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"Didn't you tell them that I was coming today?"

Looking at the surprised faces of the Kendo Club members, Shirogane Miyuki asked Sasaki Ming in silence.

"Don't you need to worry about these small details? I just forgot to tell them in advance."

Sasaki Ming said softly with a nonchalant look on his face.

""Sasaki-kun, you seem to have made a mistake. It was you who begged me to come to the Kendo Club, not me who insisted on coming. So I can choose to leave now."

Looking at Sasaki Ming who looked indifferent, Shirogane Yuxing was not annoyed, but just said to him lightly, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"Mr. Baiyin, I know I was wrong, please don't treat me like this, at least stay here for a while before leaving."

Sasaki Ming, who originally looked indifferent, changed his previous attitude after hearing the extremely calm words of Baiyin Yuxing, and said to him nervously

"Since I used to be the vice-chairman of the Kendo Club, I will stay here for a while."

Now that he has come here, Shirogane Miyuki will definitely not just leave without doing anything. What he said just now was just to scare Sasaki Ming.

"From now on, leave everything to me, you just watch from the side."

Looking at the people in the Kendo Club who were still making a lot of noise, Shirogane Miyuki frowned and whispered to Sasaki Ming, the person in charge,

"No problem, Shirogane-kun can train them however he wants, I think they will be very happy."

After hearing what Shirogane Yuxing said, Sasaki Ming agreed without hesitation. After all, he asked the president to come here just for this matter, so naturally he couldn't refuse here.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. Let's start the formal training from now on. Get in the right fencing position for me. I will guide you one by one."

Baiyin Yuxing clapped his hands, shifted everyone's attention to him, and then slowly spoke, his tone full of domineering intentions that could not be refused.

"What? The president wants to teach us? Great, it's right to join the Kendo Club."

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, the Kendo Club members who were originally whispering about it quickly dispersed and performed their best fencing moves, hoping to leave a good impression on the president.

A few seconds later, Shirogane Miyuki glanced at the Kendo Club members who had already taken their fencing positions, and then glanced at Sasaki Mei who was embarrassed.

With just one glance, Shirogane Miyuki found that few people's fencing moves were up to standard.

"Shirogane-kun, this may just be an accident. They must have suddenly seen you and were a little excited."

Noticing the look in Shirogane Yuxing's eyes, Sasaki Ming smiled awkwardly.

"Really? I remember that last time when you resigned as the deputy minister, didn't you promise me that you would teach them well?"

After hearing what Sasaki Ming said, Shirogane Yuxing asked him with an extremely cold face.

"Did I ever promise that? Ha!"

Sasaki Ming just smiled awkwardly.

"I roughly understand why the Kendo Club, which has a glorious history, has fallen to such a state."

After a deep sigh, Shirogane Yuxing murmured helplessly.

"Everyone, stop your fencing moves. I will now teach you the most formal fencing moves. Watch carefully. I will only teach you once."

Since the head of the Kendo Club is so unreliable, Shirogane Yuxing can only teach you from the most basic fencing moves. You can't just stand here and do nothing.

"Isn't the most formal fencing move what we do?"

"Yes! I think this kind of fencing moves are pretty cool!"

"But since the president said so, it must be correct."

After hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said, everyone in the Kendo Club murmured to themselves in confusion.

"Most formal, handsome?"

After hearing the mutterings of the people in the Kendo Club, Shirogane Miyuki repeated the two key words they said, and once again gave Sasaki Ming a vicious look, feeling extremely speechless for his unreliability.


In response to Shirogane Miyuki's vicious look, Sasaki Ming just smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

""Student, raise your hands a little higher, keep your back straight, and don't treat the sword in your hand as a bamboo sword, but as a real sword."

After demonstrating the standard fencing movements, Shirogane Yuxing began to correct the movements of the girl closest to him.

【Is this the president's hand? It's so warm. The president is the best no matter where he is.

Feeling the warmth in Shirogane Yuxing's hand, the girl being guided had red eyes and stared at the president intently, wishing she could eat him alive.

"My classmate, you should use more force, don't be afraid that the bamboo sword in your hand will fly out"

"Your movements are too rigid. Don't fencing in a standard way. You need to be able to adapt to the situation, watch your opponent's next move, and then use your sword to intercept it."

"Step fast, swing the sword even faster, remember these two points, and train with these two points as the goal, you will definitely become very strong in the future."

In the Kendo Club's activity room, Shirogane Yuxing did not have any rest time, and kept instructing the Kendo Club members on swordsmanship.

Although these people did not even meet the standards for the most basic Kendo postures, Shirogane Yuxing was pleased that under his guidance, the effect was unexpectedly good.

"Okay, let's take a break and continue later."

Looking at the sweaty kendo club members, Shirogane Yuxing smiled with satisfaction and said to them softly

"Shirogane-kun, your teaching ability is still as strong as ever! It's a pity that you are already the president of the student union, otherwise I really want to give you the position of the head of the kendo club."

Sasaki Ming said to Shirogane Yuxing with a look of pity.


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