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"Dancing seems pretty good, but Ishigami-san and the president, you two grown men want to be lazy and push all the things to me and Kaguya, that's too much."

Fujiwara Chika thought for a moment and felt that the dance plan proposed by Ishigami Yu was pretty good. Then, with her super high IQ, she discovered the doubts and looked at the two men present with a look of how could you do this.

Especially when she looked at Ishigami Yu, the culprit, her eyes rarely revealed a hint of murderous intent.

Fujiwara Chika actually likes dancing very much. Whenever she is alone, she always dances there with great interest.

The most important thing is that he and Shinomiya Kaguya can both dance various kinds of dances. When the time comes, they just need to rehearse for a few days to hone their tacit understanding and everything will be OK. In this way, she still has a lot of time left, which is basically no different from before.

"Fuji... How could Senior Fujiwara do that?"

Knocked on the murderous look in Chika Fujiwara's eyes, Ishigami Yu was instantly frightened and trembled, almost collapsing to the ground.

At this moment, the real man Ishigami Yu once again deeply experienced the horror of Chika Fujiwara.

"Is that so? In that case, then the accompaniment will be left to you and the president."

Fujiwara Chika glanced at Ishigami Yu, then smiled happily and said softly.

Hearing Fujiwara Chika's words, Shinomiya Kaguya's imagination ran wild, and even her originally calm breathing became a little faster.

【Let the president accompany me? That's really great. The cooperation between the president and I will definitely dazzle the audience. It would be even better if there were no such abominable woman and that shady man. 】

Thinking of this, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Fujiwara Chika beside her and Ishigami Yu opposite her with some displeasure, and then fell into a beautiful fantasy again.

【By then, all the students in the school will know that the president and I are the best soul mates, which will effectively prevent those cheating guys. With some other tricks, the president will come to me and confess his love. 】

Sensing the extremely unhappy look that Shinomiya Kaguya cast at him, Ishigami Yu's body, which had recovered somewhat, began to tremble again.

"I...I have an opinion."

Ishigami Yu raised his hand tremblingly and said

"Senior Ishigami, what do you think this time?"

After hearing that Ishigami Yu had another opinion, Fujiwara Chika once again stared at him with malicious eyes and asked

"Um… Um, I know nothing about music. Even if you ask me to accompany you on stage, I don’t know how to accompany you. So I’ll just pay it back."

Ishigami Yu calmed down his evil intentions and spoke in a trembling voice.

Apart from being an absolute genius in the field of computers, he was average in other areas, and even worse in music.

"Eh? Ishigami-san, you don't understand this aspect at all, so there's nothing I can do."

""President, what about you? You won't be the same as Ishigami, will you?"

Fujiwara Chika said with a look of regret, and then asked Shirogane Miyuki who was standing aside with an indifferent expression.

"As for music, I have some knowledge of it."

After hearing Fujiwara Chika's question, Shirogane Miyuki smiled faintly and said softly without any hesitation:

"It's decided then. The president, Kaguya and I will perform on stage together. Kaguya and I will dance, and the president will accompany us. As for Ishigami, we'll have him canvass for votes."

Fujiwara Chika thought for a moment, then concluded with a very happy smile on her face, and of course she didn't forget to arrange work for Ishigami Yu.


Shirogane Miyuki chose to remain silent about letting Ishigami Yuu canvass for votes. If Ishigami Yuu, a gloomy otaku who is disliked by all the girls in the first grade of high school, was asked to canvass for votes, Shirogane Miyuki was 100% sure that the number of votes would not increase, but would decrease instead.

"I feel that with the strength of our student union, there is no need to canvass for votes."

After a moment of silence, in order not to embarrass Ishigami Yuu, Shirogane Miyuki deliberately said this in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What the president said makes sense. With our absolute strength, we will definitely win first place even without canvassing votes."

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shinomiya Kaguya showed an extremely arrogant yet elegant beautiful smile, and said softly in an extremely confident tone:

"Since the president and Kaguya have said so, let's forget about asking Ishigami to canvass for votes."

Chika Fujiwara tilted her head cutely and agreed in a full-of-energy voice.

"Then what should I be responsible for?"

Yu Ishigami, who was sitting next to Shirogane Miyuki, saw that the three of them had already discussed the matter. He raised his hand and spoke with some expectation.

As for what he was looking forward to? Need I say it? Of course, he was looking forward to being lazy during the school festival, and only completing his work as the student council secretary, so that he could stay up late every day to play games.

"That's right? What should I let Ishigami Junior take responsibility for?"

After hearing Ishigami Yu's question, even the extremely intelligent Fujiwara Chika felt a headache.

"Then I will appoint Ishigami-san as the general manager of the school festival as the president of the student union."

Looking at the expectation in Ishigami Yu's eyes, Shirogane Miyuki naturally knew what this computer genius was planning, and as a responsible student union president, he would not let such an outstanding talent like him be so idle.

In Shuchiin Academy, large-scale student activities like school festivals are generally under the overall responsibility of the student union president who commands all students in the school. The school is only responsible for the investment of funds and will never intervene. Of course, this is also a way to evaluate the ability of the student union president.


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