's sudden question, Shiina Mashiro just looked at her expressionlessly and uttered only three short words:


I am here to beg for flowers, collections, monthly tickets, rewards, and subscriptions.

The most important thing is that flowers are free. Please use flowers to kill me. Please support me!

If there is anything wrong with what I wrote, you can raise it in the comment area and I will modify it in time.

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