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Tải ảnh: 0.113s Scan: 0.118sThe bright and soft moonlight shines through the window onto the ground.

Baiyin Yuxing, who had just finished his shower, was sitting leisurely on his bed. Just as he was about to turn on his computer and enjoy the charm of the game, his cell phone suddenly rang. He took it and saw a new friend request on 1ine.

"It should be Sigong classmate, I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

Looking at this friend request message, Shirogane Yuxing smiled and muttered to himself, and then directly clicked to accept the friend request

"Xiao Ai! Look, the president has accepted my friend request immediately. What should I do next?"

In the luxurious villa of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Kaguya said to Hayasaka Ai excitedly.

"What else can I do? Of course I just keep talking to him!"

Hearing Kaguya Shinomiya's question, Hayasaka Ai sighed softly and said helplessly

【Miss Shinomiya is obviously a very smart person, why is she so clumsy when it comes to matters related to the president? Can love really lower a woman's IQ?】

"Good evening, Shinomiya-san."

After accepting Shinomiya Kaguya's friend request, Shirogane Miyuki was the first to type a greeting.

"Good evening, President."

Seeing the message sent by Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya's face was very excited, and she replied word by word.

"I have something to do tomorrow afternoon, so the rehearsal of the three of us will have to be postponed to the day after tomorrow."

Remembering what he promised Shiina Mashiro not long ago, Shirogane Miyuki sent this message to Shinomiya Kaguya again.

"Do you have something to do after school tomorrow? Could it be related to that hypocritical woman Yuuki? Damn, that hypocritical woman pretends to be kind and gentle to the president all day long to win his favor."

Seeing the message sent by Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya instantly remembered the figure of Yuuki Asuna, the hateful woman, and her teeth clenched tightly. She punched the bed hard with one hand and muttered to herself with resentment.

"Miss, I think with the strict family education of the Yuuki family, Yuuki Asuna should not have any free time after school, so this matter should have nothing to do with her."

Seeing this, Hayasaka Ai touched her forehead speechlessly and said softly

"Uh, is that so? But even so, that woman is a hypocritical woman."

After hearing what Hayasaka Ai said, Shigong Hui muttered to himself with a look of enlightenment, but the resentment in his tone showed no sign of fading.

"You are such a hypocritical woman, okay? I'm going to take a shower first, and I'll stay here alone and chat with the president slowly."

Hayasaka Ai said this to Shinomiya Kaguya who kept muttering, and then turned and left the room.

Sometimes Hayasaka Ai didn't know whether to be good to Gin Miyuki or to hate him, after all, it was he who turned her most beloved young lady into such a stupid person.

The reason why she didn't know whether to thank him or hate him was because he made Shinomiya Kaguya change so much. The original Kaguya didn't take anyone seriously. She was a pure egoist who would use everything she could to achieve her goals.

Since meeting Shinomiya Kaguya, Shinomiya Kaguya has undergone unprecedented changes. In the eyes of people who don't know her well, she may not have changed much, but in the eyes of people who know her very well, she seems to have become a completely different person.

Hayasaka Ai couldn't really tell what exactly had changed, but it felt like she had changed from a cold and heartless monster who didn't know what compassion was to a person with flesh and blood and a heart in the true sense, and at the same time, she had become very stupid at times.

Hayasaka Ai, who was taking a comfortable bath in the bathroom, thought of this and glanced in the direction of Shinomiya Kaguya's room. The corners of her pretty face twitched involuntarily.

"Hmm... How should I answer this question so that it doesn't seem too abrupt and seems extremely natural?"

After mumbling, Shinomiya Kaguya began to struggle again, not knowing how to properly reply to the message sent by Shirogane Miyuki.

"【No problem] Doesn't this seem too perfunctory? This will definitely make the president think that I don't care about this matter at all. [Understood, please don't worry about it, I will look forward to the drill the day after tomorrow.] Will this make me seem too concerned about the president? Then the president will definitely think I am a frivolous woman……】"

Kaguya Shinomiya's brain was working non-stop, trying to think of the most suitable answer for her at this stage.

After thinking hard for a while, Kaguya Shinomiya's brain was already overloaded, but even so, she still didn't know how to reply to Shirogane Miyuki.

Seeing the time passing by quickly, Kaguya Shinomiya shouted in her heart,"Oh no!", and rushed into the bathroom where Hayasaka Ai was with her mobile phone.

"Xiao Ai, how can I reply to this message so that it seems very natural?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Hayasaka Ai who was enjoying her bath and asked her anxiously, her tone full of helplessness.


Hayasaka Ai looked at Shinomiya Kaguya who suddenly rushed in speechlessly, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

"Isn't it enough to just say"I know" in a normal way? Why do you suddenly ask me this question?"

After seeing the chat records on Shinomiya Kaguya's phone, Hayasaka Ai was even more speechless. Wasn't it just a simple request for leave? Was there any need to ask her so urgently? Sure enough, when it comes to matters related to the president, the eldest lady is a complete idiot

"Eh? Doesn't this make me seem too perfunctory?"

After hearing Hayasaka Ai's simple and clear work, Shinomiya Kaguya said"eh" and asked her with a surprised look on her face.


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